  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All



Type Aliases

ClaimValidationError: { id: string; reason?: any }

Type declaration

  • id: string
  • Optional reason?: any
ClaimValidationResult: { isValid: true } | { isValid: false; reason?: any }
InputType: { apiBasePath?: string; apiDomain: string; autoAddCredentials?: boolean; cookieHandler?: CookieHandlerInput; dateProvider?: DateProviderInput; enableDebugLogs?: boolean; invalidClaimStatusCode?: number; isInIframe?: boolean; lockFactory?: LockFactory; maxRetryAttemptsForSessionRefresh?: number; onHandleEvent?: EventHandler; override?: { functions?: any }; postAPIHook?: RecipePostAPIHookFunction; preAPIHook?: RecipePreAPIHookFunction; sessionExpiredStatusCode?: number; sessionTokenBackendDomain?: string; sessionTokenFrontendDomain?: string; tokenTransferMethod?: "cookie" | "header"; windowHandler?: WindowHandlerInput }

Type declaration

  • Optional apiBasePath?: string
  • apiDomain: string
  • Optional autoAddCredentials?: boolean
  • Optional cookieHandler?: CookieHandlerInput
  • Optional dateProvider?: DateProviderInput
  • Optional enableDebugLogs?: boolean
  • Optional invalidClaimStatusCode?: number
  • Optional isInIframe?: boolean
  • Optional lockFactory?: LockFactory

    This allows for a Lock factory to be configured, which defaults to browser-tabs-lock. This can be used, for example, by a WebExtension that needs to update cookies for a domain that may or may not have an associated tab open.

  • Optional maxRetryAttemptsForSessionRefresh?: number

    This specifies the maximum number of times the interceptor will attempt to refresh the session when a 401 Unauthorized response is received. If the number of retries exceeds this limit, no further attempts will be made to refresh the session, and and an error will be thrown.

  • Optional onHandleEvent?: EventHandler
  • Optional override?: { functions?: any }
  • Optional postAPIHook?: RecipePostAPIHookFunction
  • Optional preAPIHook?: RecipePreAPIHookFunction
  • Optional sessionExpiredStatusCode?: number
  • Optional sessionTokenBackendDomain?: string
  • Optional sessionTokenFrontendDomain?: string
  • Optional tokenTransferMethod?: "cookie" | "header"
  • Optional windowHandler?: WindowHandlerInput
RecipeInterface: { addAxiosInterceptors: any; addFetchInterceptorsAndReturnModifiedFetch: any; addXMLHttpRequestInterceptor: any; calculateClockSkewInMillis: any; doesSessionExist: any; getAccessTokenPayloadSecurely: any; getGlobalClaimValidators: any; getInvalidClaimsFromResponse: any; getUserId: any; shouldDoInterceptionBasedOnUrl: any; signOut: any; validateClaims: any }

Type declaration

  • addAxiosInterceptors:function
    • addAxiosInterceptors(input: { axiosInstance: any; userContext: any }): void
    • Parameters

      • input: { axiosInstance: any; userContext: any }
        • axiosInstance: any
        • userContext: any

      Returns void

  • addFetchInterceptorsAndReturnModifiedFetch:function
    • addFetchInterceptorsAndReturnModifiedFetch(input: { originalFetch: any; userContext: any }): ((input: URL | RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>)
    • Parameters

      • input: { originalFetch: any; userContext: any }
        • originalFetch: any
        • userContext: any

      Returns ((input: URL | RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>)

        • (input: URL | RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>
        • Parameters

          • input: URL | RequestInfo
          • Optional init: RequestInit

          Returns Promise<Response>

  • addXMLHttpRequestInterceptor:function
    • addXMLHttpRequestInterceptor(input: { userContext: any }): void
    • Parameters

      • input: { userContext: any }
        • userContext: any

      Returns void

  • calculateClockSkewInMillis:function
    • calculateClockSkewInMillis(params: { accessTokenPayload: any; responseHeaders: Headers }): number
    • Parameters

      • params: { accessTokenPayload: any; responseHeaders: Headers }
        • accessTokenPayload: any
        • responseHeaders: Headers

      Returns number

  • doesSessionExist:function
    • doesSessionExist(input: { userContext: any }): Promise<boolean>
    • Parameters

