User Context
This feature is only available for SDKs versions:
- NodeJS >=
- Python >=
- GoLang >=
How does it work?This is a powerful concept that allows you to pass information across recipe and / or API functions so that customisations can be made based on a specific "execution context".
For example, you may want to disable creation of a session during sign up so that the user has to login again post sign up. In order to do that, the createNewSession
recipe function (from the Session recipe) will have to know that it's being called from the sign up API and return an empty session (which is equal to no session). This is as opposed to it being called from the sign in API, in which it should continue with normal functionalty.
In order to achieve this, all the API interface and recipe interface functions take a parameter called userContext
which is by default an empty object. When overriding the functions, you can add anything in this object and that information is carried onto the next set of functions being called in the API
Example useLet's take the example mentioned above and implement it in the context of this recipe. First, we override the sign up functions to add information into the context indicating that it's a sign up API call:
- NodeJS
- GoLang
- Python
- Other Frameworks
import SuperTokens from "supertokens-node";
import ThirdParty from "supertokens-node/recipe/thirdparty"
import EmailPassword from "supertokens-node/recipe/emailpassword"
appInfo: {
apiDomain: "...",
appName: "...",
websiteDomain: "..."
supertokens: {
connectionURI: "...",
recipeList: [
override: {
functions: (originalImplementation) => {
return {
signUp: async function (input) {
let resp = await originalImplementation.signUp(input);
if (resp.status === "OK" && resp.user.loginMethods.length === 1 && input.session === undefined) {
* This is called during the sign up API for email password login,
* but before calling the createNewSession function.
* We override the recipe function as shown here,
* and then set the relevant context only if it's a new user.
input.userContext.isSignUp = true;
return resp;
override: {
functions: (originalImplementation) => {
return {
signInUp: async function (input) {
let resp = await originalImplementation.signInUp(input);
if (resp.status === "OK" && resp.createdNewRecipeUser && resp.user.loginMethods.length === 1 && input.session === undefined) {
* This is called during the signInUp API for third party login,
* but before calling the createNewSession function.
* At the start of the API, we do not know if it will result in a
* sign in or a sign up, so we cannot override the API function.
* Instead, we override the recipe function as shown here,
* and then set the relevant context only if it's a new user.
input.userContext.isSignUp = true;
return resp;
import (
func main() {
RecipeList: []supertokens.Recipe{
Override: &tpmodels.OverrideStruct{
Functions: func(originalImplementation tpmodels.RecipeInterface) tpmodels.RecipeInterface {
ogSignInUp := *originalImplementation.SignInUp
(*originalImplementation.SignInUp) = func(thirdPartyID string, thirdPartyUserID string, email string, oAuthTokens map[string]interface{}, rawUserInfoFromProvider tpmodels.TypeRawUserInfoFromProvider, tenantId string, userContext *map[string]interface{}) (tpmodels.SignInUpResponse, error) {
resp, err := ogSignInUp(thirdPartyID, thirdPartyUserID, email, oAuthTokens, rawUserInfoFromProvider, tenantId, userContext)
if err != nil {
return tpmodels.SignInUpResponse{}, err
if resp.OK != nil && resp.OK.CreatedNewUser {
* This is called during the signInUp API for third party login,
* but before calling the createNewSession function.
* At the start of the API, we do not know if it will result in a
* sign in or a sign up, so we cannot override the API function.
* Instead, we override the recipe function as shown here,
* and then set the relevant context only if it's a new user.
