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The user object


The user object represents the entity that exposes user information during an authentication flow.



This is only applicable for NodeJS SDK >= 16.0 and for Python SDK >= 0.25.0. For other versions, or SDKs, please see:



idstringThe primary user ID. It can change if the user links to another user.
timeJoinednumberTime (in MS since epoch) when user first signed up. It does not update when new login methods appear.
isPrimaryUserbooleantrue if the user can accept other login methods from other users. Important for account linking.
tenantIdsstring[]List of tenantIds the user belongs to. Union of all login methods' tenantIds.
emailsstring[]List of all emails associated with this user.
phoneNumbersstring[]List of all phone numbers associated with this user.
thirdPartyThirdPartyList of third party provider information. See Third Party Properties table below.
loginMethodsLoginMethod[]List of all login methods. See Login Method Properties table below.


idstringUnique identifier for the third party provider (for example, "google")
userIdstringUser ID from the third party provider


recipeIdstringID representing the login method (for example, "email password", "third party", "passwordless")
tenantIdsstring[]List of tenantIds for this login method
timeJoinednumberTime (in MS since epoch) when user signed up with this method
recipeUserIdRecipeUserIdRecipe user ID for this login method
verifiedbooleantrue if email/phone verifies for this method
emailstringEmail for this login method (undefined if not applicable)
phoneNumberstringPhone number for this method (undefined if not applicable)
thirdPartyThirdPartyThird party info for this method (undefined if not third party)
hasSameEmailAsfunctionHelper function to compare normalized emails
hasSamePhoneNumberAsfunctionHelper function to compare normalized phone numbers
hasSameThirdPartyInfoAsfunctionHelper function to compare third party info

Primary and recipe user ID

In SuperTokens, each user can have multiple login methods. For example, one user may be able to login with both, email password and social login. Each of these login methods gives the user a unique user ID - this is a recipeUserId.

When the user logs in with either of the two methods, SuperTokens resolves a common ID. This user ID is the primary user ID. The value of the primary user ID is equal to the recipe user ID of the initial login method registered by the user.


  • A user first signs up with the email password recipe.
  • This gives them the recipe user ID r1. As well, their primary user ID is also r1.
  • They sign in with Google with the same email.
  • This creates a different recipe user ID, r2.
  • If you have enabled the automatic account linking, then the two recipe userIds link, and r2's primary user ID becomes r1.
  • If you have not enabled automatic account linking, then you have two distinct users, with two different primary user IDs.


Email password user without account linking

In a simple case, if there is a user who signed up with email password (with, and automatic account linking is not enabled, their user object would look like:

id: "3f23dca5-79da-4d84-9a72-90286ef6ea0d";
timeJoined: 1693286254150;
isPrimaryUser: false;
tenantIds: ["public"];
emails: [""];
phoneNumbers: [];
thirdParty: [];
loginMethods: [{
recipeId: "emailpassword";
tenantIds: ["public"];
timeJoined: 1693286254150;
recipeUserId: new RecipeUserId("3f23dca5-79da-4d84-9a72-90286ef6ea0d");
verified: false;
email: "";
hasSameEmailAs: (email: string | undefined) => boolean;
hasSamePhoneNumberAs: (phoneNumber: string | undefined) => boolean;
hasSameThirdPartyInfoAs: (thirdParty?: { id: string; userId: string }) => boolean;
  • Notice that the value of isPrimaryUser is false. This means that if this user links to another user, this user's primary user ID changes to the other user's primary user ID.
  • This user has one login method (email password), since it's not linked to any other user.

Email password user linked with a social login user

We have a user who signed up with email password (with, and then with Google (with the same email). Automatic account linking is active, therefore these two users get linked.

id: "3f23dca5-79da-4d84-9a72-90286ef6ea0d";
timeJoined: 1693286254150;
isPrimaryUser: true;
tenantIds: ["public"];
emails: [""];
phoneNumbers: [];
thirdParty: [{
id: "google";
userId: "1234567890";
loginMethods: [{
recipeId: "emailpassword";
tenantIds: ["public"];
timeJoined: 1693286254150;
recipeUserId: new RecipeUserId("3f23dca5-79da-4d84-9a72-90286ef6ea0d");
verified: false;
email: "";
hasSameEmailAs: (email: string | undefined) => boolean;
hasSamePhoneNumberAs: (phoneNumber: string | undefined) => boolean;
hasSameThirdPartyInfoAs: (thirdParty?: { id: string; userId: string }) => boolean;
}, {
recipeId: "thirdparty";
tenantIds: ["public"];
timeJoined: 1693286254250;
recipeUserId: new RecipeUserId("6ffc0ac5-d840-4a5b-92e8-86965f67c2ea");
verified: true;
email: "";
thirdParty: {
id: "google";
userId: "1234567890";
hasSameEmailAs: (email: string | undefined) => boolean;
hasSamePhoneNumberAs: (phoneNumber: string | undefined) => boolean;
hasSameThirdPartyInfoAs: (thirdParty?: { id: string; userId: string }) => boolean;
  • Notice that the value of isPrimaryUser is true. This means that if this user links to another user, this user's primary user ID does not change.
  • This user has two login methods (email password and third party). The top level timeJoined value is the min of the two timeJoined values in the loginMethods.
  • In this example, the top level emails array has one item since both the login methods emails are the same, but if they were different, there would be two items in this array.