Module supertokens_python.querier
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# Copyright (c) 2021, VRAI Labs and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License") as published by the Apache Software Foundation.
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
# obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
from json import JSONDecodeError
from os import environ
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple
from httpx import AsyncClient, ConnectTimeout, NetworkError, Response
from .constants import (
from .normalised_url_path import NormalisedURLPath
from .supertokens import Host
from typing import List, Set, Union
from sniffio import AsyncLibraryNotFoundError
from supertokens_python.async_to_sync_wrapper import create_or_get_event_loop
from supertokens_python.utils import get_timestamp_ms
from .process_state import PROCESS_STATE, ProcessState
from .utils import find_max_version, is_4xx_error, is_5xx_error
class Querier:
__init_called = False
__hosts: List[Host] = []
__api_key: Union[None, str] = None
api_version = None
__last_tried_index: int = 0
__hosts_alive_for_testing: Set[str] = set()
network_interceptor: Optional[
Dict[str, Any],
Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
Dict[str, Any],
Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
] = None
__global_cache_tag = get_timestamp_ms()
__disable_cache = False
def __init__(self, hosts: List[Host], rid_to_core: Union[None, str] = None):
self.__hosts = hosts
self.__rid_to_core = None
if rid_to_core is not None:
self.__rid_to_core = rid_to_core
def reset():
if ("SUPERTOKENS_ENV" not in environ) or (
environ["SUPERTOKENS_ENV"] != "testing"
raise Exception("calling testing function in non testing env")
Querier.__init_called = False
def get_hosts_alive_for_testing():
if ("SUPERTOKENS_ENV" not in environ) or (
environ["SUPERTOKENS_ENV"] != "testing"
raise Exception("calling testing function in non testing env")
return Querier.__hosts_alive_for_testing
async def api_request(
url: str,
method: str,
attempts_remaining: int,
*args: Any,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Response:
if attempts_remaining == 0:
raise Exception("Retry request failed")
async with AsyncClient(timeout=30.0) as client:
if method == "GET":
return await client.get(url, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore
if method == "POST":
return await, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore
if method == "PUT":
return await client.put(url, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore
if method == "DELETE":
return await client.delete(url, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore
raise Exception("Shouldn't come here")
except AsyncLibraryNotFoundError:
# Retry
loop = create_or_get_event_loop()
return loop.run_until_complete(
self.api_request(url, method, attempts_remaining - 1, *args, **kwargs)
async def get_api_version(self, user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None):
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
if Querier.api_version is not None:
return Querier.api_version
async def f(url: str, method: str) -> Response:
from supertokens_python.supertokens import (
headers = {}
if Querier.__api_key is not None:
headers = {API_KEY_HEADER: Querier.__api_key}
# Get app info
app_info = Supertokens.get_instance().app_info
req = get_request_from_user_context(user_context)
website_domain = app_info.get_origin(req, user_context)
# Prepare query parameters
query_params = {
"apiDomain": app_info.api_domain.get_as_string_dangerous(),
"websiteDomain": website_domain.get_as_string_dangerous(),
if Querier.network_interceptor is not None:
) = Querier.network_interceptor( # pylint:disable=not-callable
url, method, headers, query_params, {}, user_context
return await self.api_request(
url, method, 2, headers=headers, params=query_params
response = await self.__send_request_helper(
NormalisedURLPath(API_VERSION), "GET", f, len(self.__hosts)
cdi_supported_by_server = response["versions"]
api_version = find_max_version(cdi_supported_by_server, SUPPORTED_CDI_VERSIONS)
if api_version is None:
raise Exception(
"The running SuperTokens core version is not compatible with this python "
"SDK. Please visit "
"to find the right versions"
Querier.api_version = api_version
return Querier.api_version
def get_instance(rid_to_core: Union[str, None] = None):
if not Querier.__init_called:
raise Exception(
"Please call the supertokens.init function before using SuperTokens"
return Querier(Querier.__hosts, rid_to_core)
def init(
hosts: List[Host],
api_key: Union[str, None] = None,
network_interceptor: Optional[
Dict[str, Any],
Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
Dict[str, Any],
Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
] = None,
disable_cache: bool = False,
if not Querier.__init_called:
Querier.__init_called = True
Querier.__hosts = hosts
Querier.__api_key = api_key
Querier.api_version = None
