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H1 - H4 have a custom style

H1 - H4 have a custom style#

H1 - H4 have a custom style#

H1 - H4 have a custom style#

H5 - H6 act as normal content#
H5 - H6 act as normal content#
function HelloCodeTitle(props) {
let a = 1;
return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>;

Another way to highlight#

function HelloCodeTitle(props) {
let a = 1;
return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>;


This is some normal text.

This text will be visible as a blockquote when rendered. Some more text is added to make the blockquote content multiline so that the testing will be easier. It also contains some inline_code snippets.

let c = 1 + 1;

if (c === 2) {
console.log("It all adds up.")

This is another blockquote which has a link.

  • This is a list inside a blockquote.
  • This is the second list item.
  • This is the third list item.


You can render specialNotes like this one to highlight important information using the code snippet below.

You can render specialNotes like this one to highlight important information using the code snippet below.

The content and title can include markdown.


The content and title *can* include markdown.

You can specify an optional title

Heads up! Here's a pro-tip.

:::tip You can specify an optional title

Heads up! Here's a pro-tip.


Tip with no title


Tip with no title


Useful information.


Useful information.


Warning! You better pay attention!


Warning! You better pay attention!


Danger danger, mayday!


Danger danger, mayday!


The documentation pages load assets from the following places

  • /static/assets/: For all images that are universal to the website(For example logo)
  • /docs/static/assets: For all images universal to only the documentation pages and not the rest of the website
  • /docs/static/style/commonDocs.css: For styling common to all documentation pages
  • /docs/static/scripts/commonDocsBuilder.js: A script that performs actions and adds common widgets universal to all documentation pages
  • <this docs>/src/css/custom.css: For styles custom to this docs.
  • <this docs>/static/img/: For images for just this docs

All documentation pages have a common styling for hyperlinks and bold text


this is tip with some pre text, with some bold and some italic text

  • onorderd list
  • onorderd list
  • onorderd list

Some link

  1. first
  2. second
  3. third

This is successful with some pre text, with some bold and some italic text

  • onorderd list
  • onorderd list
  • onorderd list

Some link

  1. first
  2. second
  3. third l

This is a note with some pre text, with some bold and some italic text

  • onorderd list
  • onorderd list
  • onorderd list

Some link

  1. first
  2. second
  3. third

This is important with some pre text, with some bold and some italic text

  • onorderd list
  • onorderd list
  • onorderd list

Some link

  1. first
  2. second
  3. third

This is caution with some pre text, with some bold and some italic text

  • onorderd list
  • onorderd list
  • onorderd list

Some link

  1. first
  2. second
  3. third

This is danger with some pre text, with some bold and some italic text

  • onorderd list
  • onorderd list
  • onorderd list

Some link

  1. first
  2. second
  3. third

Hello there#

this is from copy section

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