  • Public
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  • All


  • default




init: ((config?: TypeInput) => RecipeListFunction) = Recipe.init

Type declaration

    • (config?: TypeInput): RecipeListFunction
    • Parameters

      • Optional config: TypeInput

      Returns RecipeListFunction


  • canCreatePrimaryUser(recipeUserId: RecipeUserId, userContext?: Record<string, any>): Promise<{ status: "OK"; wasAlreadyAPrimaryUser: boolean } | { description: string; primaryUserId: string; status: "RECIPE_USER_ID_ALREADY_LINKED_WITH_PRIMARY_USER_ID_ERROR" | "ACCOUNT_INFO_ALREADY_ASSOCIATED_WITH_ANOTHER_PRIMARY_USER_ID_ERROR" }>
  • Parameters

    • recipeUserId: RecipeUserId
    • Optional userContext: Record<string, any>

    Returns Promise<{ status: "OK"; wasAlreadyAPrimaryUser: boolean } | { description: string; primaryUserId: string; status: "RECIPE_USER_ID_ALREADY_LINKED_WITH_PRIMARY_USER_ID_ERROR" | "ACCOUNT_INFO_ALREADY_ASSOCIATED_WITH_ANOTHER_PRIMARY_USER_ID_ERROR" }>

  • canLinkAccounts(recipeUserId: RecipeUserId, primaryUserId: string, userContext?: Record<string, any>): Promise<{ accountsAlreadyLinked: boolean; status: "OK" } | { description: string; primaryUserId: string; status: "RECIPE_USER_ID_ALREADY_LINKED_WITH_ANOTHER_PRIMARY_USER_ID_ERROR" } | { description: string; primaryUserId: string; status: "ACCOUNT_INFO_ALREADY_ASSOCIATED_WITH_ANOTHER_PRIMARY_USER_ID_ERROR" } | { status: "INPUT_USER_IS_NOT_A_PRIMARY_USER" }>
  • Parameters

    • recipeUserId: RecipeUserId
    • primaryUserId: string
    • Optional userContext: Record<string, any>

    Returns Promise<{ accountsAlreadyLinked: boolean; status: "OK" } | { description: string; primaryUserId: string; status: "RECIPE_USER_ID_ALREADY_LINKED_WITH_ANOTHER_PRIMARY_USER_ID_ERROR" } | { description: string; primaryUserId: string; status: "ACCOUNT_INFO_ALREADY_ASSOCIATED_WITH_ANOTHER_PRIMARY_USER_ID_ERROR" } | { status: "INPUT_USER_IS_NOT_A_PRIMARY_USER" }>

  • createPrimaryUser(recipeUserId: RecipeUserId, userContext?: Record<string, any>): Promise<{ status: "OK"; user: User; wasAlreadyAPrimaryUser: boolean } | { primaryUserId: string; status: "RECIPE_USER_ID_ALREADY_LINKED_WITH_PRIMARY_USER_ID_ERROR" } | { description: string; primaryUserId: string; status: "ACCOUNT_INFO_ALREADY_ASSOCIATED_WITH_ANOTHER_PRIMARY_USER_ID_ERROR" }>
  • Parameters

    • recipeUserId: RecipeUserId
    • Optional userContext: Record<string, any>

    Returns Promise<{ status: "OK"; user: User; wasAlreadyAPrimaryUser: boolean } | { primaryUserId: string; status: "RECIPE_USER_ID_ALREADY_LINKED_WITH_PRIMARY_USER_ID_ERROR" } | { description: string; primaryUserId: string; status: "ACCOUNT_INFO_ALREADY_ASSOCIATED_WITH_ANOTHER_PRIMARY_USER_ID_ERROR" }>

  • createPrimaryUserIdOrLinkAccounts(tenantId: string, recipeUserId: RecipeUserId, session?: SessionContainer, userContext?: Record<string, any>): Promise<User>
  • This is a function which is a combination of createPrimaryUser and linkAccounts where the input recipeUserId is either linked to a user that it can be linked to, or is made into a primary user.

    The output will be the user ID of the user that it was linked to, or it will be the same as the input recipeUserId if it was made into a primary user, or if there was no linking that happened.


    Returns Promise<User>

  • getPrimaryUserThatCanBeLinkedToRecipeUserId(tenantId: string, recipeUserId: RecipeUserId, userContext?: Record<string, any>): Promise<undefined | User>
  • This function returns the primary user that the input recipe ID can be linked to. It can be used to determine which primary account the linking will happen to if the input recipe user ID was to be linked.

    If the function returns undefined, it means that there is no primary user that the input recipe ID can be linked to, and therefore it can be made into a primary user itself.


    • tenantId: string
    • recipeUserId: RecipeUserId
    • Optional userContext: Record<string, any>

    Returns Promise<undefined | User>

  • isEmailChangeAllowed(recipeUserId: RecipeUserId, newEmail: string, isVerified: boolean, session?: SessionContainer, userContext?: Record<string, any>): Promise<boolean>
  • isSignInAllowed(tenantId: string, recipeUserId: RecipeUserId, session?: SessionContainer, userContext?: Record<string, any>): Promise<boolean>
  • isSignUpAllowed(tenantId: string, newUser: AccountInfoWithRecipeId, isVerified: boolean, session?: SessionContainer, userContext?: Record<string, any>): Promise<boolean>
  • linkAccounts(recipeUserId: RecipeUserId, primaryUserId: string, userContext?: Record<string, any>): Promise<{ accountsAlreadyLinked: boolean; status: "OK"; user: User } | { primaryUserId: string; status: "RECIPE_USER_ID_ALREADY_LINKED_WITH_ANOTHER_PRIMARY_USER_ID_ERROR"; user: User } | { description: string; primaryUserId: string; status: "ACCOUNT_INFO_ALREADY_ASSOCIATED_WITH_ANOTHER_PRIMARY_USER_ID_ERROR" } | { status: "INPUT_USER_IS_NOT_A_PRIMARY_USER" }>
  • Parameters

    • recipeUserId: RecipeUserId
    • primaryUserId: string
    • Optional userContext: Record<string, any>

    Returns Promise<{ accountsAlreadyLinked: boolean; status: "OK"; user: User } | { primaryUserId: string; status: "RECIPE_USER_ID_ALREADY_LINKED_WITH_ANOTHER_PRIMARY_USER_ID_ERROR"; user: User } | { description: string; primaryUserId: string; status: "ACCOUNT_INFO_ALREADY_ASSOCIATED_WITH_ANOTHER_PRIMARY_USER_ID_ERROR" } | { status: "INPUT_USER_IS_NOT_A_PRIMARY_USER" }>

  • unlinkAccount(recipeUserId: RecipeUserId, userContext?: Record<string, any>): Promise<{ status: "OK"; wasLinked: boolean; wasRecipeUserDeleted: boolean }>

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