Querier.__last_tried_index = 0
Querier.__hosts_alive_for_testing = set()
Querier.network_interceptor = network_interceptor
Querier.__disable_cache = disable_cache
async def __get_headers_with_api_version(
self, path: NormalisedURLPath, user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None]
headers = {API_VERSION_HEADER: await self.get_api_version(user_context)}
if Querier.__api_key is not None:
headers = {**headers, API_KEY_HEADER: Querier.__api_key}
if path.is_a_recipe_path() and self.__rid_to_core is not None:
headers = {**headers, RID_KEY_HEADER: self.__rid_to_core}
return headers
async def send_get_request(
path: NormalisedURLPath,
params: Union[Dict[str, Any], None],
user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None],
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
if params is None:
params = {}
async def f(url: str, method: str) -> Response:
headers = await self.__get_headers_with_api_version(path, user_context)
nonlocal params
assert params is not None
# Sort the keys for deterministic order
sorted_keys = sorted(params.keys())
sorted_header_keys = sorted(headers.keys())
# Start with the path as the unique key
unique_key = path.get_as_string_dangerous()
# Append sorted params to the unique key
for key in sorted_keys:
value = params[key]
unique_key += f";{key}={value}"
# Append a separator for headers
unique_key += ";hdrs"
# Append sorted headers to the unique key
for key in sorted_header_keys:
value = headers[key]
unique_key += f";{key}={value}"
if user_context is not None:
if (
user_context.get("_default", {}).get("global_cache_tag", -1)
!= Querier.__global_cache_tag
self.invalidate_core_call_cache(user_context, False)
if not Querier.__disable_cache and unique_key in user_context.get(
"_default", {}
).get("core_call_cache", {}):
return user_context["_default"]["core_call_cache"][unique_key]
if Querier.network_interceptor is not None:
) = Querier.network_interceptor( # pylint:disable=not-callable
url, method, headers, params, {}, user_context
response = await self.api_request(
if (
response.status_code == 200
and not Querier.__disable_cache
and user_context is not None
user_context["_default"] = {
**user_context.get("_default", {}),
"core_call_cache": {
**user_context.get("_default", {}).get("core_call_cache", {}),
unique_key: response,
"global_cache_tag": Querier.__global_cache_tag,
return response
return await self.__send_request_helper(path, "GET", f, len(self.__hosts))
async def send_post_request(
path: NormalisedURLPath,
data: Union[Dict[str, Any], None],
user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None],
test: bool = False,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
if data is None:
data = {}
if (
("SUPERTOKENS_ENV" in environ)
and (environ["SUPERTOKENS_ENV"] == "testing")
and test
return data
headers = await self.__get_headers_with_api_version(path, user_context)
headers["content-type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
async def f(url: str, method: str) -> Response:
nonlocal headers, data
if Querier.network_interceptor is not None:
) = Querier.network_interceptor( # pylint:disable=not-callable
url, method, headers, {}, data, user_context
return await self.api_request(
return await self.__send_request_helper(path, "POST", f, len(self.__hosts))
async def send_delete_request(
path: NormalisedURLPath,
params: Union[Dict[str, Any], None],
user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None],
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
if params is None:
params = {}
async def f(url: str, method: str) -> Response:
headers = await self.__get_headers_with_api_version(path, user_context)
nonlocal params
if Querier.network_interceptor is not None:
) = Querier.network_interceptor( # pylint:disable=not-callable
url, method, headers, params, {}, user_context
return await self.api_request(
return await self.__send_request_helper(path, "DELETE", f, len(self.__hosts))
async def send_put_request(
path: NormalisedURLPath,
data: Union[Dict[str, Any], None],
query_params: Union[Dict[str, Any], None],
user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None],
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
if data is None:
data = {}
if query_params is None:
query_params = {}
headers = await self.__get_headers_with_api_version(path, user_context)
headers["content-type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
async def f(url: str, method: str) -> Response:
nonlocal headers, data, query_params
if Querier.network_interceptor is not None:
) = Querier.network_interceptor( # pylint:disable=not-callable
url, method, headers, query_params, data, user_context
return await self.api_request(
url, method, 2, headers=headers, json=data, params=query_params
return await self.__send_request_helper(path, "PUT", f, len(self.__hosts))
def invalidate_core_call_cache(
user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None],
upd_global_cache_tag_if_necessary: bool = True,
if user_context is None:
