Storing data about a user
How the metadata updates work
In the SuperTokens core, we update the metadata using the following steps:
- Load old metadata from DB or use an empty object if we have nothing stored.
- Overwrite all root-level properties with the fields of the update object.
- Remove all root-level properties with a
This way, you can update parts of the metadata object without loading and merging the whole thing yourself.
Only root-level properties are merged into the stored object. Nested objects and all lower-level properties will be replaced.
- The stored object has a theme set in preferences, emails enabled in notifications, and a single to-do item, telling them to switch to text messages:
"preferences": { "theme": "dark" },
"notifications": { "email": true },
"todos": ["use-text-notifs"]
- Now, we want to update this by changing the notification setting and removing the entire to-do list:
"notifications": { "sms": true },
"todos": null
- The result will be then:
"preferences": { "theme": "dark" },
"notifications": { "sms": true }
Multi Tenancy
User metadata that is associated with a user is shared across all tenants that that user is a part of. If instead, you want to store user metadata on a tenant level, you can add a custom key in the JSON like:
"tenant1": {
"someKey": "specific to teannt1"
"tenant2": {
"someKey": "specific to teannt2"
"someKey": "common for all tenants"
and then read the appropriate key based on the tenantId
How to use
import express from "express";
import { verifySession } from "supertokens-node/recipe/session/framework/express";
import UserMetadata from "supertokens-node/recipe/usermetadata";
let app = express();"/updateinfo", verifySession(), async (req, res) => {
const session = req.session;
const userId = session.getUserId();
await UserMetadata.updateUserMetadata(userId, { newKey: "data" });
res.json({ message: "successfully updated user metadata" });