OTP for specific users
Before reading the below, please first go through the setup for OTP for all users to understand the basics of how MFA with OTP works, and then come back here.
In this page, we will show you how to implement an MFA policy that requires certain users to do the OTP challenge via email or SMS. You can decide which those users are based on any criteria. For example:
- Only users that have an
role require to do OTP; OR - Only users that have enabled OTP on their account require to do OTP; OR
- Only users that have a paid account require to do OTP.
Whatever the criteria is, the steps to implementing this type of a flow is the same.
We assume that the first factor is email password or social login, but the same set of steps will be applicable for other first factor types as well.
Single tenant setup
Backend setup
Example 1: Only enable OTP for users that have an admin
To start with, we configure the backend in the following way:
import supertokens, { User, RecipeUserId, } from "supertokens-node";
import { UserContext } from "supertokens-node/types";
import ThirdParty from "supertokens-node/recipe/thirdparty"
import EmailPassword from "supertokens-node/recipe/emailpassword"
import MultiFactorAuth from "supertokens-node/recipe/multifactorauth"
import Passwordless from "supertokens-node/recipe/passwordless"
import Session from "supertokens-node/recipe/session"
import UserRoles from "supertokens-node/recipe/userroles"
import AccountLinking from "supertokens-node/recipe/accountlinking"
import { AccountInfoWithRecipeId } from "supertokens-node/recipe/accountlinking/types";
import { SessionContainerInterface } from "supertokens-node/recipe/session/types";
supertokens: {
connectionURI: "..."
appInfo: {
appName: "...",
apiDomain: "...",
websiteDomain: "..."
recipeList: [
contactMethod: "EMAIL",
shouldDoAutomaticAccountLinking: async (newAccountInfo: AccountInfoWithRecipeId & { recipeUserId?: RecipeUserId }, user: User | undefined, session: SessionContainerInterface | undefined, tenantId: string, userContext: UserContext) => {
if (session === undefined) {
// we do not want to do first factor account linking by default. To enable that,
// please see the automatic account linking docs in the recipe docs for your first factor.
return {
shouldAutomaticallyLink: false
if (user === undefined || session.getUserId() === user.id) {
// if it comes here, it means that a session exists, and we are trying to link the
// newAccountInfo to the session user, which means it's an MFA flow, so we enable
// linking here.
return {
shouldAutomaticallyLink: true,
shouldRequireVerification: false
return {
shouldAutomaticallyLink: false
firstFactors: [
override: {
functions: (originalImplementation) => {
return {
getMFARequirementsForAuth: async function (input) {
let roles = await UserRoles.getRolesForUser(input.tenantId, (await input.user).id)
if (roles.roles.includes("admin")) {
// we only want otp-email for admins
return [MultiFactorAuth.FactorIds.OTP_EMAIL]
} else {
// no MFA for non admin users.
return []
We override the getMFARequirementsForAuth
function to indicate that otp-email
must be completed only for users that have the admin
role. You can also have any other criteria here.
Example 2: Ask for OTP only for users that have enabled OTP on their account
To start with, we configure the backend in the following way:
import supertokens, { User, RecipeUserId, } from "supertokens-node";
import { UserContext } from "supertokens-node/types";
import ThirdParty from "supertokens-node/recipe/thirdparty"
import EmailPassword from "supertokens-node/recipe/emailpassword"
import MultiFactorAuth, { MultiFactorAuthClaim } from "supertokens-node/recipe/multifactorauth"
import Passwordless from "supertokens-node/recipe/passwordless"
import Session from "supertokens-node/recipe/session"
import AccountLinking from "supertokens-node/recipe/accountlinking"
import { AccountInfoWithRecipeId } from "supertokens-node/recipe/accountlinking/types";
import { SessionContainerInterface } from "supertokens-node/recipe/session/types";
supertokens: {
connectionURI: "..."
appInfo: {
appName: "...",
apiDomain: "...",
websiteDomain: "..."
recipeList: [
contactMethod: "EMAIL",
flowType: "USER_INPUT_CODE",
override: {
apis: (oI) => {
return {
consumeCodePOST: async function (input) {
let response = await oI.consumeCodePOST!(input);
if (response.status === "OK" && input.session !== undefined) {
// We do this only if a session exists, which means that it's not being called for first factor login.
