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MySQL setup


This is needed only if you are running the SuperTokens core yourself.

The minimum required version is MySQL 5.7.


We also have a blog post writeup highlighting all the steps in more detail for different scenarios.

1) Create a database ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ#

CREATE DATABASE supertokens;

You can skip this step if you want SuperTokens to write to your own database. In this case, you will need to provide your database's name as shown in the step below.

2) Connect SuperTokens to your database ๐Ÿ”Œ#


Host being localhost / will not work in a docker image. Instead, please provide the database's local / public hostname or IP address.

You also need to make the database listen on all the IP's of the local machine. This can be done by editing the mysqld.cnf config file and setting the value of bind-address to

docker run \
-p 3567:3567 \
-e MYSQL_CONNECTION_URI="mysql://username:pass@host/dbName" \

# OR

docker run \
-p 3567:3567 \
-e MYSQL_USER="username" \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD="password" \
-e MYSQL_HOST="host" \
-e MYSQL_PORT="3306" \
-e MYSQL_DATABASE_NAME="supertokens" \

3) Create tables ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป#


This happens automatically, unless you provide a MySQL user that doesn't have table creation permission.

`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`created_at_time` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`)

CREATE TABLE `tenants` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`tenant_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`created_at_time` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`tenant_id`),

CREATE TABLE `tenant_configs` (
`connection_uri_domain` varchar(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`tenant_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`core_config` text,
`email_password_enabled` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`passwordless_enabled` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`third_party_enabled` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`is_first_factors_null` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`connection_uri_domain`,`app_id`,`tenant_id`)

CREATE TABLE `tenant_thirdparty_providers` (
`connection_uri_domain` varchar(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`tenant_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`third_party_id` varchar(28) NOT NULL,
`name` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
`authorization_endpoint` text,
`authorization_endpoint_query_params` text,
`token_endpoint` text,
`token_endpoint_body_params` text,
`user_info_endpoint` text,
`user_info_endpoint_query_params` text,
`user_info_endpoint_headers` text,
`jwks_uri` text,
`oidc_discovery_endpoint` text,
`require_email` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`user_info_map_from_id_token_payload_user_id` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
`user_info_map_from_id_token_payload_email` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
`user_info_map_from_id_token_payload_email_verified` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
`user_info_map_from_user_info_endpoint_user_id` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
`user_info_map_from_user_info_endpoint_email` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
`user_info_map_from_user_info_endpoint_email_verified` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`connection_uri_domain`,`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`third_party_id`),
FOREIGN KEY (`connection_uri_domain`, `app_id`, `tenant_id`) REFERENCES `tenant_configs` (`connection_uri_domain`, `app_id`, `tenant_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE TABLE `tenant_thirdparty_provider_clients` (
`connection_uri_domain` varchar(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`tenant_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`third_party_id` varchar(28) NOT NULL,
`client_type` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`client_id` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
`client_secret` text,
`scope` text,
`force_pkce` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`additional_config` text,
PRIMARY KEY (`connection_uri_domain`,`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`third_party_id`,`client_type`),
FOREIGN KEY (`connection_uri_domain`, `app_id`, `tenant_id`, `third_party_id`) REFERENCES `tenant_thirdparty_providers` (`connection_uri_domain`, `app_id`, `tenant_id`, `third_party_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE TABLE `tenant_first_factors` (
connection_uri_domain VARCHAR(256) DEFAULT '',
app_id VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT 'public',
tenant_id VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT 'public',
factor_id VARCHAR(128),
PRIMARY KEY (`connection_uri_domain`, `app_id`, `tenant_id`, `factor_id`),
FOREIGN KEY (`connection_uri_domain`, `app_id`, `tenant_id`) REFERENCES `tenant_configs` (`connection_uri_domain`, `app_id`, `tenant_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE TABLE `tenant_required_secondary_factors` (
connection_uri_domain VARCHAR(256) DEFAULT '',
app_id VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT 'public',
tenant_id VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT 'public',
factor_id VARCHAR(128),
PRIMARY KEY (`connection_uri_domain`, `app_id`, `tenant_id`, `factor_id`),
FOREIGN KEY (`connection_uri_domain`, `app_id`, `tenant_id`) REFERENCES `tenant_configs` (`connection_uri_domain`, `app_id`, `tenant_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE TABLE `key_value` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`tenant_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`name` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`value` text,
`created_at_time` bigint unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`name`),
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `tenant_id`) REFERENCES `tenants` (`app_id`, `tenant_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE TABLE `app_id_to_user_id` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`user_id` char(36) NOT NULL,
`recipe_id` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`primary_or_recipe_user_id` char(36) NOT NULL,
`is_linked_or_is_a_primary_user` BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`user_id`),
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`) REFERENCES `apps` (`app_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `primary_or_recipe_user_id`) REFERENCES `app_id_to_user_id` (`app_id`, `user_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE INDEX app_id_to_user_id_primary_user_id_index ON `app_id_to_user_id` (`primary_or_recipe_user_id`);

