Module supertokens_python.supertokens
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# Copyright (c) 2021, VRAI Labs and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License") as published by the Apache Software Foundation.
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
# obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
from os import environ
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Union
from typing_extensions import Literal
from supertokens_python.logger import get_maybe_none_as_str, log_debug_message
from .exceptions import SuperTokensError
from .interfaces import (
from .normalised_url_domain import NormalisedURLDomain
from .normalised_url_path import NormalisedURLPath
from .post_init_callbacks import PostSTInitCallbacks
from .querier import Querier
from .types import ThirdPartyInfo, User, UsersResponse
from .utils import (
from .recipe_module import RecipeModule
from supertokens_python.framework.request import BaseRequest
from supertokens_python.framework.response import BaseResponse
from supertokens_python.recipe.session import SessionContainer
import json
from .exceptions import BadInputError, GeneralError, raise_general_exception
class SupertokensConfig:
def __init__(
self, connection_uri: str, api_key: Union[str, None] = None
): # We keep this = None here because this is directly used by the user.
self.connection_uri = connection_uri
self.api_key = api_key
class Host:
def __init__(self, domain: NormalisedURLDomain, base_path: NormalisedURLPath):
self.domain = domain
self.base_path = base_path
class InputAppInfo:
def __init__(
app_name: str,
api_domain: str,
website_domain: str,
api_gateway_path: str = "",
api_base_path: str = "/auth",
website_base_path: str = "/auth",
self.app_name = app_name
self.api_gateway_path = api_gateway_path
self.api_domain = api_domain
self.website_domain = website_domain
self.api_base_path = api_base_path
self.website_base_path = website_base_path
class AppInfo:
def __init__(
app_name: str,
api_domain: str,
website_domain: str,
framework: Literal["fastapi", "flask", "django"],
api_gateway_path: str,
api_base_path: str,
website_base_path: str,
mode: Union[Literal["asgi", "wsgi"], None],
self.app_name = app_name
self.api_gateway_path = NormalisedURLPath(api_gateway_path)
self.api_domain = NormalisedURLDomain(api_domain)
self.website_domain = NormalisedURLDomain(website_domain)
self.top_level_api_domain = get_top_level_domain_for_same_site_resolution(
self.top_level_website_domain = get_top_level_domain_for_same_site_resolution(
self.api_base_path = self.api_gateway_path.append(
self.website_base_path = NormalisedURLPath(website_base_path)
if mode is not None:
self.mode = mode
elif framework == "fastapi":
mode = "asgi"
mode = "wsgi"
self.framework = framework
self.mode = mode
def toJSON(self):
def defaultImpl(o: Any):
if isinstance(o, (NormalisedURLDomain, NormalisedURLPath)):
return o.get_as_string_dangerous()
return o.__dict__
return json.dumps(self, default=defaultImpl, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
def manage_session_post_response(session: SessionContainer, response: BaseResponse):
# Something similar happens in handle_error of session/
for mutator in session.response_mutators:
mutator(response=response) # type: ignore
class Supertokens:
__instance = None
def __init__(
app_info: InputAppInfo,
framework: Literal["fastapi", "flask", "django"],
supertokens_config: SupertokensConfig,
recipe_list: List[Callable[[AppInfo], RecipeModule]],
mode: Union[Literal["asgi", "wsgi"], None],
telemetry: Union[bool, None],
if not isinstance(app_info, InputAppInfo): # type: ignore
raise ValueError("app_info must be an instance of InputAppInfo")
self.app_info = AppInfo(
self.supertokens_config = supertokens_config
self._telemetry_status: str = "NONE"
"Started SuperTokens with debug logging (supertokens.init called)"
log_debug_message("app_info: %s", self.app_info.toJSON())
log_debug_message("framework: %s", framework)
hosts = list(
lambda h: Host(
NormalisedURLDomain(h.strip()), NormalisedURLPath(h.strip())
filter(lambda x: x != "", supertokens_config.connection_uri.split(";")),
Querier.init(hosts, supertokens_config.api_key)
if len(recipe_list) == 0:
"Please provide at least one recipe to the supertokens.init function call"
self.recipe_modules: List[RecipeModule] = list(
map(lambda func: func(self.app_info), recipe_list)
self.telemetry = (
if telemetry is not None
else (environ.get("TEST_MODE") != "testing")
def init(
app_info: InputAppInfo,
framework: Literal["fastapi", "flask", "django"],
supertokens_config: SupertokensConfig,
recipe_list: List[Callable[[AppInfo], RecipeModule]],
mode: Union[Literal["asgi", "wsgi"], None],
telemetry: Union[bool, None],
if Supertokens.__instance is None:
Supertokens.__instance = Supertokens(
app_info, framework, supertokens_config, recipe_list, mode, telemetry
def reset():
if ("SUPERTOKENS_ENV" not in environ) or (
environ["SUPERTOKENS_ENV"] != "testing"
raise_general_exception("calling testing function in non testing env")
Supertokens.__instance = None
def get_instance() -> Supertokens:
if Supertokens.__instance is not None:
return Supertokens.__instance
"Initialisation not done. Did you forget to call the SuperTokens.init function?"