(*userContext)["isSignUp"] = true
return resp, nil
return originalImplementation
Override: &epmodels.OverrideStruct{
APIs: func(originalImplementation epmodels.APIInterface) epmodels.APIInterface {
ogSignUpPOST := *originalImplementation.SignUpPOST
(*originalImplementation.SignUpPOST) = func(formFields []epmodels.TypeFormField, tenantId string, options epmodels.APIOptions, userContext supertokens.UserContext) (epmodels.SignUpPOSTResponse, error) {
// by default, the userContext object is {},
// we change it to {isSignUp: true}, since this is one of the
// sign up API, and this will tell the CreateNewSession function
// (being called inside ogEmailPasswordSignUpPOST)
// to not create a new session in case userContext["isSignUp"] == true
(*userContext)["isSignUp"] = true
return ogSignUpPOST(formFields, tenantId, options, userContext)
return originalImplementation
from supertokens_python import init, InputAppInfo
from supertokens_python.recipe import thirdparty, emailpassword
from supertokens_python.recipe.thirdparty.interfaces import (
from supertokens_python.recipe.emailpassword.interfaces import APIOptions, APIInterface
from supertokens_python.recipe.emailpassword.types import FormField
from typing import List, Dict, Any, Union, Optional
from supertokens_python.recipe.thirdparty.types import RawUserInfoFromProvider
from supertokens_python.recipe.session.interfaces import SessionContainer
def override_emailpassword_apis(original_implementation: APIInterface):
original_sign_up_post = original_implementation.sign_up_post
async def sign_up_post(
form_fields: List[FormField],
tenant_id: str,
session: Union[SessionContainer, None],
should_try_linking_with_session_user: Union[bool, None],
api_options: APIOptions,
user_context: Dict[str, Any],
# by default, the userContext Dict is {},
# we change it to {isSignUp: true}, since this is one of the
# sign up API, and this will tell the create_new_session function
# (being called inside original_emailpassword_sign_up_post)
# to not create a new session in case userContext["isSignUp"] is True
user_context["isSignUp"] = True
return await original_sign_up_post(
original_implementation.sign_up_post = sign_up_post
return original_implementation
def override_thirdparty_functions(original_implementation: RecipeInterface):
original_thirdparty_sign_in_up = original_implementation.sign_in_up
async def thirdparty_sign_in_up(
third_party_id: str,
third_party_user_id: str,
email: str,
is_verified: bool,
oauth_tokens: Dict[str, Any],
raw_user_info_from_provider: RawUserInfoFromProvider,
session: Optional[SessionContainer],
should_try_linking_with_session_user: Union[bool, None],
tenant_id: str,
user_context: Dict[str, Any],
response = await original_thirdparty_sign_in_up(
# This is called during the sign_in_up API for third party login,
# but before calling the create_new_session function.
# At the start of the API, we do not know if it will result in a
# sign in or a sign up, so we cannot override the API function.
# Instead, we override the recipe function as shown here,
# and then set the relevant context only if it's a new user.
if (
isinstance(response, SignInUpOkResult)
and response.created_new_recipe_user
and len(response.user.login_methods) == 1
and session is None
user_context["isSignUp"] = True
return response
original_implementation.sign_in_up = thirdparty_sign_in_up
return original_implementation
app_info=InputAppInfo(api_domain="...", app_name="...", website_domain="..."),
Then we consume that context in the createNewSession
function to return an empty function in case the userContext.isSignUp
is true
- NodeJS
- GoLang
- Python
- Other Frameworks
import SuperTokens from "supertokens-node";
import ThirdParty from "supertokens-node/recipe/thirdparty"
import EmailPassword from "supertokens-node/recipe/emailpassword"
import Session from "supertokens-node/recipe/session";
appInfo: {
apiDomain: "...",
appName: "...",
websiteDomain: "..."
supertokens: {
connectionURI: "...",
recipeList: [
/* See previous step... */
/* See previous step... */
override: {
functions: (originalImplementation) => {
return {
createNewSession: async function (input) {
if (input.userContext.isSignUp) {
* The execution will come here only in case
* a sign up API is calling this function. This is because
* only then will the input.userContext.isSignUp === true
* (see above code).
return { // this is an empty session. It won't result in a session being created for the user.
