Setting up the Backend
In order to use the anomaly detection service, a request to the following endpoint (based on the region) needs to be made:
US Region (N. Virginia):
EU Region (Ireland):
APAC Region (Singapore):
You can view the HTTP API reference for this endpoint below:
const headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: "Bearer <secret-api-key>",
const payload = {
// all of the fields are optional
email: "[email protected]",
phoneNumber: "+1234567890",
passwordHash: "9cf95dacd226dcf43da376cdb6cbba7035218920",
requestId: "some-request-id",
actionType: "emailpassword-sign-in",
bruteForce: [
key: "some-key",
maxRequests: [
limit: 1,
perTimeIntervalMS: 1000,
const response = {
id: "0191bc35-d527-7bbd-88df-1e7669e82cc0", // the id of the anomaly detection check
bruteForce: {
detected: true,
key: "some-key", // this will be present only if brute force has been detected and the value will be the key for which the brute force detection has been detected
emailRisk: null,
phoneNumberRisk: null,
passwordBreaches: {
c1d808e04732adf679965ccc34ca7ae3441: "120", // the suffix of the password hash and the number of times it has been breached
"7acba4f54f55aafc33bb06bbbf6ca803e9a": "399", // the suffix of the password hash and the number of times it has been breached
}, // can be null if the password hash is not provided
isNewDevice: false, // can be null if the email or phone number is not provided
isImpossibleTravel: false, // can be null if the email or phone number is not provided
numberOfUniqueDevicesForUser: 1, // can be null if the email or phone number is not provided
All the values below can be null based on the request ID provided and what has been detected
requestIdInfo: {
// can be null if the request ID is not provided
vpn: {
result: true, // this is true if the user is using a VPN
methods: {
publicVPN: true, // this is true if the user is using a public VPN
osMismatch: false,
auxiliaryMobile: false,
timezoneMismatch: true,
originCountry: "unknown",
originTimezone: "Europe/Bucharest",
frida: false,
proxy: false, // this is true if the user is using a proxy
valid: true,
ipInfo: {
v4: {
asn: { asn: "16509", name: "AMAZON-02", network: "" },
address: "",
datacenter: { name: "Amazon AWS", result: true },
geolocation: {
city: { name: "Frankfurt am Main" },
country: { code: "DE", name: "Germany" },
latitude: 51.1187,
timezone: "Europe/Berlin",
continent: { code: "EU", name: "Europe" },
longitude: 9.6842,
postalCode: "12345",
subdivisions: [{ name: "Hesse", isoCode: "HE" }],
accuracyRadius: 200,
v6: null, // contains same information as v4 if the user is using IPv6
velocity: {
events: { intervals: { "1h": 3, "5m": 3, "24h": 5 } },
distinctIp: { intervals: { "1h": 1, "5m": 1, "24h": 1 } },
distinctCountry: { intervals: { "1h": 1, "5m": 1, "24h": 1 } },
distinctLinkedId: { intervals: null },
clonedApp: false,
incognito: false,
tampering: { result: false, anomalyScore: 0 },
isEmulator: false,
isUsingTor: false, // this is true if the user is using Tor
jailbroken: false,
botDetected: false, // this is true if the user is a bot
ipBlocklist: {
result: false,
details: { emailSpam: false, attackSource: false },
factoryReset: { time: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", timestamp: 0 },
highActivity: false,
remoteControl: false,
identification: {
tag: { environmentId: "cddd8855-ff50-4bbe-bb82-62b5057fa4f4" }, // this is the environment ID that you will receive from the SuperTokens team
url: "", // this is the URL that has been used to generate the request ID
linkedId: null,
timeInMS: 1723130887458,
incognito: false,
requestId: "1723130887451.92r32x", // this is the request ID that has been generated on the frontend
visitorId: "mEYaqlY67Z55cHgzt37y",
confidence: { score: 1 },
browserDetails: {
os: "Mac OS X",
device: "Other",
osVersion: "10.15.7",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
browserName: "Chrome",
browserFullVersion: "127.0.0",
browserMajorVersion: "127",
virtualMachine: false,
privacySettings: false,
locationSpoofing: false,
rawDeviceAttributes: {
// These are the raw device attributes that are being sent from the frontend
// They might vary based on the device and browser that is being used
audio: { value: 124.04346607114712 },
fonts: {
value: ["Arial Unicode MS", "Gill Sans", "Helvetica Neue", "Menlo"],
canvas: {
value: {
Text: "32a115bd05e0f411c5ecd7e285fd36e2",
Winding: true,
Geometry: "d45e7d71dc99e368affd8a40840c833d",
contrast: { value: 0 },
cpuClass: {},
colorDepth: { value: 124.04346607114712 },
colorGamut: { value: "p3" },
architecture: { value: 127 },
cookiesEnabled: { value: true },
Retrieving the Request ID
We pass a requestId
during the email password sign in, sign up and reset password APIs from the frontend (see frontend setup section). You can retrieve this ID by overriding these APIs in the emailpassword
recipe on the backend.
