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Testing with Postman

The following guide will go over the process of testing backend APIs with Postman. These APIs are automatically exposed via our backend SDK (/auth/* path).

  • Make sure that the ThirdParty Recipe is correctly setup in your backend
  • For the examples given below we will be running our backend on domain localhost and port 3001
  • The Open API spec for the APIs being tested can be found here.
  • Postman does cookie management on its own. So you don't need to manually set cookies on each request.

1. Sign up

The /auth/signinup API requires the redirectURI, thirdPartyId and code attributes to be set as a JSON object in the request body.

  • redirectURI: It is the link the user is redirected to after authentication. For example, for sign in with Google, the value of this will be {websiteDomain}/auth/callback/google.

  • thirdPartyId: The id used to identify the provider. For example if Google is enabled as a ThirdParty provider its thirdPartyId is google

  • code: The auth code that is sent by the third party provider when the redirectURI is called (post auth from their UI).

  • On a successful response, a new user session will be created with session tokens being set in the response and the response body will contain the user object, the createdNewUser and status values as JSON data.

  • The following session tokens are set:

    • sAccessToken
    • sRefreshToken
  • More information about these cookies can be found here

2. Session Verification

  • We can also test APIs which require the user to be logged in.

  • For example, we have an API used to query user data with the verifySession middleware as shown below

import express from "express";
import { verifySession } from "supertokens-node/recipe/session/framework/express";

let app = express();

// The following code snippet is an example API. You do not need to
// implement it in your app"/change-user-data", verifySession(), async (req, res) => {
let userId = req.session.getUserId();
// mutate some user data
  • In Postman, set the request type to POST.
  • Set the URL to http://localhost:3001/change-user-data
  • If you have the antiCsrf attribute set to VIA_TOKEN in your backend SuperTokens config then, in the Postman Header tab, set a key as anti-csrf and value as the anti-csrf token retrieved from the login response.
  • On a successful response, the response body will contain user data.

By default, for GET APIs, you don't need to provide the anti-csrf request header as anti-CSRF checks are only done in non-GET APIs

Request to change user data in postman

In case you query the /change-user-data API with an expired access token, you will get a 401 response with the message try refresh token.

Failed query due to expired access token in postman

To generate new session tokens you can use the /auth/session/refresh API as shown in the next section.

3. Refreshing Session Tokens

In case your access token expires you can call the /auth/session/refresh API to generate a new access token and refresh token.

  • In Postman, set the request type to POST.
  • Set the URL to http://localhost:3001/auth/session/refresh
  • On a successful response, new session tokens will be set
Successful session refresh in postman

You can see the new session tokens by switching to the cookies tab

Viewing session tokens in cookies tab in postman

4. Logout

The /auth/signout API will be used to invalidate the user sessions. This will clear the session cookies set in postman.

  • In Postman, set the request type to POST.
  • Set the URL to http://localhost:3001/auth/signout
  • On a successful response, the session tokens will be cleared from Postman, and from the database
Successful sign out request in postman