CREATE INDEX app_id_to_user_id_user_id_index ON `app_id_to_user_id` (`user_id`);

CREATE TABLE `all_auth_recipe_users` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`tenant_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`user_id` char(36) NOT NULL,
`primary_or_recipe_user_id` char(36) NOT NULL,
`is_linked_or_is_a_primary_user` BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,
`recipe_id` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`time_joined` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
`primary_or_recipe_user_time_joined` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`user_id`),
KEY `app_id` (`app_id`,`user_id`),
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `tenant_id`) REFERENCES `tenants` (`app_id`, `tenant_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `user_id`) REFERENCES `app_id_to_user_id` (`app_id`, `user_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `primary_or_recipe_user_id`) REFERENCES `app_id_to_user_id` (`app_id`, `user_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE INDEX all_auth_recipe_users_pagination_index1 ON all_auth_recipe_users
(app_id, tenant_id, primary_or_recipe_user_time_joined DESC, primary_or_recipe_user_id DESC);

CREATE INDEX all_auth_recipe_users_pagination_index3 ON all_auth_recipe_users
(recipe_id, app_id, tenant_id, primary_or_recipe_user_time_joined DESC, primary_or_recipe_user_id DESC);

CREATE INDEX all_auth_recipe_users_primary_user_id_index ON all_auth_recipe_users
(primary_or_recipe_user_id, app_id);

CREATE INDEX all_auth_recipe_users_recipe_id_index ON all_auth_recipe_users
(app_id, recipe_id, tenant_id);

CREATE TABLE `userid_mapping` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`supertokens_user_id` char(36) NOT NULL,
`external_user_id` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`external_user_id_info` text,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`supertokens_user_id`,`external_user_id`),
UNIQUE KEY `supertokens_user_id` (`app_id`,`supertokens_user_id`),
UNIQUE KEY `external_user_id` (`app_id`,`external_user_id`),
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `supertokens_user_id`) REFERENCES `app_id_to_user_id` (`app_id`, `user_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE TABLE `dashboard_users` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`user_id` char(36) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
`password_hash` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
`time_joined` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`user_id`),
UNIQUE KEY `email` (`app_id`,`email`),

CREATE TABLE `dashboard_user_sessions` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`session_id` char(36) NOT NULL,
`user_id` char(36) NOT NULL,
`time_created` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
`expiry` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`session_id`),
KEY `app_id` (`app_id`,`user_id`),
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `user_id`) REFERENCES `dashboard_users` (`app_id`, `user_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE INDEX `dashboard_user_sessions_expiry_index` ON `dashboard_user_sessions` (`expiry`);

CREATE TABLE `session_access_token_signing_keys` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`created_at_time` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
`value` text,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`created_at_time`),

CREATE TABLE `session_info` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`tenant_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`session_handle` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`user_id` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`refresh_token_hash_2` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`session_data` text,
`expires_at` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
`created_at_time` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
`jwt_user_payload` text,
`use_static_key` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`session_handle`),
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `tenant_id`) REFERENCES `tenants` (`app_id`, `tenant_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE INDEX `session_expiry_index` ON `session_info` (`expires_at`);

CREATE TABLE `user_last_active` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`user_id` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`last_active_time` bigint unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`user_id`),

CREATE TABLE `emailpassword_users` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`user_id` char(36) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
`password_hash` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
`time_joined` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`user_id`),
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `user_id`) REFERENCES `app_id_to_user_id` (`app_id`, `user_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE TABLE `emailpassword_user_to_tenant` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`tenant_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`user_id` char(36) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`user_id`),
UNIQUE KEY `email` (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`email`),
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `tenant_id`, `user_id`) REFERENCES `all_auth_recipe_users` (`app_id`, `tenant_id`, `user_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE TABLE `emailpassword_pswd_reset_tokens` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`user_id` char(36) NOT NULL,
`token` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`token_expiry` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(256),
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`user_id`,`token`),
UNIQUE KEY `token` (`token`),
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `user_id`) REFERENCES `app_id_to_user_id` (`app_id`, `user_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE

CREATE INDEX `emailpassword_password_reset_token_expiry_index` ON `emailpassword_pswd_reset_tokens` (`token_expiry`);

CREATE TABLE `emailverification_verified_emails` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`user_id` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`user_id`,`email`),

CREATE TABLE `emailverification_tokens` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`tenant_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`user_id` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
`token` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`token_expiry` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`user_id`,`email`,`token`),
UNIQUE KEY `token` (`token`),
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `tenant_id`) REFERENCES `tenants` (`app_id`, `tenant_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE INDEX `emailverification_tokens_index` ON `emailverification_tokens` (`token_expiry`);