A more complete example of how to retrieve the request ID from the input body can be found in the examples section.
The requestId
should be required when the trying to reset password, sign in or sign up. If the requestId
is not present, an error should be returned. You can see more in the examples section.
Making the Request to the Attack Protection Suite endpoint
The request body is a JSON object that contains the following properties (all fields are optional):
: The request ID that has been generated on the frontend. If this is omitted, the bot detection, impossible travel detection, new device detection, device count detection and request ID info will be skipped.bruteForce
: An array of brute force checks that have been configured on the frontend.
type BruteForceCheck = {
key: string; // the key against which the the brute force check is being performed. This should be unique for each user (i.e. email, phone number, ip, etc. )
maxRequests: {
limit: number; // the maximum number of requests allowed within the time interval
perTimeIntervalMS: number; // the time interval in milliseconds within which the maximum number of requests is allowed
Here you can see some examples of different types of brute force checks that can be performed:
const userIp = ""; // this should be the user's IP address
const userEmail = "[email protected]"; // this should be the user's email
// Useful for limiting a user's attempt fom the same network
// This is the most common use case
// ---
// This does two check:
// 1. 1 request per second - fast rate of requests
// 2. 100 requests per 60 minutes - slow brute force - some attackers might try sidestepping the regular brute force detection by using a slower rate of requests
const checkUserInSameNetwork = [
key: `${userIp}-${userEmail}`,
maxRequests: [
limit: 1,
perTimeIntervalMS: 1000,
limit: 100,
perTimeIntervalMS: 60 * 1000 * 60,
const userIp = ""; // this should be the user's IP address
// Useful for limiting requests from the same network
// This should usually have a higher number of requests/time interval allowed
const checkNetwork = [
key: `${userIp}`,
maxRequests: [
limit: 100,
perTimeIntervalMS: 1000,
const userEmail = "[email protected]"; // this should be the user's email
// Useful for limiting requests for the user only
const checkUserOnly = [
key: `${userEmail}`,
maxRequests: [
limit: 1,
perTimeIntervalMS: 1000,
const userIp = ""; // this should be the user's IP address
const userEmail = "[email protected]"; // this should be the user's email
// Checking by multiple keys at once
const checkUserOnly = [
key: `${userEmail}-${userIp}`,
maxRequests: [
limit: 1,
perTimeIntervalMS: 1000,
limit: 100,
perTimeIntervalMS: 60 * 1000 * 60,
key: `${userIp}`,
maxRequests: [
limit: 100,
perTimeIntervalMS: 1000,
: The first 5 characters of the SHA-1 hash of the password that needs to be checked against the breach database. If this is not provided, the password breach check will be
: The email address that is being used for the authentication event. If this is not provided (orphoneNumber
), the impossible travel detection, new device detection and device count detection will be skipped.phoneNumber
: The phone number that is being used for the authentication event. If this is not provided (oremail
), the impossible travel detection, new device detection and device count detection will be skipped.actionType
: The type of action that is being performed. The possible values are:- "emailpassword-sign-in"
- "emailpassword-sign-up"
- "send-password-reset-email"
- "passwordless-send-email"
- "passwordless-send-sms"
- "totp-verify-device"
- "totp-verify-totp"
