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Using Lambda Authorizers

You can use a lambda as an Authorizer in API Gateways. This will enable you to use SuperTokens in a lambda to authorize requests to other integrations (e.g., AppSync). An Authorizer pointed to this lambda will add context.authorizer.principalId that you can map to a header. For example, you can map this to an "x-user-id" header which will be set to the id of the logged-in user. If there is no valid session for the request, this header won't exist.

1) Add configurations and dependencies#

Refer to the frontend, lambda layer, and lambda setup guides for setting up the frontend, lambda layer, and lambda function.

2) Add code to the lambda function handler#

Use the code below as the handler for the lambda. Remember that whenever we want to use any functions from the supertokens-node lib, we have to call the supertokens.init function at the top of that serverless function file. We can then use getSession() to get the session.

import supertokens from "supertokens-node";
import Session from "supertokens-node/recipe/session";

import { getBackendConfig } from "./config.mjs";


export const handler = async function (event) {
try {
const session = await Session.getSession(event, event, { sessionRequired: false });
if (session) {
// We need to add setCookie to the context, since later we will be mapping this to a Set-Cookie header on the response
// getSession has to set cookies on the first call after a refresh.
return generateAllow(session.getUserId(), event.methodArn, {
setCookie: event.supertokens.response.cookies.join(', '),
} else {
// You can allow requests without sessions
return generateAllow("", event.methodArn, {
setCookie: event.supertokens.response.cookies.join(', '),
// You can also return explicit deny with additional context, but you should configure these as 401s so the frontend SDK can handle them.
// return generateDeny(undefined, event.methodArn);
// throw new Error("Unauthorized");
} catch (ex: any) {
if (ex.type === "TRY_REFRESH_TOKEN" || ex.type === "UNAUTHORISED") {
throw new Error("Unauthorized");
if (ex.type === "INVALID_CLAIMS") {
return generateDeny("", event.methodArn, {
body: JSON.stringify({
message: "invalid claim",
claimValidationErrors: ex.payload,
setCookie: event.supertokens.response.cookies.join(", "),
throw ex;

// Help function to generate an IAM policy
const generatePolicy = function (principalId, effect, resource, context) {
// Required output:
const policyDocument = {
Version: '2012-10-17',
Statement: [],

const statementOne = {
Action: 'execute-api:Invoke',
Effect: effect,
Resource: resource,

policyDocument.Statement[0] = statementOne;

const authResponse = {
principalId: principalId,
policyDocument: policyDocument,
// Optional output with custom properties of the String, Number or Boolean type.

return authResponse;

const generateAllow = function (principalId, resource, context) {
return generatePolicy(principalId, 'Allow', resource, context);

const generateDeny = function (principalId, resource, context) {
return generatePolicy(principalId, 'Deny', resource, context);

3) Configure the Authorizer#

  • Go to the "Authorizers" tab in the API Gateway configuration
  • Click "Create new Authorizer" and add the new Authorizer
    • Fill the name field
    • Set "Lambda function" to the one created above
    • Set "Lambda Event Payload" to Request
    • Delete the empty "Identity Source"
    • Click "Create"

4) Configure API Gateway#

  • In your API Gateway, create the resources and methods you require, enabling CORS if necessary (see setup api gateway for details)

  • Select each Method you want to enable the Authorizer on and configure it to use the new Authorizer

    • Click on "Method Request"

    • Edit the "Authorization" field in Settings and set it to the one we just created.

    • Go back to the method configuration and click on "Integration Request"

      • Set up the integration you require (see AppSync for an example)
      • Add a header mapping to make use of the context set in the lambda.
        • Open "HTTP Headers"
        • Add all headers required (e.g., "x-user-id" mapped to "context.authorizer.principalId")
        • Repeat for any values from the context you want to add as a Header
    • Go back to the method configuration and click on "Method Response"

      • Open the dropdown next to the 200 status code
      • Add the "Set-Cookie" header
      • Add any other headers that should be present on the response.
    • Go back to the method configuration and click on "Integration Response"

      • Open the dropdown
      • Open "Header Mappings"
      • Add "Set-Cookie" mapped to "context.authorizer.setCookie"
  • In the API Gateway left menu, select "Gateway Responses"

    • Select "Access Denied"
      • Click "Edit"
      • Add response headers:
        • Add Access-Control-Allow-Origin with value '<YOUR_WEBSITE_DOMAIN>'
        • Add Access-Control-Allow-Credentials with value 'true'. Don't miss out on those quotes else it won't get configured correctly.
        • Add "Set-Cookie" with value context.authorizer.setCookie no quotes
      • Under response templates:
        • Select application/json:
        • Set "Response template body" to $context.authorizer.body
      • Click "Save"
    • Select "Unauthorized"
      • Add response headers:
        • Add Access-Control-Allow-Origin with value '<YOUR_WEBSITE_DOMAIN>'
        • Add Access-Control-Allow-Credentials with value 'true'. Don't miss out on those quotes else it won't get configured correctly.
      • Click "Save"
  • Deploy your API and test it

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