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Reuse website login for desktop and mobile apps


This pattern is useful if you want to have the same web authentication experience for your desktop and mobile apps. The implementation allows you to save development time but keep in mind that it does not involve a native authentication interface. Users get directed to a separate browser page where they complete the authentication flow and then return to your application.

The authentication flow works in the following way:

1User accesses the native application
2User completes the login attempt
  • The Authorization Service backend redirects the user to the callback URL.
  • This URL should be a deep link that your actual application can open.
3The application uses the callback URL information to request a OAuth2 Access Token from the Authorization Service.
  • The application saves the returned token.
Reuse website login for desktop and mobile apps

Before you start

This feature is only available to paid users.

These instructions assume that you already have gone through the main quickstart guide. If you have skipped that page, please follow the tutorial and return here once you're done.


1. Enable the Unified Login feature

Go to the SaaS Dashboard and follow these instructions:

  1. Click on the Enabled Paid Features button
  2. Click on Managed Service
  3. Check the Unified Login / M2M option
  4. Click Save

2. Create the OAuth2 Clients

For each of your applications you need to create a separate OAuth2 client. You can do this by directly calling the SuperTokens Core API.

Create Client

POST /recipe/oauth/clients
Curl Example
curl --location --request POST '<CORE_API_ENDPOINT>/recipe/oauth/clients' \
--header 'api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
--data '
"clientName": "<YOUR_CLIENT_NAME>",
"responseTypes": ["code", "id_token"],
"grantTypes": ["authorization_code", "refresh_token"],
"tokenEndpointAuthMethod": "none",
"scope": "offline_access <custom_scope_1> <custom_scope_2>",
"redirectUris": ["https://<YOUR_APPLICATION_DOMAIN>/oauth/callback"],

You have to save the create OAuth2 Client response because this is not persisted internally for security reasons. The information is necessary for the next steps.

Based on the client creation process, you can infer two additional values that you need later on:

  • authorizeUrl corresponds to <YOUR_API_DOMAIN>/auth/oauth/auth
  • tokenFetchUrl corresponds to <YOUR_API_DOMAIN>/auth/oauth/token

3. Configure the Authorization Service

Check one of the previous guides that show you how to set up the Authorization Service and then return to this page. Choose the tutorial based whether you use multiple backend services or not:

4. Update the login flow in your applications

In each of your individual applications, you need to set up logic for handling the OAuth 2.0 authentication flow. You can use a generic OIDC or OAuth library to do this.

You can use the react-native-app-auth library. Follow the instructions to set up your application.

You can identify the configuration parameters based on the response received in step 2, when creating the OAuth2 Client.

  • issuer corresponds to the endpoint of the Authorization Service <YOUR_API_DOMAIN>/auth
  • clientID corresponds to clientId
  • redirectUrl corresponds a value from callbackUrls
  • scopes corresponds to scopes

You also need to set the additionalParameters property with the following values:

  • max_age: 0 This forces a new authentication flow once the user ends up on the Authorization Service frontend.
  • tenant_id: <TENANT_ID> Optional, in case you are using a multi tenant setup. Set this to the actual tenant ID.

If you want to use the OAuth2 Refresh Tokens make sure to include the offline_access scope during the initialization step.

5. Test the new authentication flow

With everything set up, you can test your login flow. Use the setup created in the previous step to check if the authentication flow completes without any issues.