getAccessToken: () => "",
getAccessTokenPayload: () => null,
getExpiry: async () => -1,
getHandle: () => "",
getSessionDataFromDatabase: async () => null,
getTimeCreated: async () => -1,
getUserId: () => "",
revokeSession: async () => { },
updateSessionDataInDatabase: async () => { },
mergeIntoAccessTokenPayload: async () => { },
assertClaims: async () => { },
fetchAndSetClaim: async () => { },
getClaimValue: async () => undefined,
setClaimValue: async () => { },
removeClaim: async () => { },
attachToRequestResponse: () => { },
getAllSessionTokensDangerously: () => ({
accessAndFrontTokenUpdated: false,
accessToken: "",
frontToken: "",
antiCsrfToken: undefined,
refreshToken: undefined,
getTenantId: () => "public",
getRecipeUserId: () => SuperTokens.convertToRecipeUserId(""),
return originalImplementation.createNewSession(input);
import (
func main() {
RecipeList: []supertokens.Recipe{
Override: &sessmodels.OverrideStruct{
Functions: func(originalImplementation sessmodels.RecipeInterface) sessmodels.RecipeInterface {
ogCreateNewSession := *originalImplementation.CreateNewSession
(*originalImplementation.CreateNewSession) = func(userID string, accessTokenPayload, sessionDataInDatabase map[string]interface{}, disableAntiCsrf *bool, tenantId string, userContext supertokens.UserContext) (sessmodels.SessionContainer, error) {
_, isSignUp := (*userContext)["isSignUp"]
if isSignUp {
* The execution will come here only in case
* a sign up API is calling this function. This is because
* only then will the (*userContext)["isSignUp"] === true
* (see above code).
return &sessmodels.TypeSessionContainer{
RevokeSession: func() error { return nil },
GetSessionDataInDatabase: func() (map[string]interface{}, error) { return nil, nil },
UpdateSessionDataInDatabase: func(newSessionData map[string]interface{}) error { return nil },
GetUserID: func() string { return "" },
GetTenantId: func() string { return "public" },
GetAccessTokenPayload: func() map[string]interface{} { return nil },
GetHandle: func() string { return "" },
GetAllSessionTokensDangerously: func() sessmodels.SessionTokens { return sessmodels.SessionTokens{} },
GetAccessToken: func() string { return "" },
GetTimeCreated: func() (uint64, error) { return 0, nil },
GetExpiry: func() (uint64, error) { return 0, nil },
RevokeSessionWithContext: func(userContext supertokens.UserContext) error { return nil },
GetSessionDataInDatabaseWithContext: func(userContext supertokens.UserContext) (map[string]interface{}, error) { return nil, nil },
UpdateSessionDataInDatabaseWithContext: func(newSessionData map[string]interface{}, userContext supertokens.UserContext) error { return nil },
GetUserIDWithContext: func(userContext supertokens.UserContext) string { return "" },
GetTenantIdWithContext: func(userContext supertokens.UserContext) string { return "public" },
GetAccessTokenPayloadWithContext: func(userContext supertokens.UserContext) map[string]interface{} { return nil },
GetHandleWithContext: func(userContext supertokens.UserContext) string { return "" },
GetAccessTokenWithContext: func(userContext supertokens.UserContext) string { return "" },
GetTimeCreatedWithContext: func(userContext supertokens.UserContext) (uint64, error) { return 0, nil },
GetExpiryWithContext: func(userContext supertokens.UserContext) (uint64, error) { return 0, nil },
MergeIntoAccessTokenPayloadWithContext: func(accessTokenPayloadUpdate map[string]interface{}, userContext supertokens.UserContext) error {
return nil
AssertClaimsWithContext: func(claimValidators []claims.SessionClaimValidator, userContext supertokens.UserContext) error {
return nil
FetchAndSetClaimWithContext: func(claim *claims.TypeSessionClaim, userContext supertokens.UserContext) error { return nil },
SetClaimValueWithContext: func(claim *claims.TypeSessionClaim, value interface{}, userContext supertokens.UserContext) error {
return nil
GetClaimValueWithContext: func(claim *claims.TypeSessionClaim, userContext supertokens.UserContext) interface{} { return nil },
RemoveClaimWithContext: func(claim *claims.TypeSessionClaim, userContext supertokens.UserContext) error { return nil },
MergeIntoAccessTokenPayload: func(accessTokenPayloadUpdate map[string]interface{}) error { return nil },
AssertClaims: func(claimValidators []claims.SessionClaimValidator) error { return nil },
FetchAndSetClaim: func(claim *claims.TypeSessionClaim) error { return nil },
SetClaimValue: func(claim *claims.TypeSessionClaim, value interface{}) error { return nil },
GetClaimValue: func(claim *claims.TypeSessionClaim) interface{} { return nil },
RemoveClaim: func(claim *claims.TypeSessionClaim) error { return nil },
AttachToRequestResponse: func(info sessmodels.RequestResponseInfo) error { return nil },
}, nil // this is an empty session. It won't result in a session being created for the user.