# this is done so that the code below runs as expected.
# It will reset the __global_cache_tag if needed, and the
# stuff we assign to the user_context will just be ignored (as expected)
user_context = {}
if upd_global_cache_tag_if_necessary and (
user_context.get("_default", {}).get("keep_cache_alive", False) is not True
# there can be race conditions here, but i think we can ignore them.
Querier.__global_cache_tag = get_timestamp_ms()
user_context["_default"] = {
**user_context.get("_default", {}),
"core_call_cache": {},
def get_all_core_urls_for_path(self, path: str) -> List[str]:
normalized_path = NormalisedURLPath(path)
result: List[str] = []
for h in self.__hosts:
current_domain = h.domain.get_as_string_dangerous()
current_base_path = h.base_path.get_as_string_dangerous()
+ current_base_path
+ normalized_path.get_as_string_dangerous()
return result
async def __send_request_helper(
path: NormalisedURLPath,
method: str,
http_function: Callable[[str, str], Awaitable[Response]],
no_of_tries: int,
retry_info_map: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
if no_of_tries == 0:
raise Exception("No SuperTokens core available to query")
current_host_domain = self.__hosts[
current_host_base_path = self.__hosts[
current_host: str = current_host_domain + current_host_base_path
Querier.__last_tried_index += 1
Querier.__last_tried_index %= len(self.__hosts)
url = current_host + path.get_as_string_dangerous()
max_retries = 5
if retry_info_map is None:
retry_info_map = {}
if retry_info_map.get(url) is None:
retry_info_map[url] = max_retries
response = await http_function(url, method)
if ("SUPERTOKENS_ENV" in environ) and (
environ["SUPERTOKENS_ENV"] == "testing"
if response.status_code == RATE_LIMIT_STATUS_CODE:
retries_left = retry_info_map[url]
if retries_left > 0:
retry_info_map[url] = retries_left - 1
attempts_made = max_retries - retries_left
delay = (10 + attempts_made * 250) / 1000
await asyncio.sleep(delay)
return await self.__send_request_helper(
path, method, http_function, no_of_tries, retry_info_map
if is_4xx_error(response.status_code) or is_5xx_error(response.status_code): # type: ignore
raise Exception(
"SuperTokens core threw an error for a "
+ method
+ " request to path: '"
+ path.get_as_string_dangerous()
+ "' with status code: "
+ str(response.status_code)
+ " and message: "
+ response.text # type: ignore
res: Dict[str, Any] = {"_headers": dict(response.headers)}
except JSONDecodeError:
res["_text"] = response.text
return res
except (ConnectionError, NetworkError, ConnectTimeout) as _:
return await self.__send_request_helper(
path, method, http_function, no_of_tries - 1, retry_info_map
class Querier (hosts: List[Host], rid_to_core: Union[None, str] = None)
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class Querier: __init_called = False __hosts: List[Host] = [] __api_key: Union[None, str] = None api_version = None __last_tried_index: int = 0 __hosts_alive_for_testing: Set[str] = set() network_interceptor: Optional[ Callable[ [ str, str, Dict[str, Any], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], ], Tuple[ str, str, Dict[str, Any], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], ], ] ] = None __global_cache_tag = get_timestamp_ms() __disable_cache = False def __init__(self, hosts: List[Host], rid_to_core: Union[None, str] = None): self.__hosts = hosts self.__rid_to_core = None if rid_to_core is not None: self.__rid_to_core = rid_to_core @staticmethod def reset(): if ("SUPERTOKENS_ENV" not in environ) or ( environ["SUPERTOKENS_ENV"] != "testing" ): raise Exception("calling testing function in non testing env") Querier.__init_called = False @staticmethod def get_hosts_alive_for_testing(): if ("SUPERTOKENS_ENV" not in environ) or ( environ["SUPERTOKENS_ENV"] != "testing" ): raise Exception("calling testing function in non testing env") return Querier.