Module supertokens_python.recipe.session.utils

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# Copyright (c) 2021, VRAI Labs and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License") as published by the Apache Software Foundation.
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
# obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Awaitable, Callable, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from supertokens_python.exceptions import raise_general_exception
from supertokens_python.framework import BaseResponse
from supertokens_python.normalised_url_path import NormalisedURLPath
from supertokens_python.recipe.openid import \
    InputOverrideConfig as OpenIdInputOverrideConfig
from supertokens_python.utils import is_an_ip_address, send_non_200_response
from tldextract import extract  # type: ignore
from typing_extensions import Literal

from .constants import SESSION_REFRESH
from .cookie_and_header import clear_cookies
from .with_jwt.constants import (ACCESS_TOKEN_PAYLOAD_JWT_PROPERTY_NAME_KEY,

    from supertokens_python.framework import BaseRequest
    from supertokens_python.supertokens import AppInfo

    from .interfaces import APIInterface, RecipeInterface
    from .recipe import SessionRecipe

from supertokens_python.logger import log_debug_message

def normalise_session_scope(session_scope: str) -> str:
    def helper(scope: str) -> str:
        scope = scope.strip()

        if scope.startswith('.'):
            scope = scope[1:]

        if (not scope.startswith('https://')
            ) and (not scope.startswith('http://')):
            scope = 'http://' + scope

            url_obj = urlparse(scope)
            if url_obj.hostname is None:
                raise Exception("Should not come here")
            scope = url_obj.hostname

            if scope.startswith('.'):
                scope = scope[1:]

            return scope
        except Exception:
            raise_general_exception('Please provide a valid sessionScope')

    no_dot_normalised = helper(session_scope)
    if no_dot_normalised == 'localhost' or is_an_ip_address(no_dot_normalised):
        return no_dot_normalised

    if no_dot_normalised[0] == '.':
        return no_dot_normalised[1:]

    return no_dot_normalised

def normalise_same_site(same_site: str) -> Literal['strict', 'lax', 'none']:
    same_site = same_site.strip()
    same_site = same_site.lower()
    allowed_values = {'strict', 'lax', 'none'}
    if same_site not in allowed_values:
        raise Exception(
            'cookie same site must be one of "strict", "lax", or "none"')
    return same_site  # type: ignore

def get_url_scheme(url: str) -> str:
    url_obj = urlparse(url)
    return url_obj.scheme

def get_top_level_domain_for_same_site_resolution(url: str) -> str:
    url_obj = urlparse(url)
    hostname = url_obj.hostname

    if hostname is None:
        raise Exception("Should not come here")

    if hostname.startswith('localhost') or is_an_ip_address(hostname):
        return 'localhost'
    parsed_url: Any = extract(hostname)
    if parsed_url.domain == '':  # type: ignore
        raise Exception(
            'Please make sure that the apiDomain and websiteDomain have correct values')

    return parsed_url.domain + '.' + parsed_url.suffix  # type: ignore

class ErrorHandlers:
    def __init__(self, on_token_theft_detected: Callable[[BaseRequest, str, str, BaseResponse], Union[BaseResponse, Awaitable[BaseResponse]]],
                 on_try_refresh_token: Callable[[BaseRequest, str, BaseResponse], Union[BaseResponse, Awaitable[BaseResponse]]], on_unauthorised: Callable[[BaseRequest, str, BaseResponse], Union[BaseResponse, Awaitable[BaseResponse]]]):
        self.__on_token_theft_detected = on_token_theft_detected
        self.__on_try_refresh_token = on_try_refresh_token
        self.__on_unauthorised = on_unauthorised

    async def on_token_theft_detected(self, recipe: SessionRecipe, request: BaseRequest, session_handle: str, user_id: str, response: BaseResponse) -> BaseResponse:
        result: Union[None, BaseResponse] = None
        temp = self.__on_token_theft_detected(
            request, session_handle, user_id, response)
        if isinstance(temp, Awaitable):
            result = await temp
            result = temp
        log_debug_message("Clearing cookies because of TOKEN_THEFT_DETECTED response")
        clear_cookies(recipe, result)
        return result