// OTP challenge completed successfully. We save that this user has enabled otp-email in the user metadata.
// The multifactorauth recipe will pick this value up next time the user is trying to login, and
// ask them to enter the OTP code.
await MultiFactorAuth.addToRequiredSecondaryFactorsForUser(input.session.getUserId(), MultiFactorAuth.FactorIds.OTP_EMAIL);
return response;
shouldDoAutomaticAccountLinking: async (newAccountInfo: AccountInfoWithRecipeId & { recipeUserId?: RecipeUserId }, user: User | undefined, session: SessionContainerInterface | undefined, tenantId: string, userContext: UserContext) => {
if (session === undefined) {
// we do not want to do first factor account linking by default. To enable that,
// please see the automatic account linking docs in the recipe docs for your first factor.
return {
shouldAutomaticallyLink: false
if (user === undefined || session.getUserId() === user.id) {
// if it comes here, it means that a session exists, and we are trying to link the
// newAccountInfo to the session user, which means it's an MFA flow, so we enable
// linking here.
return {
shouldAutomaticallyLink: true,
shouldRequireVerification: false
return {
shouldAutomaticallyLink: false
firstFactors: [
- We simply initialise the multi factor auth recipe here without any override to
. The default implementation of this function already checks what factors are enabled for a user and returns those. So all we need to do is markotp-email
as enabled for a user as soon as they have completed the OTP challenge successfully. This happens in theconsumeCodePOST
API override as shown above. Once the code is consumed successfully, we mark theotp-email
factor as enabled for the user, and the next time they login, they will be asked to complete the OTP challenge. - Notice that before we call
, we check if there is an input session or not. We only want to calladdToRequiredSecondaryFactorsForUser
function if there is a session which indicates that the user has finished some first factor already.
In both of the examples above, notice that we have initialised the Passwordless recipe in the recipeList
. In this example, we only want to enable email based OTP, so we set the contactMethod
and flowType
(i.e. OTP). If instead, you want to use phone SMS based OTP, you should set the contact method to PHONE
. If you want to give users both the options, or for some users use email, and for others use phone, you should set contactMethod
We have also enabled the account linking feature since it's required for MFA to work. The above enables account linking for second factor only, but if you also want to enable it for first factor, see this section.
Notice that we have set shouldRequireVerification: false
for account linking. It means that the second factor can be linked to the first factor even though the first factor is not verified. If you want to do email verification of the first factor before setting up the second factor (for example if the first factor is email password, and the second is phone OTP), then you can set this boolean to true
, and also init the email verification recipe on the frontend and backend in REQUIRED
Once the user finishes the first factor (for example, with emailpassword
), their session access token payload will look like this (for those that require OTP):
"st-mfa": {
"c": {
"emailpassword": 1702877939,
"v": false
The v
being false
indicates that there are still factors that are pending. After the user has finished otp-email, the payload will look like:
"st-mfa": {
"c": {
"emailpassword": 1702877939,
"otp-email": 1702877999
"v": true
Indicating that the user has finished all required factors, and should be allowed to access the app.
If you are already using Passwordless
or ThirdPartyPasswordless
in your app as a first factor, you do not need to explicitly initialise the Passwordless recipe again.
Frontend setup
This consists of two parts:
- Configuring the frontend to show the OTP challenge UI when required during login / sign up
- Allowing users to enable / disable OTP challenge on their account via the settings page (If you are following Example 2 from above).
The first part is identical to the steps mentioned in this section, so please follow that.
