Overview Discover all the ways in which you can authenticate your users with SuperTokens. Authentication Methods Email/PasswordBasic authentication using email and password.PasswordlessAuthentication through magic links or one-time codes.Social LoginLogin flow that uses third-party providers for authentication.Enterprise LoginInstructions on how to configure your application to support multiple tenants and enterprise authentication methods.Unified LoginDetails on how to create a common authentication experience for all your products.Machine to Machine AuthenticationGuides on authenticating microservices using SuperTokens. Additional Resources For information on other features exposed by SuperTokens, please refer to the following resources: Multi-Factor AuthenticationSet up additional verification layers in you sign in process.Multi-TenancyUse SuperTokens to manage multiple organizations and apps.Attack Protection SuiteEnable additional security features that shield your app.Self HostingDeploy SuperTokens in your own infrastructure.Migration GuideLearn how to migrate from an existing authentication provider.