Module supertokens_python.recipe.session.asyncio
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# Copyright (c) 2021, VRAI Labs and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License") as published by the Apache Software Foundation.
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
# obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, TypeVar, Union
from supertokens_python.recipe.openid.interfaces import (
from supertokens_python.recipe.session.interfaces import (
from supertokens_python.recipe.session.recipe import SessionRecipe
from supertokens_python.types import MaybeAwaitable, RecipeUserId
from supertokens_python.utils import FRAMEWORKS, resolve
from ...jwt.interfaces import (
from ..session_request_functions import (
from ..constants import protected_props
from ..utils import get_required_claim_validators
from supertokens_python.recipe.multitenancy.constants import DEFAULT_TENANT_ID
from supertokens_python.asyncio import get_user
_T = TypeVar("_T")
async def create_new_session(
request: Any,
tenant_id: str,
recipe_user_id: RecipeUserId,
access_token_payload: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None,
session_data_in_database: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None,
user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> SessionContainer:
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
if session_data_in_database is None:
session_data_in_database = {}
if access_token_payload is None:
access_token_payload = {}
recipe_instance = SessionRecipe.get_instance()
config = recipe_instance.config
app_info = recipe_instance.app_info
user = await get_user(recipe_user_id.get_as_string(), user_context)
user_id = recipe_user_id.get_as_string()
if user is not None:
user_id =
return await create_new_session_in_request(
async def create_new_session_without_request_response(
tenant_id: str,
recipe_user_id: RecipeUserId,
access_token_payload: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None,
session_data_in_database: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None,
disable_anti_csrf: bool = False,
user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> SessionContainer:
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
if session_data_in_database is None:
session_data_in_database = {}
if access_token_payload is None:
access_token_payload = {}
claims_added_by_other_recipes = (
app_info = SessionRecipe.get_instance().app_info
issuer = (
+ app_info.api_base_path.get_as_string_dangerous()
final_access_token_payload = {**access_token_payload, "iss": issuer}
for prop in protected_props:
if prop in final_access_token_payload:
del final_access_token_payload[prop]
user = await get_user(recipe_user_id.get_as_string(), user_context)
user_id = recipe_user_id.get_as_string()
if user is not None:
user_id =
for claim in claims_added_by_other_recipes:
update = await
user_id, recipe_user_id, tenant_id, final_access_token_payload, user_context
final_access_token_payload = {**final_access_token_payload, **update}
return await SessionRecipe.get_instance().recipe_implementation.create_new_session(
async def validate_claims_for_session_handle(
session_handle: str,
override_global_claim_validators: Optional[
Dict[str, Any],
] = None,
user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> Union[SessionDoesNotExistError, ClaimsValidationResult]:
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
recipe_impl = SessionRecipe.get_instance().recipe_implementation
session_info = await recipe_impl.get_session_information(
session_handle, user_context
if session_info is None:
return SessionDoesNotExistError()
claim_validators_added_by_other_recipes = (
global_claim_validators = await resolve(
if override_global_claim_validators is not None:
claim_validators = await resolve(
global_claim_validators, session_info, user_context
claim_validators = global_claim_validators
claim_validation_res = await recipe_impl.validate_claims(
if claim_validation_res.access_token_payload_update is not None:
updated = await recipe_impl.merge_into_access_token_payload(
if not updated:
return SessionDoesNotExistError()
return ClaimsValidationResult(claim_validation_res.invalid_claims)
async def fetch_and_set_claim(
session_handle: str,