return ogCreateNewSession(userID, accessTokenPayload, sessionDataInDatabase, disableAntiCsrf, tenantId, userContext)
return originalImplementation
from supertokens_python import init, InputAppInfo
from supertokens_python.recipe.session.interfaces import (
from supertokens_python.recipe.session.recipe_implementation import RecipeImplementation
from typing import Dict, Any, Union, List, TypeVar, Optional
from supertokens_python.recipe import session
from supertokens_python.framework import BaseRequest
from supertokens_python.recipe.session.utils import TokenTransferMethod
from supertokens_python.types import RecipeUserId
_T = TypeVar("_T")
def override_session_functions(original_implementation: RecipeInterface):
original_create_new_session = original_implementation.create_new_session
async def create_new_session(
user_id: str,
recipe_user_id: RecipeUserId,
access_token_payload: Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
session_data_in_database: Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
disable_anti_csrf: Optional[bool],
tenant_id: str,
user_context: Dict[str, Any],
if user_context["isSignUp"] is True:
# The execution will come here only in case
# a sign up API is calling this function. This is because
# only then will the user_context["isSignUp"] === true
# (see above code).
return EmptySession(original_implementation)
return await original_create_new_session(
original_implementation.create_new_session = create_new_session
return original_implementation
app_info=InputAppInfo(api_domain="...", app_name="...", website_domain="..."),
class EmptySession(session.SessionContainer):
def __init__(self, recipe_implementation: RecipeInterface):
assert isinstance(recipe_implementation, RecipeImplementation)
async def revoke_session(self, user_context: Union[Any, None] = None) -> None:
async def get_session_data_from_database(
self, user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {}
async def update_session_data_in_database(
new_session_data: Dict[str, Any],
user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None,
) -> None:
def get_user_id(self, user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None) -> str:
return ""
def get_recipe_user_id(
self, user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None
) -> RecipeUserId:
return RecipeUserId("")
def get_access_token_payload(
self, user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {}
def get_handle(self, user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None) -> str:
return ""
def get_access_token(self, user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None) -> str:
return ""
async def get_time_created(
self, user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None
) -> int:
return -1
async def get_expiry(self, user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None) -> int:
return -1
async def attach_to_request_response(
request: BaseRequest,
transfer_method: TokenTransferMethod,
user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None,
async def assert_claims(
claim_validators: List[SessionClaimValidator],
user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None,
) -> None:
async def fetch_and_set_claim(
self, claim: SessionClaim[Any], user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None
) -> None:
async def set_claim_value(
claim: SessionClaim[_T],
value: _T,
user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None,
) -> None:
async def get_claim_value(
self, claim: SessionClaim[_T], user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None
) -> Union[_T, None]:
async def remove_claim(
claim: SessionClaim[Any],
user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None,
) -> None:
async def merge_into_access_token_payload(
access_token_payload_update: Dict[str, Any],
user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None,
) -> None:
def get_all_session_tokens_dangerously(self) -> GetSessionTokensDangerouslyDict:
return {
"accessAndFrontTokenUpdated": False,
"accessToken": "",
"antiCsrfToken": None,
"frontToken": "",
"refreshToken": None,
def get_tenant_id(self, user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None) -> str:
return ""
As a summary, when the sign up API is called, the initial value of userContext
is an empty object. We change that user context to add the isSignUp
field so that that information can be communicated to the createNewSession
When that is called, that function checks if isSignUp === true
, and if it is, it doesn't call the original implementation, and instead, just returns an empty session. This way, we don't create a session if the user is signing up, but we do create one if the user is signing in.
Note that there are other ways of achiving this, but the above showcases how we can use user context to communicate across recipes and across API & Recipe functions.
Default information in the user context objectBy default the user context passed to APIs and functions contains the request object that can be used to read custom headers, body/query params etc.
To learn more on how you can use the default user context to consume custom request information visit this page.