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Module recipe/oauth2provider


Type Aliases

GetRedirectionURLContext: NormalisedGetRedirectionURLContext<SuccessRedirectContextOAuth2 | ContinueOAuth2AfterRefreshRedirectContext | PostOAuth2LogoutRedirectContext>
OnHandleEventContext: { action: "LOADED_LOGIN_CHALLENGE"; loginChallenge: string; loginInfo: LoginInfo; userContext: UserContext } | { action: "OAUTH2_LOGOUT_SUCCESS"; frontendRedirectTo: string; userContext: UserContext }
PreAPIHookContext: { action: PreAndPostAPIHookAction; requestInit: RequestInit; url: string; userContext: UserContext }

Type declaration

  • action: PreAndPostAPIHookAction
  • requestInit: RequestInit
  • url: string
  • userContext: UserContext
RecipeInterface: { getLoginChallengeInfo: any; getRedirectURLToContinueOAuthFlow: any; logOut: any }

Type declaration

  • getLoginChallengeInfo:function
    • getLoginChallengeInfo(input: { loginChallenge: string; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext: any }): Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; info: LoginInfo; status: "OK" }>
    • Parameters

      • input: { loginChallenge: string; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext: any }
        • loginChallenge: string
        • Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions
        • userContext: any

      Returns Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; info: LoginInfo; status: "OK" }>

  • getRedirectURLToContinueOAuthFlow:function
    • getRedirectURLToContinueOAuthFlow(input: { loginChallenge: string; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext: any }): Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; frontendRedirectTo: string; status: "OK" }>
    • Parameters

      • input: { loginChallenge: string; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext: any }
        • loginChallenge: string
        • Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions
        • userContext: any

      Returns Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; frontendRedirectTo: string; status: "OK" }>

  • logOut:function
    • logOut(input: { logoutChallenge: string; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext: any }): Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; frontendRedirectTo: string; status: "OK" }>
    • Parameters

      • input: { logoutChallenge: string; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext: any }
        • logoutChallenge: string
        • Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions
        • userContext: any

      Returns Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; frontendRedirectTo: string; status: "OK" }>

UserInput: { disableDefaultUI?: boolean; oauth2LogoutScreen?: Partial<OAuth2LogoutScreenConfig>; override?: { functions?: any }; tryRefreshPage?: Partial<OAuth2TryRefreshPageConfig> } & RecipeModuleUserInput<GetRedirectionURLContext, PreAndPostAPIHookAction, OnHandleEventContext>


RecipeComponentsOverrideContextProvider: FC<PropsWithChildren<{ components: ComponentOverrideMap }>>


  • getLoginChallengeInfo(input: { loginChallenge: string; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext?: any }): Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; info: LoginInfo; status: "OK" }>
  • Parameters

    • input: { loginChallenge: string; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext?: any }
      • loginChallenge: string
      • Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions
      • Optional userContext?: any

    Returns Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; info: LoginInfo; status: "OK" }>

  • logOut(input: { logoutChallenge: string; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext?: any }): Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; frontendRedirectTo: string; status: "OK" }>
  • Parameters

    • input: { logoutChallenge: string; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext?: any }
      • logoutChallenge: string
      • Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions
      • Optional userContext?: any

    Returns Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; frontendRedirectTo: string; status: "OK" }>

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