The second part, which is only applicable in case you want to allow users to enable / disable OTP themselves, can be achieved by creating the following flow on your frontend:
- When the user navigates to their settings page, you can show them if OTP challenge is enabled or not.
- If enabled, you can allow them to disable it, or vice versa.
In order to know if the user has enabled OTP, you can make an API your backend which calls the following function:
import MultiFactorAuth from "supertokens-node/recipe/multifactorauth";
async function isOTPEmailEnabledForUser(userId: string) {
let factors = await MultiFactorAuth.getRequiredSecondaryFactorsForUser(userId)
return factors.includes(MultiFactorAuth.FactorIds.OTP_EMAIL)
If the user wants to enable or disable otp-email for them, you can make an API on your backend which calls the following function:
import MultiFactorAuth from "supertokens-node/recipe/multifactorauth";
async function enableMFAForUser(userId: string) {
await MultiFactorAuth.addToRequiredSecondaryFactorsForUser(userId, MultiFactorAuth.FactorIds.OTP_EMAIL)
async function disableMFAForUser(userId: string) {
await MultiFactorAuth.removeFromRequiredSecondaryFactorsForUser(userId, MultiFactorAuth.FactorIds.OTP_EMAIL)
If instead you want to work with otp-phone
, you can replace otp-email
with otp-phone
in the above snippets. Also make sure that the contactMethod
is set to PHONE
in the Passwordless recipe on the frontend (for pre-built UI) and backend.
Multi tenant setup
Backend setup
A user can be a part of several tenants. So if you want OTP to be enabled for a specific user across all the tenants that they are a part of, the steps are the same as in the Backend setup section above.
However, if you want OTP to be enabled for a specific user, for a specific tenant (or a sub set of tenants that the user is a part of), then you will have to add additional logic to the getMFARequirementsForAuth
function override. Modifying the example code from the Backend setup section above:
Example 1: Only enable OTP for users that have an admin
import supertokens, { User, RecipeUserId, } from "supertokens-node";
import { UserContext } from "supertokens-node/types";
import ThirdParty from "supertokens-node/recipe/thirdparty"
import EmailPassword from "supertokens-node/recipe/emailpassword"
import MultiFactorAuth from "supertokens-node/recipe/multifactorauth"
import Passwordless from "supertokens-node/recipe/passwordless"
import Session from "supertokens-node/recipe/session"
import UserRoles from "supertokens-node/recipe/userroles"
import AccountLinking from "supertokens-node/recipe/accountlinking"
import { AccountInfoWithRecipeId } from "supertokens-node/recipe/accountlinking/types";
import { SessionContainerInterface } from "supertokens-node/recipe/session/types";
supertokens: {
connectionURI: "..."
appInfo: {
appName: "...",
apiDomain: "...",
websiteDomain: "..."
recipeList: [
contactMethod: "EMAIL",
shouldDoAutomaticAccountLinking: async (newAccountInfo: AccountInfoWithRecipeId & { recipeUserId?: RecipeUserId }, user: User | undefined, session: SessionContainerInterface | undefined, tenantId: string, userContext: UserContext) => {
if (session === undefined) {
// we do not want to do first factor account linking by default. To enable that,
// please see the automatic account linking docs in the recipe docs for your first factor.
return {
shouldAutomaticallyLink: false
if (user === undefined || session.getUserId() === user.id) {
// if it comes here, it means that a session exists, and we are trying to link the
// newAccountInfo to the session user, which means it's an MFA flow, so we enable
// linking here.
return {
shouldAutomaticallyLink: true,
shouldRequireVerification: false
return {
shouldAutomaticallyLink: false
firstFactors: [
override: {
functions: (originalImplementation) => {
return {
getMFARequirementsForAuth: async function (input) {
let roles = await UserRoles.getRolesForUser(input.tenantId, (await input.user).id)
if (roles.roles.includes("admin") && (await input.requiredSecondaryFactorsForTenant).includes(MultiFactorAuth.FactorIds.OTP_EMAIL)) {
// we only want otp-email for admins
return [MultiFactorAuth.FactorIds.OTP_EMAIL]
} else {
// no MFA for non admin users.
return []
- The implementation of
is entirely up to you.
