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Adding a session guard to each API route


This guide only applies to scenarios which involve SuperTokens Session Access Tokens.

If you are implementing either, Unified Login or Microservice Authentication, features that make use of OAuth2 Access Tokens, please check the separate page that shows you how to verify those types of tokens.


This is applicable for when the frontend calls an API in the /app/api folder.

For this guide, we will assume that we want an API /api/user GET which returns the current session information.

Create a new file /app/api/user/route.ts

  • An example of this is here.
import { withSession } from "supertokens-node/nextjs";
import { NextResponse, NextRequest } from "next/server";
import { ensureSuperTokensInit } from '../../config/backend';


export function GET(request: NextRequest) {
return withSession(request, async (err, session) => {
if (err) {
return NextResponse.json(err, { status: 500 });
if (!session) {
return new NextResponse("Authentication required", { status: 401 });

return NextResponse.json({
note: "Fetch any data from your application for authenticated user after using verifySession middleware",
userId: session.getUserId(),
sessionHandle: session.getHandle(),
accessTokenPayload: session.getAccessTokenPayload(),

In the above snippet we are creating a GET handler for the /api/user route. We call the withSession helper function. The function will pass the session object in the callback which we then use to read user information. If a session does not exist undefined will be passed instead.

The withSession guard will return:

  • Status 401 if the session does not exist or has expired
  • Status 403 if the session claims fail their validation. For example if email verification is required but the user's email is not verified.