- "thirdparty-login"
- "emailverification-send-email"
Example integration code
Here are a few examples of full implementations of the anomaly detection:
Email and password
import SuperTokens from "supertokens-node";
import EmailPassword from "supertokens-node/recipe/emailpassword";
import Session from "supertokens-node/recipe/session";
import axios from "axios";
import { createHash } from "crypto";
const SECRET_API_KEY = "<secret-api-key>"; // Your secret API key that you received from the SuperTokens team
// The full URL with the correct region will be provided by the SuperTokens team
async function handleSecurityChecks(input: {
actionType?: string;
email?: string;
phoneNumber?: string;
password?: string;
requestId?: string;
bruteForceConfig?: {
key: string;
maxRequests: {
limit: number;
perTimeIntervalMS: number;
}): Promise<
| {
status: "GENERAL_ERROR";
message: string;
| undefined
> {
let requestBody: {
email?: string;
phoneNumber?: string;
actionType?: string;
requestId?: string;
passwordHashPrefix?: string;
bruteForce?: {
key: string;
maxRequests: {
limit: number;
perTimeIntervalMS: number;
} = {};
if (input.requestId !== undefined) {
requestBody.requestId = input.requestId;
let passwordHash: string | undefined;
if (input.password !== undefined) {
let shasum = createHash("sha1");
passwordHash = shasum.digest("hex");
requestBody.passwordHashPrefix = passwordHash.slice(0, 5);
requestBody.bruteForce = input.bruteForceConfig; =;
requestBody.phoneNumber = input.phoneNumber;
requestBody.actionType = input.actionType;
let response;
try {
response = await, requestBody, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${SECRET_API_KEY}`,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
} catch (err) {
// silently fail in order to not break the auth flow
let responseData =;
if (responseData.bruteForce.detected) {
return {
status: "GENERAL_ERROR",
message: "Too many requests. Please try again later.",
if (responseData.requestIdInfo?.isUsingTor) {
return {
status: "GENERAL_ERROR",
message: "Tor activity detected. Please use a regular browser.",
if (responseData.requestIdInfo?.vpn?.result) {
return {
status: "GENERAL_ERROR",
message: "VPN activity detected. Please use a regular network.",
if (responseData.requestIdInfo?.botDetected) {
return {
status: "GENERAL_ERROR",
message: "Bot activity detected.",
if (responseData?.passwordBreaches && passwordHash) {
const suffix = passwordHash.slice(5).toUpperCase();
const foundPasswordHash = responseData?.passwordBreaches[suffix];
if (foundPasswordHash) {
return {
status: "GENERAL_ERROR",
"This password has been detected in a breach. Please set a different password.",
return undefined;
function getIpFromRequest(req: Request): string {
let headers: { [key: string]: string } = {};
for (let key of Object.keys(req.headers)) {
headers[key] = (req as any).headers[key]!;
return (req as any).headers["x-forwarded-for"] || "";
const getBruteForceConfig = (
userIdentifier: string,
ip: string,
prefix?: string,
) => [
key: `${prefix ? `${prefix}-` : ""}${userIdentifier}`,
maxRequests: [
{ limit: 5, perTimeIntervalMS: 60 * 1000 },
{ limit: 15, perTimeIntervalMS: 60 * 60 * 1000 },
key: `${prefix ? `${prefix}-` : ""}${ip}`,
maxRequests: [
{ limit: 5, perTimeIntervalMS: 60 * 1000 },
{ limit: 15, perTimeIntervalMS: 60 * 60 * 1000 },
// backend
appInfo: {
apiDomain: "...",
appName: "...",
websiteDomain: "...",
supertokens: {
connectionURI: "...",
recipeList: [
override: {
apis: (originalImplementation) => {
return {
signUpPOST: async function (input) {
// We need to generate a request ID in order to detect possible bots, suspicious IP addresses, etc.
