Updating SuperTokens core and SDKs
You need to follow these steps in order to properly update SuperTokens
In order to maintain compatibility and keep up on new features, we recommend updating your core and SDKs whenever possible.
1. Updating your core
You will need to shut down your core in order to update it. After it's off, run the migration scripts for all versions in-between your starting version and the latest version. You may then bring your core back online.
Self-hosted core
See the migration sections in the supertokens-core changelog.
Managed core
If you're using the managed core service, please email us at [email protected] from your registered email to request a core update.
2. Update your back-end SDK
Follow the steps in the migration sections of the linked changelog from your current version up to the latest version.
See the migration sections in the supertokens-node changelog.
See the migration sections in the supertokens-golang changelog.
See the migration sections in the supertokens-python changelog.
3. Update your front-end SDK
Follow the steps in the migration sections of the linked changelog from your current version up to the latest version.
See the migration sections in the supertokens-auth-react changelog.
Vanilla JS
See the migration sections in the supertokens-web-js changelog.
React Native
See the migration sections in the supertokens-react-native changelog.
See the migration sections in the supertokens-ios changelog.
See the migration sections in the supertokens-flutter changelog.
See the migration sections in the supertokens-android changelog.