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These are the SDK reference docs. If you’re looking for docs to implement SuperTokens, you might want to check out the User Guides

Module recipe/emailpassword


Type aliases


PostAPIHookContext: RecipePostAPIHookContext<PreAndPostAPIHookAction>


PreAPIHookContext: RecipePreAPIHookContext<PreAndPostAPIHookAction>


RecipeFunctionOptions: { preAPIHook?: any }

For the options object passed to recipe functions, we do not need a postAPIHook.

This is because these functions will be called manually, so the user always knows which API is called (making the postAPIHook redundant). They can consume the networkResponse returned by recipe functions as a way to handle post API logic

Type declaration

  • preAPIHook?:function
    • preAPIHook(input: { requestInit: RequestInit; url: string; userContext: any }): Promise<{ requestInit: RequestInit; url: string }>
    • Parameters

      • input: { requestInit: RequestInit; url: string; userContext: any }
        • requestInit: RequestInit
        • url: string
        • userContext: any

      Returns Promise<{ requestInit: RequestInit; url: string }>


RecipeInterface: { doesEmailExist: any; getResetPasswordTokenFromURL: any; sendPasswordResetEmail: any; signIn: any; signUp: any; submitNewPassword: any }

Type declaration

  • doesEmailExist:function
    • doesEmailExist(input: { email: string; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext: any }): Promise<{ doesExist: boolean; fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK" }>
    • Check if an email exists


      STGeneralError if the API exposed by the backend SDKs returns status: "GENERAL_ERROR"


      Returns Promise<{ doesExist: boolean; fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK" }>

      {status: "OK", doesExist: boolean}

  • getResetPasswordTokenFromURL:function
    • getResetPasswordTokenFromURL(input: { userContext: any }): string
    • Reads and returns the reset password token from the current URL


      • input: { userContext: any }
        • userContext: any

      Returns string

      The "token" query parameter from the current location

  • sendPasswordResetEmail:function
    • sendPasswordResetEmail(input: { formFields: { id: string; value: string }[]; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext: any }): Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK" } | { fetchResponse: Response; formFields: { error: string; id: string }[]; status: "FIELD_ERROR" }>
    • Send an email to the user for password reset


      STGeneralError if the API exposed by the backend SDKs returns status: "GENERAL_ERROR"


      Returns Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK" } | { fetchResponse: Response; formFields: { error: string; id: string }[]; status: "FIELD_ERROR" }>

      {status: "OK"} if successfull

  • signIn:function
    • signIn(input: { formFields: { id: string; value: string }[]; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext: any }): Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK"; user: UserType } | { fetchResponse: Response; formFields: { error: string; id: string }[]; status: "FIELD_ERROR" } | { fetchResponse: Response; status: "WRONG_CREDENTIALS_ERROR" }>
    • Sign in a user with email and password


      STGeneralError if the API exposed by the backend SDKs returns status: "GENERAL_ERROR"


      Returns Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK"; user: UserType } | { fetchResponse: Response; formFields: { error: string; id: string }[]; status: "FIELD_ERROR" } | { fetchResponse: Response; status: "WRONG_CREDENTIALS_ERROR" }>

      {status: "OK"} if successfull

  • signUp:function
    • signUp(input: { formFields: { id: string; value: string }[]; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext: any }): Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK"; user: UserType } | { fetchResponse: Response; formFields: { error: string; id: string }[]; status: "FIELD_ERROR" }>
    • Sign up a user with email and password


      STGeneralError if the API exposed by the backend SDKs returns status: "GENERAL_ERROR"


      Returns Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK"; user: UserType } | { fetchResponse: Response; formFields: { error: string; id: string }[]; status: "FIELD_ERROR" }>

      {status: "OK"} if successfull

  • submitNewPassword:function
    • submitNewPassword(input: { formFields: { id: string; value: string }[]; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext: any }): Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK" | "RESET_PASSWORD_INVALID_TOKEN_ERROR" } | { fetchResponse: Response; formFields: { error: string; id: string }[]; status: "FIELD_ERROR" }>
    • Submit a new password for the user


      STGeneralError if the API exposed by the backend SDKs returns status: "GENERAL_ERROR"


      Returns Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK" | "RESET_PASSWORD_INVALID_TOKEN_ERROR" } | { fetchResponse: Response; formFields: { error: string; id: string }[]; status: "FIELD_ERROR" }>

      {status: "OK"} if successfull


UserInput: { override?: { functions?: any } } & RecipeModuleUserInput<PreAndPostAPIHookAction>


UserType: { email: string; id: string; timeJoined: number }

Type declaration

  • email: string
  • id: string
  • timeJoined: number


Const doesEmailExist

  • doesEmailExist(input: { email: string; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext?: any }): Promise<{ doesExist: boolean; fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK" }>

Const getResetPasswordTokenFromURL

  • getResetPasswordTokenFromURL(input?: { userContext?: any }): string

Const init

  • init(config?: UserInput): CreateRecipeFunction<PreAndPostAPIHookAction>

Const sendPasswordResetEmail

  • sendPasswordResetEmail(input: { formFields: { id: string; value: string }[]; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext?: any }): Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK" } | { fetchResponse: Response; formFields: { error: string; id: string }[]; status: "FIELD_ERROR" }>
  • Parameters

    • input: { formFields: { id: string; value: string }[]; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext?: any }
      • formFields: { id: string; value: string }[]
      • Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions
      • Optional userContext?: any

    Returns Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK" } | { fetchResponse: Response; formFields: { error: string; id: string }[]; status: "FIELD_ERROR" }>

Const signIn

  • signIn(input: { formFields: { id: string; value: string }[]; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext?: any }): Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK"; user: UserType } | { fetchResponse: Response; formFields: { error: string; id: string }[]; status: "FIELD_ERROR" } | { fetchResponse: Response; status: "WRONG_CREDENTIALS_ERROR" }>
  • Parameters

    • input: { formFields: { id: string; value: string }[]; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext?: any }
      • formFields: { id: string; value: string }[]
      • Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions
      • Optional userContext?: any

    Returns Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK"; user: UserType } | { fetchResponse: Response; formFields: { error: string; id: string }[]; status: "FIELD_ERROR" } | { fetchResponse: Response; status: "WRONG_CREDENTIALS_ERROR" }>

Const signOut

  • signOut(input?: { userContext?: any }): Promise<void>

Const signUp

  • signUp(input: { formFields: { id: string; value: string }[]; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext?: any }): Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK"; user: UserType } | { fetchResponse: Response; formFields: { error: string; id: string }[]; status: "FIELD_ERROR" }>

Const submitNewPassword

  • submitNewPassword(input: { formFields: { id: string; value: string }[]; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext?: any }): Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK" | "RESET_PASSWORD_INVALID_TOKEN_ERROR" } | { fetchResponse: Response; formFields: { error: string; id: string }[]; status: "FIELD_ERROR" }>
  • Parameters

    • input: { formFields: { id: string; value: string }[]; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext?: any }
      • formFields: { id: string; value: string }[]
      • Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions
      • Optional userContext?: any

    Returns Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK" | "RESET_PASSWORD_INVALID_TOKEN_ERROR" } | { fetchResponse: Response; formFields: { error: string; id: string }[]; status: "FIELD_ERROR" }>

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