def get_all_cors_headers(self) -> List[str]:
headers_set: Set[str] = set()
for recipe in self.recipe_modules:
headers = recipe.get_all_cors_headers()
for header in headers:
return list(headers_set)
async def get_user_count( # pylint: disable=no-self-use
self, include_recipe_ids: Union[None, List[str]]
) -> int:
querier = Querier.get_instance(None)
include_recipe_ids_str = None
if include_recipe_ids is not None:
include_recipe_ids_str = ",".join(include_recipe_ids)
response = await querier.send_get_request(
NormalisedURLPath(USER_COUNT), {"includeRecipeIds": include_recipe_ids_str}
return int(response["count"])
async def delete_user(self, user_id: str) -> None: # pylint: disable=no-self-use
querier = Querier.get_instance(None)
cdi_version = await querier.get_api_version()
if is_version_gte(cdi_version, "2.10"):
await querier.send_post_request(
NormalisedURLPath(USER_DELETE), {"userId": user_id}
return None
raise_general_exception("Please upgrade the SuperTokens core to >= 3.7.0")
async def get_users( # pylint: disable=no-self-use
time_joined_order: Literal["ASC", "DESC"],
limit: Union[int, None],
pagination_token: Union[str, None],
include_recipe_ids: Union[None, List[str]],
query: Union[Dict[str, str], None] = None,
) -> UsersResponse:
querier = Querier.get_instance(None)
params = {"timeJoinedOrder": time_joined_order}
if limit is not None:
params = {"limit": limit, **params}
if pagination_token is not None:
params = {"paginationToken": pagination_token, **params}
include_recipe_ids_str = None
if include_recipe_ids is not None:
include_recipe_ids_str = ",".join(include_recipe_ids)
params = {"includeRecipeIds": include_recipe_ids_str, **params}
if query is not None:
params = {**params, **query}
response = await querier.send_get_request(NormalisedURLPath(USERS), params)
next_pagination_token = None
if "nextPaginationToken" in response:
next_pagination_token = response["nextPaginationToken"]
users_list = response["users"]
users: List[User] = []
for user in users_list:
recipe_id = user["recipeId"]
user_obj = user["user"]
third_party = None
if "thirdParty" in user_obj:
third_party = ThirdPartyInfo(
user_obj["thirdParty"]["userId"], user_obj["thirdParty"]["id"]
email = None
if "email" in user_obj:
email = user_obj["email"]
phone_number = None
if "phoneNumber" in user_obj:
phone_number = user_obj["phoneNumber"]
return UsersResponse(users, next_pagination_token)
async def create_user_id_mapping( # pylint: disable=no-self-use
supertokens_user_id: str,
external_user_id: str,
external_user_id_info: Optional[str] = None,
force: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> Union[
querier = Querier.get_instance(None)
cdi_version = await querier.get_api_version()
if is_version_gte(cdi_version, "2.15"):
body: Dict[str, Any] = {
"superTokensUserId": supertokens_user_id,
"externalUserId": external_user_id,
"externalUserIdInfo": external_user_id_info,
if force:
body["force"] = force
res = await querier.send_post_request(
NormalisedURLPath("/recipe/userid/map"), body
if res["status"] == "OK":
return CreateUserIdMappingOkResult()
return UnknownSupertokensUserIDError()
return UserIdMappingAlreadyExistsError(
raise_general_exception("Unknown response")
raise_general_exception("Please upgrade the SuperTokens core to >= 3.15.0")
async def get_user_id_mapping( # pylint: disable=no-self-use
user_id: str,
user_id_type: Optional[UserIDTypes] = None,
) -> Union[GetUserIdMappingOkResult, UnknownMappingError]:
querier = Querier.get_instance(None)
cdi_version = await querier.get_api_version()
if is_version_gte(cdi_version, "2.15"):
body = {
"userId": user_id,
if user_id_type:
body["userIdType"] = user_id_type
res = await querier.send_get_request(
if res["status"] == "OK":
return GetUserIdMappingOkResult(
if res["status"] == "UNKNOWN_MAPPING_ERROR":
return UnknownMappingError()
raise_general_exception("Unknown response")
raise_general_exception("Please upgrade the SuperTokens core to >= 3.15.0")
async def delete_user_id_mapping( # pylint: disable=no-self-use
user_id: str,
user_id_type: Optional[UserIDTypes] = None,
force: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> DeleteUserIdMappingOkResult:
querier = Querier.get_instance(None)
cdi_version = await querier.get_api_version()
if is_version_gte(cdi_version, "2.15"):
body: Dict[str, Any] = {
"userId": user_id,