    async def on_try_refresh_token(self, request: BaseRequest, message: str, response: BaseResponse):
        result: Union[None, BaseResponse] = None
        temp = self.__on_try_refresh_token(request, message, response)
        if isinstance(temp, Awaitable):
            result = await temp
            result = temp
        return result

    async def on_unauthorised(self, recipe: SessionRecipe, do_clear_cookies: bool, request: BaseRequest, message: str, response: BaseResponse):
        result: Union[None, BaseResponse] = None
        temp = self.__on_unauthorised(request, message, response)
        if isinstance(temp, Awaitable):
            result = await temp
            result = temp
        if do_clear_cookies:
            log_debug_message("Clearing cookies because of UNAUTHORISED response")
            clear_cookies(recipe, result)
        return result

class InputErrorHandlers(ErrorHandlers):
    def __init__(self,
                 on_token_theft_detected: Union[None, Callable[[
                     BaseRequest, str, str, BaseResponse], Union[BaseResponse, Awaitable[BaseResponse]]]] = None,
                 on_unauthorised: Union[Callable[[BaseRequest, str, BaseResponse], Union[BaseResponse, Awaitable[BaseResponse]]], None] = None):
        if on_token_theft_detected is None:
            on_token_theft_detected = default_token_theft_detected_callback
        if on_unauthorised is None:
            on_unauthorised = default_unauthorised_callback
                         default_try_refresh_token_callback, on_unauthorised)

async def default_unauthorised_callback(_: BaseRequest, __: str, response: BaseResponse) -> BaseResponse:
    from .recipe import SessionRecipe
    return send_non_200_response('unauthorised', SessionRecipe.get_instance(
    ).config.session_expired_status_code, response)

async def default_try_refresh_token_callback(_: BaseRequest, __: str, response: BaseResponse) -> BaseResponse:
    from .recipe import SessionRecipe
    return send_non_200_response('try refresh token', SessionRecipe.get_instance(
    ).config.session_expired_status_code, response)

async def default_token_theft_detected_callback(_: BaseRequest, session_handle: str, __: str, response: BaseResponse) -> BaseResponse:
    from .recipe import SessionRecipe
    await SessionRecipe.get_instance().recipe_implementation.revoke_session(session_handle, {})
    return send_non_200_response('token theft detected', SessionRecipe.get_instance(
    ).config.session_expired_status_code, response)

class InputOverrideConfig:
    def __init__(
        functions: Union[Callable[[RecipeInterface],
                                  RecipeInterface], None] = None,
        apis: Union[Callable[[APIInterface], APIInterface], None] = None,
        openid_feature: Union[OpenIdInputOverrideConfig, None] = None
        self.functions = functions
        self.apis = apis
        self.openid_feature = openid_feature

class OverrideConfig:
    def __init__(self, functions: Union[Callable[[RecipeInterface], RecipeInterface],
                                        None] = None, apis: Union[Callable[[APIInterface], APIInterface], None] = None):
        self.functions = functions
        self.apis = apis

class JWTConfig:
    def __init__(self, enable: bool, property_name_in_access_token_payload:
                 Union[str, None] = None, issuer: Union[str, None] = None):
        if property_name_in_access_token_payload is None:
            property_name_in_access_token_payload = 'jwt'
        if property_name_in_access_token_payload == ACCESS_TOKEN_PAYLOAD_JWT_PROPERTY_NAME_KEY:
            raise Exception(JWT_RESERVED_KEY_USE_ERROR_MESSAGE)
        self.enable = enable
        self.property_name_in_access_token_payload = property_name_in_access_token_payload
        self.issuer = issuer

class SessionConfig:
    def __init__(self,
                 refresh_token_path: NormalisedURLPath,
                 cookie_domain: Union[None, str],
                 cookie_same_site: Literal['lax', 'strict', 'none'],
                 cookie_secure: bool,
                 session_expired_status_code: int,
                 error_handlers: ErrorHandlers,
                 anti_csrf: str,
                 override: OverrideConfig,
                 framework: str,
                 mode: str,
                 jwt: JWTConfig
        self.refresh_token_path = refresh_token_path
        self.cookie_domain = cookie_domain
        self.cookie_same_site = cookie_same_site
        self.cookie_secure = cookie_secure
        self.session_expired_status_code = session_expired_status_code
        self.error_handlers = error_handlers
        self.anti_csrf = anti_csrf
        self.override = override
        self.framework = framework
        self.mode = mode
        self.jwt = jwt