claim: SessionClaim[Any],
user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> bool:
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
return await SessionRecipe.get_instance().recipe_implementation.fetch_and_set_claim(
session_handle, claim, user_context
async def get_claim_value(
session_handle: str,
claim: SessionClaim[_T],
user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> Union[SessionDoesNotExistError, GetClaimValueOkResult[_T]]:
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
return await SessionRecipe.get_instance().recipe_implementation.get_claim_value(
session_handle, claim, user_context
async def set_claim_value(
session_handle: str,
claim: SessionClaim[_T],
value: _T,
user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> bool:
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
return await SessionRecipe.get_instance().recipe_implementation.set_claim_value(
session_handle, claim, value, user_context
async def remove_claim(
session_handle: str,
claim: SessionClaim[Any],
user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> bool:
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
return await SessionRecipe.get_instance().recipe_implementation.remove_claim(
session_handle, claim, user_context
async def get_session(
request: Any,
session_required: Optional[bool] = None,
anti_csrf_check: Optional[bool] = None,
check_database: Optional[bool] = None,
override_global_claim_validators: Optional[
[List[SessionClaimValidator], SessionContainer, Dict[str, Any]],
] = None,
user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> Union[SessionContainer, None]:
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
if session_required is None:
session_required = True
recipe_instance = SessionRecipe.get_instance()
recipe_interface_impl = recipe_instance.recipe_implementation
config = recipe_instance.config
return await get_session_from_request(
async def get_session_without_request_response(
access_token: str,
anti_csrf_token: Optional[str] = None,
anti_csrf_check: Optional[bool] = None,
session_required: Optional[bool] = None,
check_database: Optional[bool] = None,
override_global_claim_validators: Optional[
[List[SessionClaimValidator], SessionContainer, Dict[str, Any]],
] = None,
user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> Optional[SessionContainer]:
"""Tries to validate an access token and build a Session object from it.
Notes about anti-csrf checking:
- if the `antiCsrf` is set to VIA_HEADER in the Session recipe config you have to handle anti-csrf checking before calling this function and set antiCsrfCheck to false in the options.
- you can disable anti-csrf checks by setting antiCsrf to NONE in the Session recipe config. We only recommend this if you are always getting the access-token from the Authorization header.
- if the antiCsrf check fails the returned status will be TRY_REFRESH_TOKEN_ERROR
- access_token: The access token extracted from the authorization header or cookies
- anti_csrf_token: The anti-csrf token extracted from the authorization header or cookies. Can be undefined if antiCsrfCheck is false
- anti_csrf_check: If true, anti-csrf checking will be done. If false, it will be skipped. Default behaviour is to check.
- session_required: If true, throws an error if the session does not exist. Default is True.
- check_database: If true, the session will be checked in the database. If false, it will be skipped. Default behaviour is to skip.
- override_global_claim_validators: Alter the
- user_context: user context
- OK: The session was successfully validated, including claim validation
- CLAIM_VALIDATION_ERROR: While the access token is valid, one or more claim validators have failed. Our frontend SDKs expect a 403 response the contents matching the value returned from this function.
- TRY_REFRESH_TOKEN_ERROR: This means, that the access token structure was valid, but it didn't pass validation for some reason and the user should call the refresh API.
You can send a 401 response to trigger this behaviour if you are using our frontend SDKs
- UNAUTHORISED: This means that the access token likely doesn't belong to a SuperTokens session. If this is unexpected, it's best handled by sending a 401 response.
