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These are the SDK reference docs. If you’re looking for docs to implement SuperTokens, you might want to check out the User Guides

Module recipe/multitenancy


Type Aliases

PostAPIHookContext: RecipePostAPIHookContext<PreAndPostAPIHookAction>
PreAPIHookContext: RecipePreAPIHookContext<PreAndPostAPIHookAction>
RecipeInterface: { getLoginMethods: any; getTenantId: any }

Type declaration

  • getLoginMethods:function
    • getLoginMethods(input: { options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; tenantId?: string; userContext: any }): Promise<{ emailPassword: { enabled: boolean }; fetchResponse: Response; passwordless: { enabled: boolean }; status: "OK"; thirdParty: { enabled: boolean; providers: { id: string; name: string }[] } }>
    • Gets enabled login methods and their configuration


      STGeneralError if the API exposed by the backend SDKs returns status: "GENERAL_ERROR"


      Returns Promise<{ emailPassword: { enabled: boolean }; fetchResponse: Response; passwordless: { enabled: boolean }; status: "OK"; thirdParty: { enabled: boolean; providers: { id: string; name: string }[] } }>

      {status: OK, emailpassword, passwordless, thirdParty} if successful

  • getTenantId:function
    • getTenantId(input: { userContext: any }): undefined | string | Promise<undefined | string>
UserInput: { override?: { functions?: any } } & RecipeModuleUserInput<PreAndPostAPIHookAction>


AllowedDomainsClaim: AllowedDomainsClaimClass = ...


  • getLoginMethods(input?: { options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; tenantId?: string; userContext?: any }): Promise<{ emailPassword: { enabled: boolean }; fetchResponse: Response; passwordless: { enabled: boolean }; status: "OK"; thirdParty: { enabled: boolean; providers: { id: string; name: string }[] } }>
  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<{ emailPassword: { enabled: boolean }; fetchResponse: Response; passwordless: { enabled: boolean }; status: "OK"; thirdParty: { enabled: boolean; providers: { id: string; name: string }[] } }>

  • getTenantId(input?: { userContext?: any }): undefined | string | Promise<undefined | string>
  • init(config?: UserInput): CreateRecipeFunction<"GET_LOGIN_METHODS">

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