def validate_and_normalise_user_input(app_info: AppInfo,
                                      cookie_domain: Union[str, None] = None,
                                      cookie_secure: Union[bool, None] = None,
                                      cookie_same_site: Union[Literal["lax",
                                                                      "none", "strict"], None] = None,
                                      session_expired_status_code: Union[int,
                                                                         None] = None,
                                      anti_csrf: Union[Literal["VIA_TOKEN",
                                                               "VIA_CUSTOM_HEADER", "NONE"], None] = None,
                                      error_handlers: Union[ErrorHandlers,
                                                            None] = None,
                                      override: Union[InputOverrideConfig,
                                                      None] = None,
                                      jwt: Union[JWTConfig, None] = None
    cookie_domain = normalise_session_scope(
        cookie_domain) if cookie_domain is not None else None
    top_level_api_domain = get_top_level_domain_for_same_site_resolution(
    top_level_website_domain = get_top_level_domain_for_same_site_resolution(

    api_domain_scheme = get_url_scheme(
    website_domain_scheme = get_url_scheme(
    if cookie_same_site is not None:
        cookie_same_site = normalise_same_site(
    elif (top_level_api_domain != top_level_website_domain) or (api_domain_scheme != website_domain_scheme):
        cookie_same_site = 'none'
        cookie_same_site = 'lax'

    cookie_secure = cookie_secure if cookie_secure is not None else app_info.api_domain.get_as_string_dangerous().startswith(

    session_expired_status_code = session_expired_status_code if session_expired_status_code is not None else 401
    if anti_csrf is None:
        anti_csrf = 'VIA_CUSTOM_HEADER' if cookie_same_site == 'none' else 'NONE'

    if error_handlers is None:
        error_handlers = InputErrorHandlers()

    if (cookie_same_site == 'none') and \
            not cookie_secure and \
            not (top_level_api_domain == 'localhost' or is_an_ip_address(top_level_api_domain)) and \
            not (top_level_website_domain == 'localhost' or is_an_ip_address(top_level_website_domain)):
        raise_general_exception('Since your API and website domain are different, for sessions to work, please use '
                                'https on your apiDomain and don\'t set cookieSecure to false.')

    if override is None:
        override = InputOverrideConfig()

    if jwt is None:
        jwt = JWTConfig(False)

    return SessionConfig(
        OverrideConfig(override.functions, override.apis),


async def default_token_theft_detected_callback(_: BaseRequest, session_handle: str, __: str, response: BaseResponse) ‑> BaseResponse
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async def default_token_theft_detected_callback(_: BaseRequest, session_handle: str, __: str, response: BaseResponse) -> BaseResponse:
    from .recipe import SessionRecipe
    await SessionRecipe.get_instance().recipe_implementation.revoke_session(session_handle, {})
    return send_non_200_response('token theft detected', SessionRecipe.get_instance(
    ).config.session_expired_status_code, response)
async def default_try_refresh_token_callback(_: BaseRequest, __: str, response: BaseResponse) ‑> BaseResponse
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async def default_try_refresh_token_callback(_: BaseRequest, __: str, response: BaseResponse) -> BaseResponse:
    from .recipe import SessionRecipe
    return send_non_200_response('try refresh token', SessionRecipe.get_instance(
    ).config.session_expired_status_code, response)
async def default_unauthorised_callback(_: BaseRequest, __: str, response: BaseResponse) ‑> BaseResponse
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async def default_unauthorised_callback(_: BaseRequest, __: str, response: BaseResponse) -> BaseResponse:
    from .recipe import SessionRecipe
    return send_non_200_response('unauthorised', SessionRecipe.get_instance(
    ).config.session_expired_status_code, response)
def get_top_level_domain_for_same_site_resolution(url: str) ‑> str
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def get_top_level_domain_for_same_site_resolution(url: str) -> str:
    url_obj = urlparse(url)
    hostname = url_obj.hostname

    if hostname is None:
        raise Exception("Should not come here")

    if hostname.startswith('localhost') or is_an_ip_address(hostname):
        return 'localhost'
    parsed_url: Any = extract(hostname)
    if parsed_url.domain == '':  # type: ignore
        raise Exception(
            'Please make sure that the apiDomain and websiteDomain have correct values')