"userIdType": user_id_type,
if force:
body["force"] = force
res = await querier.send_post_request(
NormalisedURLPath("/recipe/userid/map/remove"), body
if res["status"] == "OK":
return DeleteUserIdMappingOkResult(
raise_general_exception("Unknown response")
raise_general_exception("Please upgrade the SuperTokens core to >= 3.15.0")
async def update_or_delete_user_id_mapping_info( # pylint: disable=no-self-use
user_id: str,
user_id_type: Optional[UserIDTypes] = None,
external_user_id_info: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Union[UpdateOrDeleteUserIdMappingInfoOkResult, UnknownMappingError]:
querier = Querier.get_instance(None)
cdi_version = await querier.get_api_version()
if is_version_gte(cdi_version, "2.15"):
res = await querier.send_post_request(
"userId": user_id,
"userIdType": user_id_type,
"externalUserIdInfo": external_user_id_info,
if res["status"] == "OK":
return UpdateOrDeleteUserIdMappingInfoOkResult()
if res["status"] == "UNKNOWN_MAPPING_ERROR":
return UnknownMappingError()
raise_general_exception("Unknown response")
raise_general_exception("Please upgrade the SuperTokens core to >= 3.15.0")
async def middleware( # pylint: disable=no-self-use
self, request: BaseRequest, response: BaseResponse
) -> Union[BaseResponse, None]:
log_debug_message("middleware: Started")
path = Supertokens.get_instance().app_info.api_gateway_path.append(
method = normalise_http_method(request.method())
if not path.startswith(Supertokens.get_instance().app_info.api_base_path):
"middleware: Not handling because request path did not start with api base path. Request path: %s",
return None
request_rid = get_rid_from_header(request)
"middleware: requestRID is: %s", get_maybe_none_as_str(request_rid)
if request_rid is not None and request_rid == "anti-csrf":
# see
request_rid = None
request_id = None
matched_recipe = None
if request_rid is not None:
for recipe in Supertokens.get_instance().recipe_modules:
"middleware: Checking recipe ID for match: %s",
if recipe.get_recipe_id() == request_rid:
matched_recipe = recipe
if matched_recipe is not None:
request_id = matched_recipe.return_api_id_if_can_handle_request(
path, method
for recipe in Supertokens.get_instance().recipe_modules:
"middleware: Checking recipe ID for match: %s",
request_id = recipe.return_api_id_if_can_handle_request(path, method)
if request_id is not None:
matched_recipe = recipe
if matched_recipe is not None:
"middleware: Matched with recipe ID: %s", matched_recipe.get_recipe_id()
log_debug_message("middleware: Not handling because no recipe matched")
if matched_recipe is not None and request_id is None:
"middleware: Not handling because recipe doesn't handle request path or method. Request path: %s, request method: %s",
if request_id is not None and matched_recipe is not None:
"middleware: Request being handled by recipe. ID is: %s", request_id
api_resp = await matched_recipe.handle_api_request(
request_id, request, path, method, response
if api_resp is None:
log_debug_message("middleware: Not handled because API returned None")
log_debug_message("middleware: Ended")
return api_resp
return None
async def handle_supertokens_error(
self, request: BaseRequest, err: Exception, response: BaseResponse
log_debug_message("errorHandler: Started")
"errorHandler: Error is from SuperTokens recipe. Message: %s", str(err)
if isinstance(err, GeneralError):
raise err
if isinstance(err, BadInputError):
log_debug_message("errorHandler: Sending 400 status code response")
return send_non_200_response_with_message(str(err), 400, response)
for recipe in self.recipe_modules:
"errorHandler: Checking recipe for match: %s", recipe.get_recipe_id()
if recipe.is_error_from_this_recipe_based_on_instance(err) and isinstance(
err, SuperTokensError
"errorHandler: Matched with recipeID: %s", recipe.get_recipe_id()
return await recipe.handle_error(request, err, response)
raise err
def get_request_from_user_context( # pylint: disable=no-self-use
user_context: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> Optional[BaseRequest]:
if user_context is None:
return None
if "_default" not in user_context:
return None
if not isinstance(user_context["_default"], dict):
return None
return user_context.get("_default", {}).get("request")
def manage_session_post_response(session: SessionContainer, response: BaseResponse)