CREATE TABLE `thirdparty_users` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`third_party_id` varchar(28) NOT NULL,
`third_party_user_id` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
`user_id` char(36) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
`time_joined` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`user_id`),
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `user_id`) REFERENCES `app_id_to_user_id` (`app_id`, `user_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE INDEX `thirdparty_users_email_index` ON `thirdparty_users` (`app_id`,`email`);

CREATE INDEX `thirdparty_users_thirdparty_user_id_index` ON `thirdparty_users` (`app_id`,`third_party_id`,`third_party_user_id`);

CREATE TABLE `thirdparty_user_to_tenant` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`tenant_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`user_id` char(36) NOT NULL,
`third_party_id` varchar(28) NOT NULL,
`third_party_user_id` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`user_id`),
UNIQUE KEY `third_party_user_id` (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`third_party_id`,`third_party_user_id`),
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `tenant_id`, `user_id`) REFERENCES `all_auth_recipe_users` (`app_id`, `tenant_id`, `user_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE TABLE `passwordless_users` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`user_id` char(36) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
`phone_number` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
`time_joined` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`user_id`),
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `user_id`) REFERENCES `app_id_to_user_id` (`app_id`, `user_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE TABLE `passwordless_user_to_tenant` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`tenant_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`user_id` char(36) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
`phone_number` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`user_id`),
UNIQUE KEY `email` (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`email`),
UNIQUE KEY `phone_number` (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`phone_number`),
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `tenant_id`, `user_id`) REFERENCES `all_auth_recipe_users` (`app_id`, `tenant_id`, `user_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE TABLE `passwordless_devices` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`tenant_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`device_id_hash` char(44) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
`phone_number` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
`link_code_salt` char(44) NOT NULL,
`failed_attempts` int unsigned NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`device_id_hash`),
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `tenant_id`) REFERENCES `tenants` (`app_id`, `tenant_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE INDEX `passwordless_devices_email_index` ON `passwordless_devices` (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`email`);

CREATE INDEX `passwordless_devices_phone_number_index` ON `passwordless_devices` (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`phone_number`);

CREATE TABLE `passwordless_codes` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`tenant_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`code_id` char(36) NOT NULL,
`device_id_hash` char(44) NOT NULL,
`link_code_hash` char(44) NOT NULL,
`created_at` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`code_id`),
UNIQUE KEY `link_code_hash` (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`link_code_hash`),
KEY `app_id` (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`device_id_hash`),
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `tenant_id`, `device_id_hash`) REFERENCES `passwordless_devices` (`app_id`, `tenant_id`, `device_id_hash`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE

CREATE INDEX `passwordless_codes_created_at_index` ON `passwordless_codes` (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`created_at`);

CREATE TABLE `jwt_signing_keys` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`key_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`key_string` text NOT NULL,
`algorithm` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`created_at` bigint unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`key_id`),

CREATE TABLE `user_metadata` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`user_id` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`user_metadata` text NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`user_id`),

CREATE TABLE `roles` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`role` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`role`),

CREATE TABLE `role_permissions` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`role` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`permission` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`role`,`permission`),
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `role`) REFERENCES `roles` (`app_id`, `role`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE INDEX `role_permissions_permission_index` ON `role_permissions` (`app_id`,`permission`);

CREATE TABLE `user_roles` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`tenant_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`user_id` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`role` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`user_id`,`role`),
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `tenant_id`) REFERENCES `tenants` (`app_id`, `tenant_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE INDEX `user_roles_role_index` ON `user_roles` (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`role`);

CREATE TABLE `totp_users` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`user_id` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`user_id`),

CREATE TABLE `totp_user_devices` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`user_id` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`device_name` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
`secret_key` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
`period` int NOT NULL,
`skew` int NOT NULL,
`verified` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
`created_at` BIGINT UNSIGNED,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`user_id`,`device_name`),
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `user_id`) REFERENCES `totp_users` (`app_id`, `user_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE TABLE `totp_used_codes` (
`app_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`tenant_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
`user_id` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`code` varchar(8) NOT NULL,
`is_valid` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
`expiry_time_ms` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
`created_time_ms` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`user_id`,`created_time_ms`),
KEY `app_id` (`app_id`,`user_id`),
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `user_id`) REFERENCES `totp_users` (`app_id`, `user_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`, `tenant_id`) REFERENCES `tenants` (`app_id`, `tenant_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE INDEX `totp_used_codes_expiry_time_ms_index` ON `totp_used_codes` (`app_id`,`tenant_id`,`expiry_time_ms`);

You also have the option to rename these tables.

4) Test the connection ๐Ÿคž#

To test, start SuperTokens and run the following query in your database

SELECT * FROM key_value;

If you see at least one row, it means that the connection has been successfully completed! ๐Ÿฅณ๐ŸŽ‰


We also have a blog post writeup highlighting all the steps in more detail for different scenarios.