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# Copyright (c) 2021, VRAI Labs and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License") as published by the Apache Software Foundation.
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from supertokens_python.utils import (
from json import (
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Signature.pkcs1_15 import PKCS115_SigScheme
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
from base64 import b64decode
from textwrap import wrap
_key_start = '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n'
_key_end = '\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----'
why separators is used in dumps:
- without it's use, output of dumps is: '{"alg": "RS256", "typ": "JWT", "version": "1"}'
- with it's use, output of dumps is: '{"alg":"RS256","typ":"JWT","version":"1"}'
we require the non-spaced version, else the base64 encoding string will end up different than required
_allowed_headers = [utf_base64encode(dumps({
'alg': 'RS256',
'typ': 'JWT',
'version': '2'
}, separators=(',', ':'), sort_keys=True))]
def get_payload(jwt, signing_public_key):
splitted_input = jwt.split(".")
if len(splitted_input) != 3:
raise Exception("invalid jwt")
header, payload, signature = splitted_input
if header not in _allowed_headers:
raise Exception("jwt header mismatch")
public_key = RSA.import_key(
_key_start +
width=64)) +
verifier = PKCS115_SigScheme(public_key)
to_verify = SHA256.new((header + "." + payload).encode('utf-8'))
verifier.verify(to_verify, b64decode(signature.encode('utf-8')))
except BaseException:
raise Exception("jwt verification failed")
return loads(utf_base64decode(payload))
def get_payload_without_verifying(jwt: str) -> dict:
splitted_input = jwt.split(".")
if len(splitted_input) != 3:
raise Exception("invalid jwt")
payload = splitted_input[1]
return loads(utf_base64decode(payload))