    return parsed_url.domain + '.' + parsed_url.suffix  # type: ignore
def get_url_scheme(url: str) ‑> str
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def get_url_scheme(url: str) -> str:
    url_obj = urlparse(url)
    return url_obj.scheme
def normalise_same_site(same_site: str) ‑> Literal['strict', 'lax', 'none']
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def normalise_same_site(same_site: str) -> Literal['strict', 'lax', 'none']:
    same_site = same_site.strip()
    same_site = same_site.lower()
    allowed_values = {'strict', 'lax', 'none'}
    if same_site not in allowed_values:
        raise Exception(
            'cookie same site must be one of "strict", "lax", or "none"')
    return same_site  # type: ignore
def normalise_session_scope(session_scope: str) ‑> str
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def normalise_session_scope(session_scope: str) -> str:
    def helper(scope: str) -> str:
        scope = scope.strip()

        if scope.startswith('.'):
            scope = scope[1:]

        if (not scope.startswith('https://')
            ) and (not scope.startswith('http://')):
            scope = 'http://' + scope

            url_obj = urlparse(scope)
            if url_obj.hostname is None:
                raise Exception("Should not come here")
            scope = url_obj.hostname

            if scope.startswith('.'):
                scope = scope[1:]

            return scope
        except Exception:
            raise_general_exception('Please provide a valid sessionScope')

    no_dot_normalised = helper(session_scope)
    if no_dot_normalised == 'localhost' or is_an_ip_address(no_dot_normalised):
        return no_dot_normalised

    if no_dot_normalised[0] == '.':
        return no_dot_normalised[1:]

    return no_dot_normalised
def validate_and_normalise_user_input(app_info: AppInfo, cookie_domain: Union[str, None] = None, cookie_secure: Union[bool, None] = None, cookie_same_site: "Union[Literal['lax', 'none', 'strict'], None]" = None, session_expired_status_code: Union[int, None] = None, anti_csrf: "Union[Literal['VIA_TOKEN', 'VIA_CUSTOM_HEADER', 'NONE'], None]" = None, error_handlers: Union[ErrorHandlers, None] = None, override: Union[InputOverrideConfig, None] = None, jwt: Union[JWTConfig, None] = None)
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def validate_and_normalise_user_input(app_info: AppInfo,
                                      cookie_domain: Union[str, None] = None,
                                      cookie_secure: Union[bool, None] = None,
                                      cookie_same_site: Union[Literal["lax",
                                                                      "none", "strict"], None] = None,
                                      session_expired_status_code: Union[int,
                                                                         None] = None,
                                      anti_csrf: Union[Literal["VIA_TOKEN",
                                                               "VIA_CUSTOM_HEADER", "NONE"], None] = None,
                                      error_handlers: Union[ErrorHandlers,
                                                            None] = None,
                                      override: Union[InputOverrideConfig,
                                                      None] = None,
                                      jwt: Union[JWTConfig, None] = None
    cookie_domain = normalise_session_scope(
        cookie_domain) if cookie_domain is not None else None
    top_level_api_domain = get_top_level_domain_for_same_site_resolution(
    top_level_website_domain = get_top_level_domain_for_same_site_resolution(

    api_domain_scheme = get_url_scheme(
    website_domain_scheme = get_url_scheme(
    if cookie_same_site is not None:
        cookie_same_site = normalise_same_site(
    elif (top_level_api_domain != top_level_website_domain) or (api_domain_scheme != website_domain_scheme):
        cookie_same_site = 'none'
        cookie_same_site = 'lax'

    cookie_secure = cookie_secure if cookie_secure is not None else app_info.api_domain.get_as_string_dangerous().startswith(

    session_expired_status_code = session_expired_status_code if session_expired_status_code is not None else 401
    if anti_csrf is None:
        anti_csrf = 'VIA_CUSTOM_HEADER' if cookie_same_site == 'none' else 'NONE'

    if error_handlers is None:
        error_handlers = InputErrorHandlers()

    if (cookie_same_site == 'none') and \
            not cookie_secure and \
            not (top_level_api_domain == 'localhost' or is_an_ip_address(top_level_api_domain)) and \
            not (top_level_website_domain == 'localhost' or is_an_ip_address(top_level_website_domain)):
        raise_general_exception('Since your API and website domain are different, for sessions to work, please use '
                                'https on your apiDomain and don\'t set cookieSecure to false.')

