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Concepts and terminology


SuperTokens is organized into modules that handle a specific part of the overall authentication experience. These modules are called Recipes. Some of the Recipes we offer are:

  • EmailPassword: Use this for providing authentication via email and password. It includes sign in, sign up, reset password and email verification flows.
  • ThirdParty: Use this for providing social login or auth via any generic OIDC provider. This also provides the email verification flow.
  • Session: Use this for session management post login. This recipe allows you to create, revoke and refresh sessions. As such, it also provides the logout functionality.

You can use multiple recipes within your application. For example, you can use the emailpassword recipe and the session recipe together to provide a full auth experience in your app.

A recipe can also be used inside another recipe. For example, we have the ThirdParty + EmailPassword recipe which uses the EmailPassword and ThirdParty recipes inside it.

This modularity also allows you to use our Session recipe just on its own. You would do this in case you have your own login method and want to use SuperTokens just for session management.

Managed service and self-hosted#


First please see the architecture section.

If you choose the managed service option, we will run the SuperTokens Core for you in a region of our choice. We will also be running the database that is used by the core. In this mode, you will still need to run a backend API layer which integrates with our backend SDK.

For the self-hosted version, you will have to run the SuperTokens core service yourself. We allow you to do so via our docker image or by downloading a ZIP file and installing it. This core will have to be connected to your database.


This feature allows you to change the default functionality of SuperTokens on the frontend or on the backend. Using this, you can:

  • Change our default UI
  • Add pre / post API logic
  • Entirely disable or arbitrarily modify our API logic

If you are familiar with Auth0 actions, or AWS Cognito's lambda triggers, Overrides is our version of that. However, unlike those, you can use the override feature to make changes (to SuperTokens) within your own backend API code.

There are specific types of overrides:

  • Recipe function overrides (on the backend)
  • API functions override (on the backend)
  • Recipe function overrides (on the frontend)
  • ReactJS component override (on the frontend)

To know more about these, please see the "Advanced customization" section for your recipe docs

Frontend driver interface (FDI)#


First please see the architecture section.

This is the API spec that defines the APIs exposed by our backend SDK. Your frontend can use these APIs to drive the UI.

These APIs are exposed via your API layer on the /auth path by default. This path is known as the apiBasePath. For example, if your API domain is, then the sign out API we expose can be reached by

See the API spec here.

Core driver interface (CDI)#


First please see the architecture section.

This is the API spec that defines the APIs exposed by the SuperTokens core.

These APIs are to be called only by your backend API layer and never directly from the frontend (see FDI for APIs to call on the frontend). Think of these APIs for admin use to control SuperTokens and all of its user data.

You can call these APIs directly from your backend, or use the functions our SDK exposes to call them. We recommend using our SDK functions since those have auto-retry logic when querying the core, and they are easier to use.

See the API spec here.

Recipe interface functions#

This is a set of functions that defines how a recipe behaves. For example, if we consider the EmailPassword recipe:

  • On the backend, we have the these functions that determine how the recipe behaves. They essentially query the SuperTokens core and return the result from the query. You can override these add pre / post logic or replace the core call with your custom logic entirely.
  • On the frontend, we have these functions. They query your backend API layer (as per the FDI spec) and return the result from the query. You can also override these to add pre / post logic or replace the API call with some other logic entirely.

API interface functions#

On the backend SDK, these are the set of functions which govern how an API call defined in the FDI spec behaves. They accept the API input and return the API output as per the FDI spec. For example, for the EmailPassword recipe, we have these functions.

You can override them as well to add pre / post logic or change how the API behaves entirely. The different between these and the backend recipe functions are:

  • These have access to the API's request and response objects
  • One API interface function may interact with multiple recipes or multiple recipe functions. For example, the signInPOST API function for the EmailPassword recipe calls the signIn recipe function from the EmailPassword recipe, and the createNewSession function from the Session recipe.


You can learn more about the AppInfo object here.

RID header#

Multiple recipes can share the same API path. For example, the ThirdParty recipe and the EmailPassword recipe, both have /recipe/user GET in their CDI spec (querying the core).

In this case, the core needs to be able to determine which type of user list it should return and it does that based on the value of the rid header passed in the request. For the EmailPassword recipe, the value of this is emailpassword, and for the ThirdParty recipe, the value of this is thirdparty.

Likewise, there is a unique rid for all recipes, and this header is used by the core and by our backend SDK (exposes the FDI spec) to determine which recipe the request should go to.

Rotating refresh tokens#

Here is a blog explaining what this is.