__hosts_alive_for_testing async def api_request( self, url: str, method: str, attempts_remaining: int, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Response: if attempts_remaining == 0: raise Exception("Retry request failed") try: async with AsyncClient(timeout=30.0) as client: if method == "GET": return await client.get(url, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore if method == "POST": return await, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore if method == "PUT": return await client.put(url, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore if method == "DELETE": return await client.delete(url, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore raise Exception("Shouldn't come here") except AsyncLibraryNotFoundError: # Retry loop = create_or_get_event_loop() return loop.run_until_complete( self.api_request(url, method, attempts_remaining - 1, *args, **kwargs) ) async def get_api_version(self, user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None): if user_context is None: user_context = {} if Querier.api_version is not None: return Querier.api_version ProcessState.get_instance().add_state( PROCESS_STATE.CALLING_SERVICE_IN_GET_API_VERSION ) async def f(url: str, method: str) -> Response: from supertokens_python.supertokens import ( Supertokens, get_request_from_user_context, ) headers = {} if Querier.__api_key is not None: headers = {API_KEY_HEADER: Querier.__api_key} # Get app info app_info = Supertokens.get_instance().app_info req = get_request_from_user_context(user_context) website_domain = app_info.get_origin(req, user_context) # Prepare query parameters query_params = { "apiDomain": app_info.api_domain.get_as_string_dangerous(), "websiteDomain": website_domain.get_as_string_dangerous(), } if Querier.network_interceptor is not None: ( url, method, headers, query_params, _, ) = Querier.network_interceptor( # pylint:disable=not-callable url, method, headers, query_params, {}, user_context ) return await self.api_request( url, method, 2, headers=headers, params=query_params ) response = await self.__send_request_helper( NormalisedURLPath(API_VERSION), "GET", f, len(self.__hosts) ) cdi_supported_by_server = response["versions"] api_version = find_max_version(cdi_supported_by_server, SUPPORTED_CDI_VERSIONS) if api_version is None: raise Exception( "The running SuperTokens core version is not compatible with this python " "SDK. Please visit " "to find the right versions" ) Querier.api_version = api_version return Querier.api_version @staticmethod def get_instance(rid_to_core: Union[str, None] = None): if not Querier.__init_called: raise Exception( "Please call the supertokens.init function before using SuperTokens" ) return Querier(Querier.__hosts, rid_to_core) @staticmethod def init( hosts: List[Host], api_key: Union[str, None] = None, network_interceptor: Optional[ Callable[ [ str, str, Dict[str, Any], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], ], Tuple[ str, str, Dict[str, Any], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], ], ] ] = None, disable_cache: bool = False, ): if not Querier.__init_called: Querier.__init_called = True Querier.__hosts = hosts Querier.__api_key = api_key Querier.api_version = None Querier.__last_tried_index = 0 Querier.__hosts_alive_for_testing = set() Querier.network_interceptor = network_interceptor Querier.__disable_cache = disable_cache async def __get_headers_with_api_version( self, path: NormalisedURLPath, user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] ): headers = {API_VERSION_HEADER: await self.get_api_version(user_context)} if Querier.__api_key is not None: headers = {**headers, API_KEY_HEADER: Querier.__api_key} if path.is_a_recipe_path() and self.__rid_to_core is not None: headers = {**headers, RID_KEY_HEADER: self.__rid_to_core} return headers async def send_get_request( self, path: NormalisedURLPath, params: Union[Dict[str, Any], None], user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: if params is None: params = {} async def f(url: str, method: str) -> Response: headers = await self.__get_headers_with_api_version(path, user_context) nonlocal params assert params is not None # Sort the keys for deterministic order sorted_keys = sorted(params.keys()) sorted_header_keys = sorted(headers.keys()) # Start with the path as the unique key unique_key = path.get_as_string_dangerous() # Append sorted params to the unique key for key in sorted_keys: value = params[key] unique_key += f";{key}={value}" # Append a separator for headers unique_key += ";hdrs" # Append sorted headers to the unique key for key in sorted_header_keys: value = headers[key] unique_key += f";{key}={value}" if user_context is not None: if ( user_context.get("_default", {}).get("global_cache_tag", -1) != Querier.