const requestId = (await input.options.req.getJSONBody())
if (!requestId) {
return {
status: "GENERAL_ERROR",
message: "The request ID is required",
const actionType = "emailpassword-sign-up";
const ip = getIpFromRequest(input.options.req.original);
let email = input.formFields.filter((f) => === "email")[0]
.value as string;
let password = input.formFields.filter(
(f) => === "password",
)[0].value as string;
const bruteForceConfig = getBruteForceConfig(
// we check the anomaly detection service before calling the original implementation of signUp
let securityCheckResponse = await handleSecurityChecks({
if (securityCheckResponse !== undefined) {
return securityCheckResponse;
return originalImplementation.signUpPOST!(input);
signInPOST: async function (input) {
// We need to generate a request ID in order to detect possible bots, suspicious IP addresses, etc.
const requestId = (await input.options.req.getJSONBody())
if (!requestId) {
return {
status: "GENERAL_ERROR",
message: "The request ID is required",
const actionType = "emailpassword-sign-in";
const ip = getIpFromRequest(input.options.req.original);
let email = input.formFields.filter((f) => === "email")[0]
.value as string;
const bruteForceConfig = getBruteForceConfig(
// we check the anomaly detection service before calling the original implementation of signIn
let securityCheckResponse = await handleSecurityChecks({
if (securityCheckResponse !== undefined) {
return securityCheckResponse;
return originalImplementation.signInPOST!(input);
generatePasswordResetTokenPOST: async function (input) {
// We need to generate a request ID in order to detect possible bots, suspicious IP addresses, etc.
const requestId = (await input.options.req.getJSONBody())
if (!requestId) {
return {
status: "GENERAL_ERROR",
message: "The request ID is required",
const actionType = "send-password-reset-email";
const ip = getIpFromRequest(input.options.req.original);
let email = input.formFields.filter((f) => === "email")[0]
.value as string;
const bruteForceConfig = getBruteForceConfig(
// we check the anomaly detection service before calling the original implementation of generatePasswordResetToken
let securityCheckResponse = await handleSecurityChecks({
if (securityCheckResponse !== undefined) {
return securityCheckResponse;
return originalImplementation.generatePasswordResetTokenPOST!(
passwordResetPOST: async function (input) {
let password = input.formFields.filter(
(f) => === "password",
)[0].value as string;
let securityCheckResponse = await handleSecurityChecks({
if (securityCheckResponse !== undefined) {
return securityCheckResponse;
return originalImplementation.passwordResetPOST!(input);
The above code overrides the SuperTokens APIs and adding custom logic for anomaly detection. The steps when overriding the APIs are as follows:
- We get the request ID from the request body. This is a unique ID for the request.
- We define the action type based on the API that is being called.
- We get the email and password from the form fields.
- We get the IP address from the request.
- We create the brute force config from the email, IP address and action type. This config allows a number of requests over a time interval per:
- Action and email/phone number.
- Action and IP address.
- We call the anomaly detection service to check if the request is allowed.
- If the request is not allowed, we return a descriptive error response
- If the request is allowed, we call the original implementation of the API.
- We return the response from the original implementation of the API.
