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Implementing backup / recovery codes

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Backup codes is one of the ways in which end users can recover their account in case they lose their second factor device. At the moment, SuperTokens does not have an in-built implementation for backup codes, however, you can customize our SDKs to add this feature. This guide will show you how to implement backup codes in your application.


Here is an example of how you can implement backup codes in your application if you are using our pre-built UI.

How it works

We allow users to generate a backup code after they have set up MFA. This backup code will be associated with their userID in their user metadata JSON. Once users want to use their backup code, we show them a UI to enter their code which calls an API that verifies the backup code and adds a flag in their session indicating that they have correctly supplied a backup code. Post that, we use this flag to allow users to create a new MFA device (for example a new TOTP device), even if they already have one registered on their account. User can then go about adding a new device and completing MFA using that.


The guide below focuses on TOTP as a second factor, but something similar can be implemented for Passwordless as well.

Step 1. Adding an API to generate backup codes on the backend

Here is an example API for how you can create a recovery code. In here, we create a secure random string, and save the hashed version in the user metadata JSON. This API returns the plain text recovery code to the frontend to display to the user.

Step 2. Allowing users to generate a backup code when they finish MFA setup

What type of UI are you using?

After the user has successfully set up their second factor (during sign up or during recovery process), we navigate them to a page which shows them their backup code.

We can redirect the user to this page automatically (once they have completed their MFA setup) by adding a claim validator on the frontend which enforces that the user always has a backup code associated with their account, so even if they consume the code in the future, this validator will fail and redirect them to the create new backup code screen. The idea here is that we modify the access token payload on the backend to add a boolean value to it which is true if the user already has a backup code with their account, else it's false. The frontend claim validator will fail if the value is false and redirect to them to the UI for where we want them to create a backup code. You can see this validator implementation on the frontend here. This validator is added to the Session.init on the frontend so that it runs each time you protect a route with <SessionAuth />.

We of course also need to add a claim validator on the backend to add the boolean value to the access token payload. You can see the claim validator's implementation here. We use this validator in a few places:

Once on the page, the UI calls the API we created in the previous step to create a new recovery code for the user. Note that calling this API will replace the older recovery code, but of course, since it's all custom, you can change the logic.

Here is an example of how to implement this page.

Step 3. Showing users UI to use their backup code on the MFA challenge UI

This can be achieved by creating a "Lost device?" button in the pre-built UI that asks the user to enter the TOTP challenge. Once they click on this, users will be redirected to a page in which they can enter their backup code, after which (if verified), they will be further redirected to the create a new TOTP device page.

Here is how you can override our pre-built UI to display the "Lost device?" button.

Here is an example implementation of a page which asks the user to enter their backup code and calls as API (see next step) to check if the code is correct or not.

Step 4. Modifying the user's session to mark that they have verified their backup code

On the backend, we create an API which accepts the recovery code entered by the user, checks that it matches the hashed version stored in the user's metadata JSON, and if it does, we mark it as "in use" in the user's session payload. We do this by saving the recoverCodeHash in the session payload which will then later be checked in the next step to force enable TOTP device creation.

On the frontend, once this API returns a success, we should navigate the user to the create a new TOTP device screen. You can see how this is done here.

Step 5. Force allowing users to setup a new device

Here are the steps:

  • Force enabling TOTP device creation if the recoveryCodeHash is in the user's session's access token payload.
  • Deleting the recovery code from the user's metadata JSON once they have consumed it to create a new device.
  • Redirecting the user to the page that shows their new recovery code after they have set up their new device.

The first step can be achieved by overriding this function on the backend. By default, the assertAllowedToSetupFactorElseThrowInvalidClaimError function will throw an error in case a TOTP device already exists and the user is trying to set up a new TOTP device during the sign-in process (for security reasons). However, we modify this to check if the access token payload contains the recoveryCodeHash and that it matches the one in the user metadata JSON. If it does, we allow new device setup, since we know that the user had previously entered their recovery code successfully.

During the TOTP device setup, users this API will be called from the frontend. If this API succeeds, then it means that a new TOTP device was created for the user and they have completed the TOTP challenge for the current session. So on success, we remove the old recovery code from the metadata in case the session has the recoveryCodeHash set. This way, the old recovery code is no longer usable.

Finally, after a successful creation of a new TOTP device, the frontend should redirect the user to the page which shows the new recovery code for the user (see step 2 above).