Changing Colours
What type of UI are you using?
It is possible to update the default theme with your colours to make it fit perfectly with your website by defining a few CSS variables in the style
property to the EmailPassword.init
You have to specify the colors as RGB (see the following example), because we use the rgb
and rgba
functions to apply them.
For example if your website uses a dark theme, here is how you can quickly customize it:
import SuperTokens from "supertokens-auth-react";
appInfo: {
apiDomain: "...",
appName: "...",
websiteDomain: "..."
style: `
[data-supertokens~=container] {
--palette-background: 51, 51, 51;
--palette-inputBackground: 41, 41, 41;
--palette-inputBorder: 41, 41, 41;
--palette-textTitle: 255, 255, 255;
--palette-textLabel: 255, 255, 255;
--palette-textPrimary: 255, 255, 255;
--palette-error: 173, 46, 46;
--palette-textInput: 169, 169, 169;
--palette-textLink: 114,114,114;
--palette-textGray: 158, 158, 158;
recipeList: [ /* ... */]
![Prebuilt form UI with custom color palette](/img/emailpassword/signin-dark.png)
Changes to the palette will apply to all the UI components we provide. If you want to change a specific component, please see this section.
Palette values
- Description: This value represent the background color of all forms.
- Default:
255, 255, 255
- Description: This value represents the background color of the input fields of all forms.
- Default:
250, 250, 250
(light grey)
- Description: This value represents the border color of the input fields of all forms.
- Default:
224, 224, 224
(light grey)
![Prebuilt input field](/img/emailpassword/input-background.png)
- Description: This value represents the primary color used for highlighting focused inputs, display successful states and button background colour.
- Default:
28, 34, 42
![Prebuilt UI with an input field highlighted](/img/emailpassword/primary.png)
- Description: This value represents the border color used for primary buttons.
- Default:
45, 54, 68
- Description: This value represents the color used on success events.
- Default:
65, 167, 0
- Description: This value represents the color used on as a background for success notifications.
- Default:
217, 255, 191
![Element visible when email is resent successfully](/img/emailpassword/success.png)
- Description: This value represents the error color used for highlighting inputs with errors, and display error messages.
- Default:
255, 23, 23
- Description: This value represents the error color used as a background for error notifications.
- Default:
255, 241, 235
![Prebuilt form field with error](/img/emailpassword/error.png)
- Description: This value represents the color of the title of each forms.
- Default:
0, 0, 0
![Prebuilt form title](/img/emailpassword/textTitle.png)
- Description: This value represents the main color used for form fields labels.
- Default:
0, 0, 0
![Prebuilt form field labels](/img/emailpassword/textLabel.png)
- Description: This value represents the main color used for form fields labels.
- Default:
0, 0, 0
![Prebuilt form field](/img/emailpassword/textInput.png)
- Description: This value represents the main color used for subtitles and footer text.
- Default:
128, 128, 128
![Prebuilt form terms and policy links](/img/emailpassword/textPrimary.png)
- Description: This value represents the color used for links (see the image above).
- Default:
0, 122, 255
- Description: This value represents the colour of the text inside the main button on each page
- Default:
255, 255, 255
![Prebuilt form submit button](/img/emailpassword/buttonText.png)
- Description: This value controls the color of the SuperTokens branding element on the bottom of sign-in/up pages
- Default:
242, 245, 246
(alice blue)
- Description: This value controls the color of the "Powered by SuperTokens" text on the bottom of sign-in/up pages
- Default:
173, 189, 196
(heather grey)
![Prebuilt form SuperTokens label](/img/styling/branding_element.png)