import SuperTokens from "supertokens-node";
import Passwordless from "supertokens-node/recipe/passwordless";
import axios from "axios";
import { createHash } from "crypto";
const SECRET_API_KEY = "<secret-api-key>"; // Your secret API key that you received from the SuperTokens team
async function handleSecurityChecks(input: {
actionType?: string;
email?: string;
phoneNumber?: string;
bruteForceConfig?: {
key: string;
maxRequests: {
limit: number;
perTimeIntervalMS: number;
}): Promise<
| {
status: "GENERAL_ERROR";
message: string;
| undefined
> {
let requestBody: {
email?: string;
phoneNumber?: string;
actionType?: string;
bruteForce?: {
key: string;
maxRequests: {
limit: number;
perTimeIntervalMS: number;
} = {};
requestBody.bruteForce = input.bruteForceConfig; =;
requestBody.phoneNumber = input.phoneNumber;
requestBody.actionType = input.actionType;
let response;
try {
response = await, requestBody, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${SECRET_API_KEY}`,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
} catch (err) {
// silently fail in order to not break the auth flow
let responseData =;
if (responseData.bruteForce.detected) {
return {
status: "GENERAL_ERROR",
message: "Too many requests. Please try again later.",
return undefined;
function getIpFromRequest(req: Request): string {
let headers: { [key: string]: string } = {};
for (let key of Object.keys(req.headers)) {
headers[key] = (req as any).headers[key]!;
return (req as any).headers["x-forwarded-for"] || "";
const getBruteForceConfig = (
userIdentifier: string,
ip: string,
prefix?: string,
) => [
key: `${prefix ? `${prefix}-` : ""}${userIdentifier}`,
maxRequests: [
{ limit: 5, perTimeIntervalMS: 60 * 1000 },
{ limit: 15, perTimeIntervalMS: 60 * 60 * 1000 },
key: `${prefix ? `${prefix}-` : ""}${ip}`,
maxRequests: [
{ limit: 5, perTimeIntervalMS: 60 * 1000 },
{ limit: 15, perTimeIntervalMS: 60 * 60 * 1000 },
framework: "...",
appInfo: {
recipeList: [
// ... other customisations ...
contactMethod: "EMAIL_OR_PHONE",
override: {
apis: (originalImplementation) => {
return {
createCodePOST: async function (input) {
const actionType = "passwordless-send-sms";
const ip = getIpFromRequest(input.options.req.original);
const emailOrPhoneNumber =
"email" in input ? : input.phoneNumber;
const bruteForceConfig = getBruteForceConfig(
// we check the anomaly detection service before calling the original implementation of createCodePOST
let securityCheckResponse = await handleSecurityChecks({
if (securityCheckResponse !== undefined) {
return securityCheckResponse;
return originalImplementation.createCodePOST!(input);
resendCodePOST: async function (input) {
const actionType = "passwordless-send-sms";
const ip = getIpFromRequest(input.options.req.original);
let codesInfo = await Passwordless.listCodesByPreAuthSessionId({
tenantId: input.tenantId,
preAuthSessionId: input.preAuthSessionId,
const phoneNumber =
codesInfo && "phoneNumber" in codesInfo
? codesInfo.phoneNumber
: undefined;
const email =
codesInfo && "email" in codesInfo ? : undefined;
const userIdentifier = email || phoneNumber || input.deviceId;
const bruteForceConfig = getBruteForceConfig(
// we check the anomaly detection service before calling the original implementation of resendCodePOST
let securityCheckResponse = await handleSecurityChecks({
if (securityCheckResponse !== undefined) {
return securityCheckResponse;
return originalImplementation.resendCodePOST!(input);
The above code overrides the SuperTokens APIs and adding custom logic for anomaly detection. The steps when overriding the APIs are as follows:
- We define the action type based on the API that is being called.
- We get the email or the phone number from the form fields.
- We get the IP address from the request.
- We create the brute force config from the email, IP address and action type. This config allows a number of requests over a time interval per:
- Action and email/phone number.
- Action and IP address.
- We call the anomaly detection service to check if the request is allowed (only brute force detection is done here).
- If the request is not allowed, we return a descriptive error response
- If the request is allowed, we call the original implementation of the API.
- We return the response from the original implementation of the API.
Third party
It's important to note that anomaly detection is not recommended for use with third-party providers. Several reasons exist for this:
Existing anomaly detection: Most reputable third-party authentication providers (like Google, Facebook, Apple, etc.) have robust security measures in place, including their own anomaly detection systems. These systems are typically more comprehensive and tailored to their specific platforms.
Limited visibility: When using third-party authentication, you have limited visibility into the authentication process. This makes it difficult to accurately detect anomalies or suspicious activities that occur on the third-party's side.
Potential false positives: Applying anomaly detection to third-party logins might lead to an increase in false positives, as you don't have full context of the user's interactions with the third-party provider.
User experience: Additional security checks on top of third-party authentication could negatively impact the user experience, potentially defeating the purpose of offering third-party login as a convenient option.
For these reasons, it's generally best to rely on the security measures provided by the third-party authentication providers themselves when offering this login option to your users.