    if override is None:
        override = InputOverrideConfig()

    if jwt is None:
        jwt = JWTConfig(False)

    return SessionConfig(
        OverrideConfig(override.functions, override.apis),


class ErrorHandlers (on_token_theft_detected: Callable[[BaseRequest, str, str, BaseResponse], Union[BaseResponse, Awaitable[BaseResponse]]], on_try_refresh_token: Callable[[BaseRequest, str, BaseResponse], Union[BaseResponse, Awaitable[BaseResponse]]], on_unauthorised: Callable[[BaseRequest, str, BaseResponse], Union[BaseResponse, Awaitable[BaseResponse]]])
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class ErrorHandlers:
    def __init__(self, on_token_theft_detected: Callable[[BaseRequest, str, str, BaseResponse], Union[BaseResponse, Awaitable[BaseResponse]]],
                 on_try_refresh_token: Callable[[BaseRequest, str, BaseResponse], Union[BaseResponse, Awaitable[BaseResponse]]], on_unauthorised: Callable[[BaseRequest, str, BaseResponse], Union[BaseResponse, Awaitable[BaseResponse]]]):
        self.__on_token_theft_detected = on_token_theft_detected
        self.__on_try_refresh_token = on_try_refresh_token
        self.__on_unauthorised = on_unauthorised

    async def on_token_theft_detected(self, recipe: SessionRecipe, request: BaseRequest, session_handle: str, user_id: str, response: BaseResponse) -> BaseResponse:
        result: Union[None, BaseResponse] = None
        temp = self.__on_token_theft_detected(
            request, session_handle, user_id, response)
        if isinstance(temp, Awaitable):
            result = await temp
            result = temp
        log_debug_message("Clearing cookies because of TOKEN_THEFT_DETECTED response")
        clear_cookies(recipe, result)
        return result

    async def on_try_refresh_token(self, request: BaseRequest, message: str, response: BaseResponse):
        result: Union[None, BaseResponse] = None
        temp = self.__on_try_refresh_token(request, message, response)
        if isinstance(temp, Awaitable):
            result = await temp
            result = temp
        return result

    async def on_unauthorised(self, recipe: SessionRecipe, do_clear_cookies: bool, request: BaseRequest, message: str, response: BaseResponse):
        result: Union[None, BaseResponse] = None
        temp = self.__on_unauthorised(request, message, response)
        if isinstance(temp, Awaitable):
            result = await temp
            result = temp
        if do_clear_cookies:
            log_debug_message("Clearing cookies because of UNAUTHORISED response")
            clear_cookies(recipe, result)
        return result



async def on_token_theft_detected(self, recipe: SessionRecipe, request: BaseRequest, session_handle: str, user_id: str, response: BaseResponse) ‑> BaseResponse
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async def on_token_theft_detected(self, recipe: SessionRecipe, request: BaseRequest, session_handle: str, user_id: str, response: BaseResponse) -> BaseResponse:
    result: Union[None, BaseResponse] = None
    temp = self.__on_token_theft_detected(
        request, session_handle, user_id, response)
    if isinstance(temp, Awaitable):
        result = await temp
        result = temp
    log_debug_message("Clearing cookies because of TOKEN_THEFT_DETECTED response")
    clear_cookies(recipe, result)
    return result
async def on_try_refresh_token(self, request: BaseRequest, message: str, response: BaseResponse)
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async def on_try_refresh_token(self, request: BaseRequest, message: str, response: BaseResponse):
    result: Union[None, BaseResponse] = None
    temp = self.__on_try_refresh_token(request, message, response)
    if isinstance(temp, Awaitable):
        result = await temp
        result = temp
    return result
async def on_unauthorised(self, recipe: SessionRecipe, do_clear_cookies: bool, request: BaseRequest, message: str, response: BaseResponse)
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async def on_unauthorised(self, recipe: SessionRecipe, do_clear_cookies: bool, request: BaseRequest, message: str, response: BaseResponse):
    result: Union[None, BaseResponse] = None
    temp = self.__on_unauthorised(request, message, response)
    if isinstance(temp, Awaitable):
        result = await temp
        result = temp
    if do_clear_cookies:
        log_debug_message("Clearing cookies because of UNAUTHORISED response")
        clear_cookies(recipe, result)
    return result
class InputErrorHandlers (on_token_theft_detected: Union[None, Callable[[BaseRequest, str, str, BaseResponse], Union[BaseResponse, Awaitable[BaseResponse]]]] = None, on_unauthorised: Union[Callable[[BaseRequest, str, BaseResponse], Union[BaseResponse, Awaitable[BaseResponse]]], None] = None)
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class InputErrorHandlers(ErrorHandlers):
    def __init__(self,
                 on_token_theft_detected: Union[None, Callable[[
                     BaseRequest, str, str, BaseResponse], Union[BaseResponse, Awaitable[BaseResponse]]]] = None,
                 on_unauthorised: Union[Callable[[BaseRequest, str, BaseResponse], Union[BaseResponse, Awaitable[BaseResponse]]], None] = None):
        if on_token_theft_detected is None:
            on_token_theft_detected = default_token_theft_detected_callback
        if on_unauthorised is None:
            on_unauthorised = default_unauthorised_callback
                         default_try_refresh_token_callback, on_unauthorised)