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
if session_required is None:
session_required = True
recipe_interface_impl = SessionRecipe.get_instance().recipe_implementation
session = await recipe_interface_impl.get_session(
if session is not None:
claim_validators = await get_required_claim_validators(
session, override_global_claim_validators, user_context
await session.assert_claims(claim_validators, user_context)
return session
async def refresh_session(
request: Any,
user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> SessionContainer:
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
if not hasattr(request, "wrapper_used") or not request.wrapper_used:
request = FRAMEWORKS[
recipe_instance = SessionRecipe.get_instance()
config = recipe_instance.config
recipe_interface_impl = recipe_instance.recipe_implementation
return await refresh_session_in_request(
async def refresh_session_without_request_response(
refresh_token: str,
disable_anti_csrf: bool = False,
anti_csrf_token: Optional[str] = None,
user_context: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> SessionContainer:
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
return await SessionRecipe.get_instance().recipe_implementation.refresh_session(
refresh_token, anti_csrf_token, disable_anti_csrf, user_context
async def revoke_session(
session_handle: str, user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> bool:
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
return await SessionRecipe.get_instance().recipe_implementation.revoke_session(
session_handle, user_context
async def revoke_all_sessions_for_user(
user_id: str,
revoke_sessions_for_linked_accounts: bool = True,
tenant_id: Optional[str] = None,
user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> List[str]:
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
return await SessionRecipe.get_instance().recipe_implementation.revoke_all_sessions_for_user(
tenant_id or DEFAULT_TENANT_ID,
tenant_id is None,
async def get_all_session_handles_for_user(
user_id: str,
fetch_sessions_for_linked_accounts: bool = True,
tenant_id: Optional[str] = None,
user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> List[str]:
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
return await SessionRecipe.get_instance().recipe_implementation.get_all_session_handles_for_user(
tenant_id or DEFAULT_TENANT_ID,
tenant_id is None,
async def revoke_multiple_sessions(
session_handles: List[str], user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> List[str]:
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
return await SessionRecipe.get_instance().recipe_implementation.revoke_multiple_sessions(
session_handles, user_context
async def get_session_information(
session_handle: str, user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> Union[SessionInformationResult, None]:
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
return await SessionRecipe.get_instance().recipe_implementation.get_session_information(
session_handle, user_context
async def update_session_data_in_database(
session_handle: str,
new_session_data: Dict[str, Any],
user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> bool:
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
return await SessionRecipe.get_instance().recipe_implementation.update_session_data_in_database(
session_handle, new_session_data, user_context
async def merge_into_access_token_payload(
session_handle: str,
new_access_token_payload: Dict[str, Any],
user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> bool:
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
return await SessionRecipe.get_instance().recipe_implementation.merge_into_access_token_payload(
session_handle, new_access_token_payload, user_context
async def create_jwt(
payload: Dict[str, Any],
validity_seconds: Optional[int] = None,
use_static_signing_key: Optional[bool] = None,
user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> Union[CreateJwtOkResult, CreateJwtResultUnsupportedAlgorithm]:
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
openid_recipe = SessionRecipe.get_instance().openid_recipe
return await openid_recipe.recipe_implementation.create_jwt(
payload, validity_seconds, use_static_signing_key, user_context
async def get_jwks(user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> GetJWKSResult:
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
openid_recipe = SessionRecipe.get_instance().openid_recipe
return await openid_recipe.recipe_implementation.get_jwks(user_context)
async def get_open_id_discovery_configuration(
user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> GetOpenIdDiscoveryConfigurationResult:
if user_context is None:
user_context = {}
openid_recipe = SessionRecipe.get_instance().openid_recipe
return (
await openid_recipe.recipe_implementation.get_open_id_discovery_configuration(
async def create_jwt(payload: Dict[str, Any], validity_seconds: Optional[int] = None, use_static_signing_key: Optional[bool] = None, user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> Union[CreateJwtOkResult, CreateJwtResultUnsupportedAlgorithm]
async def create_new_session(request: Any, tenant_id: str, recipe_user_id: RecipeUserId, access_token_payload: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None, session_data_in_database: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None, user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> SessionContainer
async def create_new_session_without_request_response(tenant_id: str, recipe_user_id: RecipeUserId, access_token_payload: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None, session_data_in_database: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None, disable_anti_csrf: bool = False, user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> SessionContainer
async def fetch_and_set_claim(session_handle: str, claim: SessionClaim[Any], user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> bool
async def get_all_session_handles_for_user(user_id: str, fetch_sessions_for_linked_accounts: bool = True, tenant_id: Optional[str] = None, user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> List[str]
async def get_claim_value(session_handle: str, claim: SessionClaim[_T], user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> Union[SessionDoesNotExistError, GetClaimValueOkResult[~_T]]
async def get_jwks(user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> GetJWKSResult
async def get_open_id_discovery_configuration(user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> GetOpenIdDiscoveryConfigurationResult
async def get_session(request: Any, session_required: Optional[bool] = None, anti_csrf_check: Optional[bool] = None, check_database: Optional[bool] = None, override_global_claim_validators: Optional[Callable[[List[SessionClaimValidator], SessionContainer, Dict[str, Any]], MaybeAwaitable[List[SessionClaimValidator]]]] = None, user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> Optional[SessionContainer]
async def get_session_information(session_handle: str, user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> Optional[SessionInformationResult]
async def get_session_without_request_response(access_token: str, anti_csrf_token: Optional[str] = None, anti_csrf_check: Optional[bool] = None, session_required: Optional[bool] = None, check_database: Optional[bool] = None, override_global_claim_validators: Optional[Callable[[List[SessionClaimValidator], SessionContainer, Dict[str, Any]], MaybeAwaitable[List[SessionClaimValidator]]]] = None, user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> Optional[SessionContainer]
Tries to validate an access token and build a Session object from it.