__global_cache_tag ): self.invalidate_core_call_cache(user_context, False) if not Querier.__disable_cache and unique_key in user_context.get( "_default", {} ).get("core_call_cache", {}): return user_context["_default"]["core_call_cache"][unique_key] if Querier.network_interceptor is not None: ( url, method, headers, params, _, ) = Querier.network_interceptor( # pylint:disable=not-callable url, method, headers, params, {}, user_context ) response = await self.api_request( url, method, 2, headers=headers, params=params, ) if ( response.status_code == 200 and not Querier.__disable_cache and user_context is not None ): user_context["_default"] = { **user_context.get("_default", {}), "core_call_cache": { **user_context.get("_default", {}).get("core_call_cache", {}), unique_key: response, }, "global_cache_tag": Querier.__global_cache_tag, } return response return await self.__send_request_helper(path, "GET", f, len(self.__hosts)) async def send_post_request( self, path: NormalisedURLPath, data: Union[Dict[str, Any], None], user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None], test: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: self.invalidate_core_call_cache(user_context) if data is None: data = {} if ( ("SUPERTOKENS_ENV" in environ) and (environ["SUPERTOKENS_ENV"] == "testing") and test ): return data headers = await self.__get_headers_with_api_version(path, user_context) headers["content-type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8" async def f(url: str, method: str) -> Response: nonlocal headers, data if Querier.network_interceptor is not None: ( url, method, headers, _, data, ) = Querier.network_interceptor( # pylint:disable=not-callable url, method, headers, {}, data, user_context ) return await self.api_request( url, method, 2, headers=headers, json=data, ) return await self.__send_request_helper(path, "POST", f, len(self.__hosts)) async def send_delete_request( self, path: NormalisedURLPath, params: Union[Dict[str, Any], None], user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: self.invalidate_core_call_cache(user_context) if params is None: params = {} async def f(url: str, method: str) -> Response: headers = await self.__get_headers_with_api_version(path, user_context) nonlocal params if Querier.network_interceptor is not None: ( url, method, headers, params, _, ) = Querier.network_interceptor( # pylint:disable=not-callable url, method, headers, params, {}, user_context ) return await self.api_request( url, method, 2, headers=headers, params=params, ) return await self.__send_request_helper(path, "DELETE", f, len(self.__hosts)) async def send_put_request( self, path: NormalisedURLPath, data: Union[Dict[str, Any], None], query_params: Union[Dict[str, Any], None], user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: self.invalidate_core_call_cache(user_context) if data is None: data = {} if query_params is None: query_params = {} headers = await self.__get_headers_with_api_version(path, user_context) headers["content-type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8" async def f(url: str, method: str) -> Response: nonlocal headers, data, query_params if Querier.network_interceptor is not None: ( url, method, headers, query_params, data, ) = Querier.network_interceptor( # pylint:disable=not-callable url, method, headers, query_params, data, user_context ) return await self.api_request( url, method, 2, headers=headers, json=data, params=query_params ) return await self.__send_request_helper(path, "PUT", f, len(self.__hosts)) def invalidate_core_call_cache( self, user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None], upd_global_cache_tag_if_necessary: bool = True, ): if user_context is None: # this is done so that the code below runs as expected. # It will reset the __global_cache_tag if needed, and the # stuff we assign to the user_context will just be ignored (as expected) user_context = {} if upd_global_cache_tag_if_necessary and ( user_context.get("_default", {}).get("keep_cache_alive", False) is not True ): # there can be race conditions here, but i think we can ignore them. Querier.__global_cache_tag = get_timestamp_ms() user_context["_default"] = { **user_context.get("_default", {}), "core_call_cache": {}, } def get_all_core_urls_for_path(self, path: str) -> List[str]: normalized_path = NormalisedURLPath(path) result: List[str] = [] for h in self.