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If you are using our backend SDK that is lesser than the following versions, please visit the older documentation link here.

Manually generating a link

You can use our backend SDK to generate the reset password link as shown below:

import EmailPassword from "supertokens-node/recipe/emailpassword";

async function createResetPasswordLink(userId: string, email: string) {
const linkResponse = await EmailPassword.createResetPasswordLink("public", userId, email);

if (linkResponse.status === "OK") {
} else {
// user does not exist or is not an email password user
Multi Tenancy

Notice that the first argument to the function call above is "public". This refers to the default tenant ID that is used in SuperTokens. It means that the generated password reset link can only be consumed by users belonging to the "public" tenant.

If you are using our multi tenancy feature, you can pass in the tenantId that contains this user, which you can fetch by getting the user object for this userId.

Finally, the generated link will use the configured websiteDomain from the appInfo object (in supertokens.init), however, you can change the domain of the generated link to match that of the tenant ID.

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