Notes about anti-csrf checking: - if the
is set to VIA_HEADER in the Session recipe config you have to handle anti-csrf checking before calling this function and set antiCsrfCheck to false in the options. - you can disable anti-csrf checks by setting antiCsrf to NONE in the Session recipe config. We only recommend this if you are always getting the access-token from the Authorization header. - if the antiCsrf check fails the returned status will be TRY_REFRESH_TOKEN_ERRORArgs: - access_token: The access token extracted from the authorization header or cookies - anti_csrf_token: The anti-csrf token extracted from the authorization header or cookies. Can be undefined if antiCsrfCheck is false - anti_csrf_check: If true, anti-csrf checking will be done. If false, it will be skipped. Default behaviour is to check. - session_required: If true, throws an error if the session does not exist. Default is True. - check_database: If true, the session will be checked in the database. If false, it will be skipped. Default behaviour is to skip. - override_global_claim_validators: Alter the - user_context: user context
Results: - OK: The session was successfully validated, including claim validation - CLAIM_VALIDATION_ERROR: While the access token is valid, one or more claim validators have failed. Our frontend SDKs expect a 403 response the contents matching the value returned from this function. - TRY_REFRESH_TOKEN_ERROR: This means, that the access token structure was valid, but it didn't pass validation for some reason and the user should call the refresh API. You can send a 401 response to trigger this behaviour if you are using our frontend SDKs - UNAUTHORISED: This means that the access token likely doesn't belong to a SuperTokens session. If this is unexpected, it's best handled by sending a 401 response.
async def merge_into_access_token_payload(session_handle: str, new_access_token_payload: Dict[str, Any], user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> bool
async def refresh_session(request: Any, user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> SessionContainer
async def refresh_session_without_request_response(refresh_token: str, disable_anti_csrf: bool = False, anti_csrf_token: Optional[str] = None, user_context: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> SessionContainer
async def remove_claim(session_handle: str, claim: SessionClaim[Any], user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> bool
async def revoke_all_sessions_for_user(user_id: str, revoke_sessions_for_linked_accounts: bool = True, tenant_id: Optional[str] = None, user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> List[str]
async def revoke_multiple_sessions(session_handles: List[str], user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> List[str]
async def revoke_session(session_handle: str, user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> bool
async def set_claim_value(session_handle: str, claim: SessionClaim[_T], value: _T, user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> bool
async def update_session_data_in_database(session_handle: str, new_session_data: Dict[str, Any], user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> bool
async def validate_claims_for_session_handle(session_handle: str, override_global_claim_validators: Optional[Callable[[List[SessionClaimValidator], SessionInformationResult, Dict[str, Any]], MaybeAwaitable[List[SessionClaimValidator]]]] = None, user_context: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> Union[SessionDoesNotExistError, ClaimsValidationResult]