
May 26, 2024

How To Use OIDC Tokens For More Efficient & Secure Login

Discover how to leverage OpenID Connect (OIDC) tokens to enhance your application's security without compromising user experience.Learn how to balance robust security measures with seamless user interactions, and get practical tips for integrating OIDC tokens into your authentication flow.

By Darko Bozhinovski DevRel at SuperTokens

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding OIDC Tokens
  3. The Role of OIDC Tokens in Security Protocols
  4. Balancing Security and User Experience
  5. Best Practices for Implementing OIDC Tokens
  6. Practical Implementation Example
  7. Conclusion


As developers, we constantly seek ways to bolster security and efficiency in our applications. One powerful tool at our disposal is the OpenID Connect (OIDC) token. This article explores OIDC tokens, their functionality, and how to implement them effectively to maximize security without compromising user experience.

Understanding OIDC Tokens

OIDC tokens are fundamental components of the OpenID Connect protocol, an identity layer built on top of OAuth 2.0. In the OAuth 2.0 framework, OIDC tokens verify user identity and provide user information to client applications.

Types of OIDC Tokens

  1. ID Token: A JSON Web Token (JWT) containing user information such as unique identifier, email, and profile data. Its primary purpose is user identity verification.

  2. Access Token: Used to access protected resources on behalf of the user. Unlike the ID token, it contains permissions or scopes rather than user information.

  3. Refresh Token: Enables obtaining new access tokens without requiring user re-authentication, ensuring continuous access and a smooth user experience.

The Role of OIDC Tokens in Security Protocols

OIDC tokens play a crucial role in application security. Here’s a high-level overview of their integration into the authentication and authorization process:

  1. Authentication Request: The client application initiates an authentication request to the OIDC provider.
  2. User Authentication: The user authenticates with the OIDC provider, typically by entering credentials.
  3. Token Issuance: Upon successful authentication, the OIDC provider issues an ID token and an access token to the client application.
  4. Resource Access: The client application uses the access token to access protected resources on the user’s behalf.
  5. Token Refresh: If the access token expires, the client application can use the refresh token to obtain a new access token without requiring user re-authentication.

Balancing Security and User Experience

While OIDC tokens enhance security, improper implementation can negatively impact user experience (UX). Common pitfalls include:

  • Frequent re-authentication due to short-lived access tokens and lack of refresh mechanisms
  • Overly complex login flows leading to user confusion and higher drop-off rates
  • Poor handling of token expiry resulting in unexpected logouts or loss of unsaved work

Best Practices for Implementing OIDC Tokens

To effectively implement OIDC tokens and maintain a balance between security and UX, consider the following best practices:

  1. Leverage Refresh Tokens: Implement refresh tokens to minimize re-authentication needs. Ensure secure storage and regular rotation of refresh tokens.

  2. Optimize Token Lifespan: Balance access token lifespan for security and user convenience. Consider shorter lifespans for high-security applications and longer ones for less sensitive use cases.

  3. Streamline Login Flows: Design intuitive, straightforward login processes. Implement single sign-on (SSO) where applicable to reduce login frequency.

  4. Implement Secure Storage: Utilize platform-specific secure storage mechanisms (e.g., Keychain on iOS, Keystore on Android) for client-side token storage.

  5. Regularly Rotate Tokens: Periodically rotate tokens to mitigate potential compromises. Implement graceful token revocation mechanisms.

Practical Implementation Example

Here’s a practical example of implementing OIDC tokens using SuperTokens:

import SuperTokens from 'supertokens-auth-react';

import Session from 'supertokens-auth-react/recipe/session';

import ThirdPartyEmailPassword from 'supertokens-auth-react/recipe/thirdpartyemailpassword';


    appInfo: {
        appName: "Your App",
        apiDomain: "",
        websiteDomain: ""
    recipeList: [

SuperTokens automatically handles the issuance and management of OIDC tokens when the SDK is initialized. For more detailed implementation guidance, refer to the SuperTokens documentation.


OIDC tokens are invaluable tools for enhancing login system security and efficiency. Throughout this article, we’ve explored their types, functionality, and best practices for implementation. By leveraging OIDC tokens effectively, developers can create a robust security framework that doesn’t compromise user experience.

Developer, writer, speaker, and Linux nerd. Remembers IE6.