Example 2: Ask for OTP only for users that have enabled OTP on their account
import supertokens, { User, RecipeUserId, } from "supertokens-node";
import { UserContext } from "supertokens-node/types";
import ThirdParty from "supertokens-node/recipe/thirdparty"
import EmailPassword from "supertokens-node/recipe/emailpassword"
import MultiFactorAuth, { MultiFactorAuthClaim } from "supertokens-node/recipe/multifactorauth"
import Passwordless from "supertokens-node/recipe/passwordless"
import Session from "supertokens-node/recipe/session"
import AccountLinking from "supertokens-node/recipe/accountlinking"
import { AccountInfoWithRecipeId } from "supertokens-node/recipe/accountlinking/types";
import { SessionContainerInterface } from "supertokens-node/recipe/session/types";
supertokens: {
connectionURI: "..."
appInfo: {
appName: "...",
apiDomain: "...",
websiteDomain: "..."
recipeList: [
contactMethod: "EMAIL",
flowType: "USER_INPUT_CODE",
override: {
apis: (oI) => {
return {
consumeCodePOST: async function (input) {
let response = await oI.consumeCodePOST!(input);
if (response.status === "OK" && input.session !== undefined) {
// We do this only if a session exists, which means that it's not being called for first factor login.
// OTP challenge completed successfully. We save that this user has enabled otp-email in the user metadata.
// The multifactorauth recipe will pick this value up next time the user is trying to login, and
// ask them to enter the OTP code.
await MultiFactorAuth.addToRequiredSecondaryFactorsForUser(input.session.getUserId(), MultiFactorAuth.FactorIds.OTP_EMAIL);
return response;
shouldDoAutomaticAccountLinking: async (newAccountInfo: AccountInfoWithRecipeId & { recipeUserId?: RecipeUserId }, user: User | undefined, session: SessionContainerInterface | undefined, tenantId: string, userContext: UserContext) => {
if (session === undefined) {
// we do not want to do first factor account linking by default. To enable that,
// please see the automatic account linking docs in the recipe docs for your first factor.
return {
shouldAutomaticallyLink: false
if (user === undefined || session.getUserId() === user.id) {
// if it comes here, it means that a session exists, and we are trying to link the
// newAccountInfo to the session user, which means it's an MFA flow, so we enable
// linking here.
return {
shouldAutomaticallyLink: true,
shouldRequireVerification: false
return {
shouldAutomaticallyLink: false
firstFactors: [
override: {
functions: (originalImplementation) => {
return {
getMFARequirementsForAuth: async function (input) {
if ((await input.requiredSecondaryFactorsForUser).includes(MultiFactorAuth.FactorIds.OTP_EMAIL)) {
if ((await input.requiredSecondaryFactorsForTenant).includes(MultiFactorAuth.FactorIds.OTP_EMAIL)) {
return [MultiFactorAuth.FactorIds.OTP_EMAIL]
// no otp-email required for input.user, with the input.tenant.
return []
We provide an override for getMFARequirementsForAuth
which checks if otp-email is enabled for the user, and also take into account the tenantId to decide if we want to have this user go through the otp-email flow whilst logging into this tenant. The implementation of shouldRequireOTPEmailForTenant
is entirely up to you.
Frontend setup
The frontend setup is identical to the frontend setup section above.
Protecting frontend and backend routes
See the section on protecting frontend and backend routes.
Email / SMS sending and design
By default, the email template used for otp-email login is as shown here, and the default SMS template is as shown here. The method for sending them is via an email and SMS sending service that we provide.
If you would like to learn more about this, or change the content of the email, or the method by which they are sent, checkout the email / SMS delivery section in the recipe docs: