Session Migration
This guide will show you how to migrate your user sessions from you previous authentication provider to SuperTokens.
To achieve a seamless transition process, you will also have to migrate the active sessions that use your previous authentication provider to SuperTokens. To do this you should create a new flow that will determine if an existing user session needs to be migrated, and call the migration API if necessary.
You can see a detailed illustration of the process below.

1. Add the session migration endpoint
Create a new endpoint on your backend that will generate a new SuperTokens Session based on the current authentication token. This will be called by the frontend if a user is still logged in through your previous authentication provider.
import express from "express";
import Session from "supertokens-node/recipe/session";
let app = express();"/migrate-session", async (req, res) => {
// extract the access token from the request object
if(req.headers.authorization !== undefined){
let access_token = req.headers.authorization.split("Bearer ")[1];
// verify the access token and retrieve the old userId
let customUserId = await verifyAccessTokenAndRetriveUserId(access_token);
// create a new SuperTokens session using the customUserId
// the createNewSession function will attach the SuperTokens session tokens to the response object.
await Session.createNewSession(req, res, customUserId)
status: "OK"
// handle access_token not present in request
async function verifyAccessTokenAndRetriveUserId(access_token: string): Promise<string> {
// verify the access_token and return the decoded userId
return "...";
Verifying the access token will require you to access your previous providers JWKS endpoint. This means that you will have to continue to use your previous auth provider even after switching to SuperTokens.
If you want to immediately stop querying your previous authentication provider you can use the JWKS public keys and provide them as a secret to the JWT verification function. You can follow our guide on how to do this.
2. Call the migration endpoint from your frontend app
On your frontend, on page load, check if a session with your previous authentication provider exists.
- If a session exists, send a request to the
API with the access token to create a new SuperTokens session. - Revoke the old session.
import axios from "axios";
import Session from "supertokens-web-js/recipe/session";
// Call this function on page load
async function migrateUserSessions() {
let apiDomain = "...";
// On page load retrieve the users access token if a session exists
let accessToken = await getAccessTokenFromOldProvider()
if (accessToken !== undefined) {
// send a request to your migrate session endpoint with the bearer token
await`${apiDomain}/migrate-session`, {
headers: {
"Authorization": `Bearer ${accessToken}`
await revokeSessionFromOldProvider()
async function getAccessTokenFromOldProvider(): Promise<string | undefined> {
// Check if a session with your your previous provider exists and return the access_token. Return undefined otherwise
return "..."
async function revokeSessionFromOldProvider() {
// Revoke the session associated with the previous provider