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6. Making requests from Server Components

Lets modify the Home page we made in a previous step to make a call to this API

import { cookies } from "next/headers";
import { redirect } from "next/navigation";
import { TryRefreshComponent } from "./tryRefreshClientComponent";
import { SessionAuthForNextJS } from "./sessionAuthForNextJS";
import jwksClient from "jwks-rsa";
import JsonWebToken from "jsonwebtoken";
import type { JwtHeader, JwtPayload, SigningKeyCallback } from "jsonwebtoken";

const client = jwksClient({
jwksUri: "/.well-known/jwks.json",

function getAccessToken(): string | undefined {
return cookies().get("sAccessToken")?.value;

function getPublicKey(header: JwtHeader, callback: SigningKeyCallback) {
client.getSigningKey(header.kid, (err, key) => {
if (err) {
} else {
const signingKey = key?.getPublicKey();
callback(null, signingKey);

async function verifyToken(token: string): Promise<JwtPayload> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
JsonWebToken.verify(token, getPublicKey, {}, (err, decoded) => {
if (err) {
} else {
resolve(decoded as JwtPayload);

* A helper function to retrieve session details on the server side.
* NOTE: This function does not use the getSession / verifySession function from the supertokens-node SDK
* because those functions may update the access token. These updated tokens would not be
* propagated to the client side properly, as request interceptors do not run on the server side.
* So instead, we use regular JWT verification library
async function getSSRSessionHelper(): Promise<{
accessTokenPayload: JwtPayload | undefined;
hasToken: boolean;
error: Error | undefined;
}> {
const accessToken = getAccessToken();
const hasToken = !!accessToken;
try {
if (accessToken) {
const decoded = await verifyToken(accessToken);
return { accessTokenPayload: decoded, hasToken, error: undefined };
return { accessTokenPayload: undefined, hasToken, error: undefined };
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof JsonWebToken.TokenExpiredError) {
return { accessTokenPayload: undefined, hasToken, error: undefined };
return { accessTokenPayload: undefined, hasToken, error: error as Error };

export async function HomePage() {
const { accessTokenPayload, hasToken, error } = await getSSRSessionHelper();

if (error) {
return <div>Something went wrong while trying to get the session. Error - {error.message}</div>;

// `accessTokenPayload` will be undefined if it the session does not exist or has expired
if (accessTokenPayload === undefined) {
if (!hasToken) {
* This means that the user is not logged in. If you want to display some other UI in this
* case, you can do so here.
return redirect("/auth");

* This means that the session does not exist but we have session tokens for the user. In this case
* the `TryRefreshComponent` will try to refresh the session.
* To learn about why the 'key' attribute is required refer to:
return <TryRefreshComponent key={} />;

const userInfoResponse = await fetch('http://localhost:3000/api/user', {
headers: {
* We read the access token from the cookies and use that as a Bearer token when
* making network requests.
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + getAccessToken(),

let message = "";

if (userInfoResponse.status === 200) {
message = `Your user id is: ${accessTokenPayload.sub}`
} else if (userInfoResponse.status === 500) {
message = "Something went wrong"
} else if (userInfoResponse.status === 401) {
// The TryRefreshComponent will try to refresh the session
// To learn about why the 'key' attribute is required refer to:
return <TryRefreshComponent key={} />
} else if (userInfoResponse.status === 403) {
// SessionAuthForNextJS will redirect based on which claim is invalid
return <SessionAuthForNextJS />;

// You can use `userInfoResponse` to read the users session information

return (

We read the access token of the user from cookies. We can then send the access token as a header to the API. When the API calls withSession it will try to read the access token from the headers and if a session exists it will return the session information.

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