      • input: { userContext: any }
        • userContext: any

      Returns Promise<boolean>

  • getAccessTokenPayloadSecurely:function
    • getAccessTokenPayloadSecurely(input: { userContext: any }): Promise<any>
    • Parameters

      • input: { userContext: any }
        • userContext: any

      Returns Promise<any>

  • getGlobalClaimValidators:function
  • getInvalidClaimsFromResponse:function
    • getInvalidClaimsFromResponse(input: { response: { data: any } | Response; userContext: any }): Promise<ClaimValidationError[]>
  • getUserId:function
    • getUserId(input: { userContext: any }): Promise<string>
    • Parameters

      • input: { userContext: any }
        • userContext: any

      Returns Promise<string>

  • shouldDoInterceptionBasedOnUrl:function
    • shouldDoInterceptionBasedOnUrl(toCheckUrl: string, apiDomain: string, sessionTokenBackendDomain: undefined | string): boolean
    • Parameters

      • toCheckUrl: string
      • apiDomain: string
      • sessionTokenBackendDomain: undefined | string

      Returns boolean

  • signOut:function
    • signOut(input: { userContext: any }): Promise<void>
    • Parameters

      • input: { userContext: any }
        • userContext: any

      Returns Promise<void>

  • validateClaims:function
SessionClaim<ValueType>: { getLastFetchedTime: any; getValueFromPayload: any; refresh: any }

Type Parameters

  • ValueType

Type declaration

  • getLastFetchedTime:function
    • getLastFetchedTime(payload: any, _userContext?: any): undefined | number
    • Parameters

      • payload: any
      • Optional _userContext: any

      Returns undefined | number

  • getValueFromPayload:function
    • getValueFromPayload(payload: any, _userContext?: any): undefined | ValueType
    • Parameters

      • payload: any
      • Optional _userContext: any

      Returns undefined | ValueType

  • refresh:function
    • refresh(userContext: any): Promise<void>
SessionClaimValidator: { id: string; refresh: any; shouldRefresh: any; validate: any }

Type declaration

  • Readonly id: string
  • refresh:function
    • refresh(userContext: any): Promise<void>
    • Makes an API call that will refresh the claim in the token.


      • userContext: any

      Returns Promise<void>

  • shouldRefresh:function
    • shouldRefresh(accessTokenPayload: any, userContext: any): boolean | Promise<boolean>
    • Decides if we need to refresh the claim value before checking the payload with validate. E.g.: if the information in the payload is expired, or is not sufficient for this validator.


      • accessTokenPayload: any
      • userContext: any

      Returns boolean | Promise<boolean>

  • validate:function


  • addAxiosInterceptors(axiosInstance: any, userContext?: any): void
  • deprecated


    • axiosInstance: any
    • Optional userContext: any

    Returns void

  • attemptRefreshingSession(): Promise<boolean>
  • doesSessionExist(input?: { userContext?: any }): Promise<boolean>
  • Parameters

    • Optional input: { userContext?: any }
      • Optional userContext?: any

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • getAccessToken(input?: { userContext?: any }): Promise<undefined | string>
  • Parameters

    • Optional input: { userContext?: any }
      • Optional userContext?: any

    Returns Promise<undefined | string>

  • getAccessTokenPayloadSecurely(input?: { userContext?: any }): Promise<any>
  • Parameters

    • Optional input: { userContext?: any }
      • Optional userContext?: any

    Returns Promise<any>

  • getClaimValue<T>(input: { claim: SessionClaim<T>; userContext?: any }): Promise<undefined | T>
  • getInvalidClaimsFromResponse(input: { response: Response | { data: any }; userContext?: any }): Promise<ClaimValidationError[]>
  • Parameters

    • input: { response: Response | { data: any }; userContext?: any }
      • response: Response | { data: any }
      • Optional userContext?: any

    Returns Promise<ClaimValidationError[]>

  • getUserId(input?: { userContext?: any }): Promise<string>
  • Parameters

    • Optional input: { userContext?: any }
      • Optional userContext?: any

    Returns Promise<string>

  • signOut(input?: { userContext?: any }): Promise<void>
  • Parameters

    • Optional input: { userContext?: any }
      • Optional userContext?: any

    Returns Promise<void>

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