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Enterprise login

Explore how you can implement enterprise authentication flows with SuperTokens.


SuperTokens covers enterprise authentication scenarios through the multi-tenancy feature. Tenants represent isolated user groups that can only access their specific data. Furthermore, each tenant can have different methods of logging in, configured by the tenant, or by you (the application developer).

For example, a SaaS application for a financial company may want to separate their users by the financial institution they represent. This would require a login screen that asks for a username and password, as well as the name of the tenant. The application would then route the user to their specific tenant, which could be a different database or a different collection of data within a database.


Enterprise SSO/SAML loginCustomers can log in with Workforce IdP or any other SSO provider
Unique login methods per tenantEach tenant can have its own login method (for example, email password login for one tenant, SSO login for another)
Different user poolsEach tenant has its own isolated user pool. Users can use the same email across different tenants as separate accounts and you can share users across tenants.
Data isolationYou can have separate databases per tenant
Dynamic tenant creationYou can create tenants via API calls from your backend without manual onboarding
Multiple development environmentsCreate multiple environments for development and CI/CD testing purposes
Flexible tenant discoveryAuthenticate users through different subdomains or based on a custom tenant selection


This feature is only available to paid users.

Getting started

The initial setup guide shows you how to create a tenant and configure authentication for it. After that, you have to implement the tenant discovery flow. Choose between the common domain login and subdomain login methods, based on your use case.

Before you explore the guides, read through the Important concepts page first. It explains how multi tenancy works in more detail.


To adjust the functionality to fit your use case you can explore different sections from the documentation.