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NestJS guide


Integrating SuperTokens into a NestJS backend differs in some aspects from the main quickstart guide. That's because of the additional framework specific entities that are involved. To aid the process you can use the supertokens-nestjs package which exposes abstractions that speed up the setup.

Before you start

This guide assumes that you have already completed the main quickstart guide. If not, please go through it before continuing with this page. You need to first understand how to configure the required recipes and run a sample project.

You can also explore the example projects for complete code references on how to use the libraries.


1. Install the required packages

npm i -s supertokens-node supertokens-nestjs

2. Initialize the SuperTokensModule

Inside your main application module, initialize the SuperTokensModule with your required configuration.

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'
import { SuperTokensModule } from 'supertokens-nestjs'

imports: [
// Choose between 'express' and 'fastify'
// If you are using fastify make sure to also set the fastifyAdapter property
framework: 'express',
supertokens: {
connectionURI: '...',
appInfo: {
appName: '...',
apiDomain: '...',
websiteDomain: '...',
recipeList: [
/* ... */
controllers: [
/* ... */
providers: [
/* ... */
export class AppModule {}

You can use the SuperTokensModule.forRootAsync if you want to load the configuration asynchronously.

3. Update the bootstrap function

Inside your bootstrap function, you have to update the CORS configuration and set the exception filter. SuperTokens generates a set of CORS headers that the authentication flow requires. And, the global filter ensures that all authentication related errors get handled by the SDK.

import supertokens from 'supertokens-node'
import { SuperTokensExceptionFilter } from 'supertokens-nestjs'
import { appInfo } from './config'

async function bootstrap() {
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule)
origin: [appInfo.websiteDomain],
allowedHeaders: ['content-type', ...supertokens.getAllCORSHeaders()],
credentials: true,
app.useGlobalFilters(new SuperTokensExceptionFilter())

await app.listen(3001)

4. Add the SuperTokensAuthGuard

The SuperTokensAuthGuard automatically marks the routes that it targets as protected. By default session validation gets performed based on the default configuration provided in the Session.init call. You can customize the validation logic with decorators. More on that in the next step.

As a global guard

This applies the SuperTokensAuthGuard to all routes in exposed by controllers registered in that module.

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'
import { APP_GUARD } from '@nestjs/core'
import { SuperTokensAuthGuard } from 'supertokens-nestjs'

imports: [
/* ... */
controllers: [
/* ... */
providers: [
provide: APP_GUARD,
useClass: SuperTokensAuthGuard,
export class AppModule {}

As a controller guard

This applies the SuperTokensAuthGuard only to the routes defined in the controller.

import { Controller, UseGuards } from '@nestjs/common'
import { SuperTokensAuthGuard } from 'supertokens-nestjs'

export class AppController {}

5. Manage authentication with decorators

The supertokens-nestjs package exposes two sets of decorators:

  • Function decorators like VerifySession and PublicAccess that you can use on controller methods to customize the session validation logic.
  • Parameter decorators like Session that you can use to access the session data in your controller methods.
import { Controller, Delete, Get, Patch, Post } from '@nestjs/common'
import { PublicAccess, Session, VerifySession } from 'supertokens-nestjs'
import { SessionContainer } from "supertokens-node/recipe/session";

class AppController {
async getUserInfo(@Session('userId') userId: string) {}

roles: ['admin'],
async deleteUser(@Session() session: SessionContainer) {}

async getUserProfile() {}

With the VerifySession decorator, you can specify the following options:

rolesstring[]Roles that the user must have to access the route
permissionsstring[]Permissions that the user must have to access the route
requiresMfabooleanIndicates whether the user must have MFA enabled to access the route
requireEmailVerificationbooleanIndicates whether the user must have their email verified to access the route
optionsVerifySessionOptionsThe value that normally passed to the getSession or verifySession functions. Use it if you want additional levels of customization.

6. Configure SuperTokens core

Are you using as the connection URI in the init function?

You need to setup an instance of the SuperTokens core for your app (that your backend should connect to). You have two options: