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Adding Load Balancer for production deployment for older saas architecture

  • call API:
endpoint: /0/manual/app/scale/deployment
method: POST
- password
- appId
- scaleTo
- deploymentToScale
  • wait 5 mins
  • Create Target Group
    • Choose a target type: Instances
    • Protocol: HTTPS: 3567
    • Protocol Version: HTTP1
    • Health Check Path: /hello
    • Add Instances
    • Advanced health check settings: Healthy threshold: 5 Unhealthy threshold: 2 Timeout: 10s Interval: 30s Success Codes: 200
  • Create Load Balancer
    • Application Load Balancer
    • Scheme: internet-facing
    • IP address type: ipv4
    • Load Balancer Protocol: HTTPS - 3567
    • Availability Zones: select all
    • Certificate: * (Choose a certificate from ACM - already configured in ACM)
    • Security Policy: 2016-08
    • Security Groups:
      • default
      • ping-ssh
      • supertokens-nginx-port
      • ec2-internal-team-access
    • Select Target Group created above
    • Enable load balancer access logs
      • Select Actions > Edit Attribute and add S3 bucket name (Select "Create this location for me")
      • Enable bucket versioning
      • Enable default encryption (Use default KMS key for S3)
      • Add tags for the bucket:
        • VantaContainsUserData: true
        • VantaDescription: store {{name-to-identify-the-loadbalancer}} loadbalancer logs
        • VantaOwner: [email protected]
      • Block public access for the bucket (Permissions -> Block all public access)
    • Add Tags for loadbalancer
  • Update DNS Route 53
  • Add CloudWatch Alarms
    • HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count Alarm
      • Name: {{loadbalancer-name}} ELB HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count
      • Type: Metric alarm
      • Namespace: AWS/ApplicationELB
      • Metric name: HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count
      • LoadBalancer: {{loadbalancer-name}}
      • Statistic: Maximum
      • Period: 5 minutes
      • Threshold type: Static
      • Whenever HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count is...: Greater/Equal
      • than…: 1
      • SNS
        • Select an existing SNS topic: CloudWatchAlarms{{Region}}_ELB <!--- e.g. US_East_1, should be easy cause it will be in dropdown menu --->
    • TargetResponseTime Alarm
      • Name: {{loadbalancer-name}} ELB TargetResponseTime
      • Type: Metric alarm
      • Namespace: AWS/ApplicationELB
      • Metric name: TargetResponseTime
      • LoadBalancer: {{loadbalancer-name}}
      • Statistic: Maximum
      • Period: 5 minutes
      • Threshold type: Static
      • Whenever TargetResponseTime is...: Greater
      • than…: 1.5
      • SNS
        • Select an existing SNS topic: CloudWatchAlarms{{Region}}_ELB <!--- e.g. US_East_1, should be easy cause it will be in dropdown menu --->
    • UnHealthyHostCount Alarm
      • Name: {{loadbalancer-name}} ELB UnHealthyHostCount
      • Type: Metric alarm
      • Namespace: AWS/ApplicationELB
      • Metric name: UnHealthyHostCount
      • LoadBalancer: {{loadbalancer-name}}
      • Statistic: Maximum
      • Period: 5 minutes
      • Threshold type: Static
      • Whenever UnHealthyHostCount is...: Greater/Equal
      • than…: 1
      • SNS
        • Select an existing SNS topic: CloudWatchAlarms{{Region}}_ELB <!--- e.g. US_East_1, should be easy cause it will be in dropdown menu --->
  • Add app id to database
    • add appId to apps_with_load_balancer table

To make sure you cover#

  • Should span across multiple ec2 instances
  • Should use multiple cores (two per ec2 instance or one?)
  • Optimise thread pool size and db connection pool size
  • Should be able to handle 1k requests per second
  • We should be able to add more cores / ec2 instances without them having to change their connectionURI
  • Even if one core is alive, their app should work (OK if performance issue).
  • Should be able to hold 1 million sessions / users in the db
  • Health check should happen for each core that is being used + the db + load balancer
  • Add load balancer error monitoring and send notif to slack
  • All CloudWatch Alarms are added
  • S3 access logs are enabled
  • S3 access logs bucket has versioning and encryption enabled
  • Tags have been added for the load balancer and S3 access logs bucket
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