class InputOverrideConfig (functions: Union[Callable[[RecipeInterface], RecipeInterface], None] = None, apis: Union[Callable[[APIInterface], APIInterface], None] = None, openid_feature: Union[OpenIdInputOverrideConfig, None] = None)
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class InputOverrideConfig:
    def __init__(
        functions: Union[Callable[[RecipeInterface],
                                  RecipeInterface], None] = None,
        apis: Union[Callable[[APIInterface], APIInterface], None] = None,
        openid_feature: Union[OpenIdInputOverrideConfig, None] = None
        self.functions = functions
        self.apis = apis
        self.openid_feature = openid_feature
class JWTConfig (enable: bool, property_name_in_access_token_payload: Union[str, None] = None, issuer: Union[str, None] = None)
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class JWTConfig:
    def __init__(self, enable: bool, property_name_in_access_token_payload:
                 Union[str, None] = None, issuer: Union[str, None] = None):
        if property_name_in_access_token_payload is None:
            property_name_in_access_token_payload = 'jwt'
        if property_name_in_access_token_payload == ACCESS_TOKEN_PAYLOAD_JWT_PROPERTY_NAME_KEY:
            raise Exception(JWT_RESERVED_KEY_USE_ERROR_MESSAGE)
        self.enable = enable
        self.property_name_in_access_token_payload = property_name_in_access_token_payload
        self.issuer = issuer
class OverrideConfig (functions: Union[Callable[[RecipeInterface], RecipeInterface], None] = None, apis: Union[Callable[[APIInterface], APIInterface], None] = None)
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class OverrideConfig:
    def __init__(self, functions: Union[Callable[[RecipeInterface], RecipeInterface],
                                        None] = None, apis: Union[Callable[[APIInterface], APIInterface], None] = None):
        self.functions = functions
        self.apis = apis
class SessionConfig (refresh_token_path: NormalisedURLPath, cookie_domain: Union[None, str], cookie_same_site: "Literal['lax', 'strict', 'none']", cookie_secure: bool, session_expired_status_code: int, error_handlers: ErrorHandlers, anti_csrf: str, override: OverrideConfig, framework: str, mode: str, jwt: JWTConfig)
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class SessionConfig:
    def __init__(self,
                 refresh_token_path: NormalisedURLPath,
                 cookie_domain: Union[None, str],
                 cookie_same_site: Literal['lax', 'strict', 'none'],
                 cookie_secure: bool,
                 session_expired_status_code: int,
                 error_handlers: ErrorHandlers,
                 anti_csrf: str,
                 override: OverrideConfig,
                 framework: str,
                 mode: str,
                 jwt: JWTConfig
        self.refresh_token_path = refresh_token_path
        self.cookie_domain = cookie_domain
        self.cookie_same_site = cookie_same_site
        self.cookie_secure = cookie_secure
        self.session_expired_status_code = session_expired_status_code
        self.error_handlers = error_handlers
        self.anti_csrf = anti_csrf
        self.override = override
        self.framework = framework
        self.mode = mode
        self.jwt = jwt