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Tenant management


This page shows you what actions you can perform on tenants through the dashboard.


This is only available with Node and Python SDKs.

Tenant Management Landing

Create a new tenant

Clicking on Add Tenant prompts you to enter the tenant id. Once you enter the tenant id, click on Create Now to create the tenant. You then proceed to the Tenant Details page where you can further manage the newly created tenant.

Create Tenant

View tenant details

Upon selection or creation of a tenant, the Tenant Details page appears. The sections appear below.

Tenant details

Tenant ID and users

The first section shows the tenant ID and the number of users in that tenant. Clicking on See Users takes you to the user management page where you can view and manage the users for the selected tenant.

Tenant users

Enabled login methods

This section displays the login methods available for the tenant. By enabling these toggles, you can make the corresponding login methods accessible to the users within the tenant.

Appropriate recipes must be active to turn on the login methods. For example,

  • to turn on emailpassword, initialize the EmailPassword recipe in the backend.
  • to turn on OTP Phone, initialize the Passwordless recipe with flowType USER_INPUT_CODE and contactMethod PHONE

If you are using the Auth React SDK, make sure to enable usesDynamicLoginMethods to ensure the frontend automatically shows the login methods based on the selection here.

Login Methods

Secondary factors

This section displays the secondary factors available for the tenant. By enabling these toggles, the corresponding factor becomes active for all users of the tenant. Refer to MultiFactor Authentication docs for more information.

MultiFactorAuth recipe must initialize to enable Secondary Factors.

Also, initialize appropriate recipes in the backend SDK to use a secondary factor. For example,

  • to turn on TOTP, initialize the TOTP recipe in the backend.
  • to turn on OTP Phone, initialize the Passwordless recipe with flowType USER_INPUT_CODE and contactMethod PHONE
Secondary Factors

Core configuration

Core Configuration

This section shows the current configuration values in core for the tenant. You can edit some of these settings by clicking the pencil icon next to the property.

Edit Core Configuration

Some configuration values may not be editable since they inherit from the App. If using SuperTokens managed hosting, you can modify them in the SaaS Dashboard. Else, if you are self-hosting the SuperTokens core, edit them via Docker environment variables or the configuration.yaml file.

Manage ThirdParty providers

The Social/Enterprise providers section becomes available once Third Party login method is active for the tenant.

Initially, configure a new provider.

Add provider prompt

Later on, you can configure new or existing third-party providers from the Social/Enterprise providers section.

Social/Enterprise providers

Configure a new provider

When adding a new third-party provider, you receive a list of available options, including built-in enterprise and social providers, custom, and SAML.

New Provider

Upon selection of the desired provider, provide further details such as Client ID, Client Secret, etc.

New Provider Details

Enterprise providers

For the Enterprise providers, provide certain extra information before proceeding to the Provider details. For example, Active Directory provider requires a Directory ID before editing further details.

Additional configuration for Active Directory

Custom providers

If a Social/Enterprise provider is not available in the list of built-in providers, you can still use them by selecting the Add Custom Provider option.

Start off by providing ThirdParty ID, Name and Client details such as Client ID, Secret, Scope, etc.

Custom Provider basic details

If using an OpenID compliant provider, you could add the OIDC Discovery Endpoint. Otherwise, configure the provider by manually providing Authorization Endpoint, Token Endpoint, User Info Endpoint, etc.

OpenID configuration

Finally, clicking on Save adds the Social/enterprise provider for the tenant.

SAML providers

To add a SAML provider, use the Add SAML Provider option. For more information on what is SAML and how it works with SuperTokens, refer SAML docs.

Upon selection, provide the Boxy URL and the Boxy API Key.


To use SAML providers, an additional Boxy HQ service is necessary. You can either self-host yourself or email for a managed instance. Details for them are also available on this page.

Boxy SAML Prompt

On continuing, you are further asked for the SAML configuration. You have an option to either provide SAML XML directly or via the Metadata URL from the Provider. Also, fill in other details such as Suffix, Name, Redirect URLs and click on Save to add the SAML provider.


Adding ThirdParty suffix is not compulsory, however if you wish to add multiple SAML providers for a tenant, you need to add unique suffixes for each of them.

Boxy SAML `Config`

If you did not provide the Boxy API Key, you need to add the Client ID and Secret obtained by calling the Boxy APIs manually. More details are available here.

Boxy SAML `Config` via `API`