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If you are using our backend SDK that is lesser than the following versions, please visit the older documentation link here.

Which UI do you use?
Custom UI
Pre built UI

1. Configuration

1) Install supertokens package #

yarn add supertokens-node supertokens-auth-react supertokens-web-js nextjs-cors

2) Create configuration files #

  • Create a config folder in the root directory of your project
  • Create an appInfo.ts inside the config folder.
  • Create a backendConfig.ts inside the config folder.
  • Create a frontendConfig.ts inside the config folder.

3) Create the appInfo configuration. #


export const appInfo = {
// learn more about this on
appName: "<YOUR_APP_NAME>",
apiDomain: "<YOUR_API_DOMAIN>",
websiteDomain: "<YOUR_WEBSITE_DOMAIN>",
apiBasePath: "/auth",
websiteBasePath: "/auth"

4) Create a frontend config function #

How do you want to identify your users?
Only phone numberOnly emailEmail or phone number

5) Create a backend config function#

How do you want to identify your users?
Only phone numberOnly emailEmail or phone number
Which authentication type will you use?
OTPMagic linksOTP and Magic link

6) Set up your email / sms delivery method#

How do you want to identify your users?
Only phone numberOnly emailEmail or phone number

7) Call the frontend init functions and wrap with <SuperTokensWrapper> component #

  • Create a /pages/_app.tsx file. You can learn more about this file here.
import '../styles/globals.css'
import React from 'react'
import { AppProps } from 'next/app'
import SuperTokensReact, { SuperTokensWrapper } from 'supertokens-auth-react'

import { frontendConfig } from '../config/frontendConfig'

if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
// we only want to call this init function on the frontend, so we check typeof window !== 'undefined'

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
return (
<Component {...pageProps} />

export default MyApp