__hosts: current_domain = h.domain.get_as_string_dangerous() current_base_path = h.base_path.get_as_string_dangerous() result.append( current_domain + current_base_path + normalized_path.get_as_string_dangerous() ) return result async def __send_request_helper( self, path: NormalisedURLPath, method: str, http_function: Callable[[str, str], Awaitable[Response]], no_of_tries: int, retry_info_map: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: if no_of_tries == 0: raise Exception("No SuperTokens core available to query") try: current_host_domain = self.__hosts[ Querier.__last_tried_index ].domain.get_as_string_dangerous() current_host_base_path = self.__hosts[ Querier.__last_tried_index ].base_path.get_as_string_dangerous() current_host: str = current_host_domain + current_host_base_path Querier.__last_tried_index += 1 Querier.__last_tried_index %= len(self.__hosts) url = current_host + path.get_as_string_dangerous() max_retries = 5 if retry_info_map is None: retry_info_map = {} if retry_info_map.get(url) is None: retry_info_map[url] = max_retries ProcessState.get_instance().add_state( PROCESS_STATE.CALLING_SERVICE_IN_REQUEST_HELPER ) response = await http_function(url, method) if ("SUPERTOKENS_ENV" in environ) and ( environ["SUPERTOKENS_ENV"] == "testing" ): Querier.__hosts_alive_for_testing.add(current_host) if response.status_code == RATE_LIMIT_STATUS_CODE: retries_left = retry_info_map[url] if retries_left > 0: retry_info_map[url] = retries_left - 1 attempts_made = max_retries - retries_left delay = (10 + attempts_made * 250) / 1000 await asyncio.sleep(delay) return await self.__send_request_helper( path, method, http_function, no_of_tries, retry_info_map ) if is_4xx_error(response.status_code) or is_5xx_error(response.status_code): # type: ignore raise Exception( "SuperTokens core threw an error for a " + method + " request to path: '" + path.get_as_string_dangerous() + "' with status code: " + str(response.status_code) + " and message: " + response.text # type: ignore ) res: Dict[str, Any] = {"_headers": dict(response.headers)} try: res.update(response.json()) except JSONDecodeError: res["_text"] = response.text return res except (ConnectionError, NetworkError, ConnectTimeout) as _: return await self.__send_request_helper( path, method, http_function, no_of_tries - 1, retry_info_map )
Class variables
var api_version
var network_interceptor : Optional[Callable[[str, str, Dict[str, Any], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[Dict[str, Any]]], Tuple[str, str, Dict[str, Any], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[Dict[str, Any]]]]]
Static methods
def get_hosts_alive_for_testing()
def get_instance(rid_to_core: Union[str, None] = None)
def init(hosts: List[Host], api_key: Union[str, None] = None, network_interceptor: Optional[Callable[[str, str, Dict[str, Any], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[Dict[str, Any]]], Tuple[str, str, Dict[str, Any], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[Dict[str, Any]]]]] = None, disable_cache: bool = False)
def reset()
async def api_request(self, url: str, method: str, attempts_remaining: int, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) ‑> httpx.Response
def get_all_core_urls_for_path(self, path: str) ‑> List[str]
async def get_api_version(self, user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None)
def invalidate_core_call_cache(self, user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None], upd_global_cache_tag_if_necessary: bool = True)
async def send_delete_request(self, path: NormalisedURLPath, params: Union[Dict[str, Any], None], user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None]) ‑> Dict[str, Any]
async def send_get_request(self, path: NormalisedURLPath, params: Union[Dict[str, Any], None], user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None]) ‑> Dict[str, Any]
async def send_post_request(self, path: NormalisedURLPath, data: Union[Dict[str, Any], None], user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None], test: bool = False) ‑> Dict[str, Any]
async def send_put_request(self, path: NormalisedURLPath, data: Union[Dict[str, Any], None], query_params: Union[Dict[str, Any], None], user_context: Union[Dict[str, Any], None]) ‑> Dict[str, Any]