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def manage_session_post_response(session: SessionContainer, response: BaseResponse): # Something similar happens in handle_error of session/ for mutator in session.response_mutators: mutator(response=response) # type: ignore
class AppInfo (app_name: str, api_domain: str, website_domain: str, framework: "Literal['fastapi', 'flask', 'django']", api_gateway_path: str, api_base_path: str, website_base_path: str, mode: "Union[Literal['asgi', 'wsgi'], None]")
Expand source code
class AppInfo: def __init__( self, app_name: str, api_domain: str, website_domain: str, framework: Literal["fastapi", "flask", "django"], api_gateway_path: str, api_base_path: str, website_base_path: str, mode: Union[Literal["asgi", "wsgi"], None], ): self.app_name = app_name self.api_gateway_path = NormalisedURLPath(api_gateway_path) self.api_domain = NormalisedURLDomain(api_domain) self.website_domain = NormalisedURLDomain(website_domain) self.top_level_api_domain = get_top_level_domain_for_same_site_resolution( self.api_domain.get_as_string_dangerous() ) self.top_level_website_domain = get_top_level_domain_for_same_site_resolution( self.website_domain.get_as_string_dangerous() ) self.api_base_path = self.api_gateway_path.append( NormalisedURLPath(api_base_path) ) self.website_base_path = NormalisedURLPath(website_base_path) if mode is not None: self.mode = mode elif framework == "fastapi": mode = "asgi" else: mode = "wsgi" self.framework = framework self.mode = mode def toJSON(self): def defaultImpl(o: Any): if isinstance(o, (NormalisedURLDomain, NormalisedURLPath)): return o.get_as_string_dangerous() return o.__dict__ return json.dumps(self, default=defaultImpl, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
def toJSON(self)
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def toJSON(self): def defaultImpl(o: Any): if isinstance(o, (NormalisedURLDomain, NormalisedURLPath)): return o.get_as_string_dangerous() return o.__dict__ return json.dumps(self, default=defaultImpl, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
class Host (domain: NormalisedURLDomain, base_path: NormalisedURLPath)
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class Host: def __init__(self, domain: NormalisedURLDomain, base_path: NormalisedURLPath): self.domain = domain self.base_path = base_path
class InputAppInfo (app_name: str, api_domain: str, website_domain: str, api_gateway_path: str = '', api_base_path: str = '/auth', website_base_path: str = '/auth')
Expand source code
class InputAppInfo: def __init__( self, app_name: str, api_domain: str, website_domain: str, api_gateway_path: str = "", api_base_path: str = "/auth", website_base_path: str = "/auth", ): self.app_name = app_name self.api_gateway_path = api_gateway_path self.api_domain = api_domain self.website_domain = website_domain self.api_base_path = api_base_path self.website_base_path = website_base_path
class Supertokens (app_info: InputAppInfo, framework: "Literal['fastapi', 'flask', 'django']", supertokens_config: SupertokensConfig, recipe_list: List[Callable[[AppInfo], RecipeModule]], mode: "Union[Literal['asgi', 'wsgi'], None]", telemetry: Union[bool, None])
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class Supertokens: __instance = None def __init__( self, app_info: InputAppInfo, framework: Literal["fastapi", "flask", "django"], supertokens_config: SupertokensConfig, recipe_list: List[Callable[[AppInfo], RecipeModule]], mode: Union[Literal["asgi", "wsgi"], None], telemetry: Union[bool, None], ): if not isinstance(app_info, InputAppInfo): # type: ignore raise ValueError("app_info must be an instance of InputAppInfo") self.app_info = AppInfo( app_info.app_name, app_info.api_domain, app_info.website_domain, framework, app_info.api_gateway_path, app_info.api_base_path, app_info.website_base_path, mode, ) self.supertokens_config = supertokens_config self._telemetry_status: str = "NONE" log_debug_message( "Started SuperTokens with debug logging (supertokens.init called)" ) log_debug_message("app_info: %s", self.app_info.toJSON()) log_debug_message("framework: %s", framework) hosts = list( map( lambda h: Host( NormalisedURLDomain(h.strip()), NormalisedURLPath(h.strip()) ), filter(lambda x: x != "", supertokens_config.connection_uri.split(";")), ) ) Querier.init(hosts, supertokens_config.api_key) if len(recipe_list) == 0: raise_general_exception( "Please provide at least one recipe to the supertokens.init function call" ) self.recipe_modules: List[RecipeModule] = list( map(lambda func: func(self.app_info), recipe_list) ) self.telemetry = ( telemetry if telemetry is not None else (environ.get("TEST_MODE") != "testing") ) @staticmethod def init( app_info: InputAppInfo, framework: Literal["fastapi", "flask", "django"], supertokens_config: SupertokensConfig, recipe_list: List[Callable[[AppInfo], RecipeModule]], mode: Union[Literal["asgi", "wsgi"], None], telemetry: Union[bool, None], ): if Supertokens.__instance is None: Supertokens.__instance = Supertokens( app_info, framework, supertokens_config, recipe_list, mode, telemetry ) PostSTInitCallbacks.run_post_init_callbacks() @staticmethod def reset(): if ("SUPERTOKENS_ENV" not in environ) or ( environ["SUPERTOKENS_ENV"] != "testing" ): raise_general_exception("calling testing function in non testing env") Querier.reset() Supertokens.__instance = None @staticmethod def get_instance() -> Supertokens: if Supertokens.__instance is not None: return Supertokens.__instance raise_general_exception( "Initialisation not done. Did you forget to call the SuperTokens.init function?" ) def get_all_cors_headers(self) -> List[str]: headers_set: Set[str] = set() headers_set.add(RID_KEY_HEADER) headers_set.add(FDI_KEY_HEADER) for recipe in self.recipe_modules: headers = recipe.get_all_cors_headers() for header in headers: headers_set.add(header) return list(headers_set) async def get_user_count( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, include_recipe_ids: Union[None, List[str]] ) -> int: querier = Querier.get_instance(None) include_recipe_ids_str = None if include_recipe_ids is not None: include_recipe_ids_str = ",".join(include_recipe_ids) response = await querier.send_get_request( NormalisedURLPath(USER_COUNT), {"includeRecipeIds": include_recipe_ids_str} ) return int(response["count"]) async def delete_user(self, user_id: str) -> None: # pylint: disable=no-self-use querier = Querier.get_instance(None) cdi_version = await querier.get_api_version() if is_version_gte(cdi_version, "2.10"): await querier.send_post_request( NormalisedURLPath(USER_DELETE), {"userId": user_id} ) return None raise_general_exception("Please upgrade the SuperTokens core to >= 3.7.0") async def get_users( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, time_joined_order: Literal["ASC", "DESC"], limit: Union[int, None], pagination_token: Union[str, None], include_recipe_ids: Union[None, List[str]], query: Union[Dict[str, str], None] = None, ) -> UsersResponse: querier = Querier.get_instance(None) params = {"timeJoinedOrder": time_joined_order} if limit is not None: params = {"limit": limit, **params} if pagination_token is not None: params = {"paginationToken": pagination_token, **params} include_recipe_ids_str = None if include_recipe_ids is not None: include_recipe_ids_str = ",".join(include_recipe_ids) params = {"includeRecipeIds": include_recipe_ids_str, **params} if query is not None: params = {**params, **query} response = await querier.send_get_request(NormalisedURLPath(USERS), params) next_pagination_token = None if "nextPaginationToken" in response: next_pagination_token = response["nextPaginationToken"] users_list = response["users"] users: List[User] = [] for user in users_list: recipe_id = user["recipeId"] user_obj = user["user"] third_party = None if "thirdParty" in user_obj: third_party = ThirdPartyInfo( user_obj["thirdParty"]["userId"], user_obj["thirdParty"]["id"] ) email = None if "email" in user_obj: email = user_obj["email"] phone_number = None if "phoneNumber" in user_obj: phone_number = user_obj["phoneNumber"] users.append( User( recipe_id, user_obj["id"], user_obj["timeJoined"], email, phone_number, third_party, ) ) return UsersResponse(users, next_pagination_token) async def create_user_id_mapping( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, supertokens_user_id: str, external_user_id: str, external_user_id_info: Optional[str] = None, force: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[ CreateUserIdMappingOkResult, UnknownSupertokensUserIDError, UserIdMappingAlreadyExistsError, ]: querier = Querier.get_instance(None) cdi_version = await querier.get_api_version() if is_version_gte(cdi_version, "2.15"): body: Dict[str, Any] = { "superTokensUserId": supertokens_user_id, "externalUserId": external_user_id, "externalUserIdInfo": external_user_id_info, } if force: body["force"] = force res = await querier.send_post_request( NormalisedURLPath("/recipe/userid/map"), body ) if res["status"] == "OK": return CreateUserIdMappingOkResult() if res["status"] == "UNKNOWN_SUPERTOKENS_USER_ID_ERROR": return UnknownSupertokensUserIDError() if res["status"] == "USER_ID_MAPPING_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR": return UserIdMappingAlreadyExistsError( does_super_tokens_user_id_exist=res["doesSuperTokensUserIdExist"], does_external_user_id_exist=res["does_external_user_id_exist"], ) raise_general_exception("Unknown response") raise_general_exception("Please upgrade the SuperTokens core to >= 3.15.0") async def get_user_id_mapping( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, user_id: str, user_id_type: Optional[UserIDTypes] = None, ) -> Union[GetUserIdMappingOkResult, UnknownMappingError]: querier = Querier.get_instance(None) cdi_version = await querier.get_api_version() if is_version_gte(cdi_version, "2.15"): body = { "userId": user_id, } if user_id_type: body["userIdType"] = user_id_type res = await querier.send_get_request( NormalisedURLPath("/recipe/userid/map"), body, ) if res["status"] == "OK": return GetUserIdMappingOkResult( supertokens_user_id=res["superTokensUserId"], external_user_id=res["externalUserId"], external_user_info=res.get("externalUserIdInfo"), ) if res["status"] == "UNKNOWN_MAPPING_ERROR": return UnknownMappingError() raise_general_exception("Unknown response") raise_general_exception("Please upgrade the SuperTokens core to >= 3.15.0") async def delete_user_id_mapping( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, user_id: str, user_id_type: Optional[UserIDTypes] = None, force: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> DeleteUserIdMappingOkResult: querier = Querier.get_instance(None) cdi_version = await querier.get_api_version() if is_version_gte(cdi_version, "2.15"): body: Dict[str, Any] = { "userId": user_id, "userIdType": user_id_type, } if force: body["force"] = force res = await querier.send_post_request( NormalisedURLPath("/recipe/userid/map/remove"), body ) if res["status"] == "OK": return DeleteUserIdMappingOkResult( did_mapping_exist=res["didMappingExist"] ) raise_general_exception("Unknown response") raise_general_exception("Please upgrade the SuperTokens core to >= 3.15.0") async def update_or_delete_user_id_mapping_info( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, user_id: str, user_id_type: Optional[UserIDTypes] = None, external_user_id_info: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Union[UpdateOrDeleteUserIdMappingInfoOkResult, UnknownMappingError]: querier = Querier.get_instance(None) cdi_version = await querier.get_api_version() if is_version_gte(cdi_version, "2.15"): res = await querier.send_post_request( NormalisedURLPath("/recipe/userid/external-user-id-info"), { "userId": user_id, "userIdType": user_id_type, "externalUserIdInfo": external_user_id_info, }, ) if res["status"] == "OK": return UpdateOrDeleteUserIdMappingInfoOkResult() if res["status"] == "UNKNOWN_MAPPING_ERROR": return UnknownMappingError() raise_general_exception("Unknown response") raise_general_exception("Please upgrade the SuperTokens core to >= 3.15.0") async def middleware( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, request: BaseRequest, response: BaseResponse ) -> Union[BaseResponse, None]: log_debug_message("middleware: Started") path = Supertokens.get_instance().app_info.api_gateway_path.append( NormalisedURLPath(request.get_path()) ) method = normalise_http_method(request.method()) if not path.startswith(Supertokens.get_instance().app_info.api_base_path): log_debug_message( "middleware: Not handling because request path did not start with api base path. Request path: %s", path.get_as_string_dangerous(), ) return None request_rid = get_rid_from_header(request) log_debug_message( "middleware: requestRID is: %s", get_maybe_none_as_str(request_rid) ) if request_rid is not None and request_rid == "anti-csrf": # see # request_rid = None request_id = None matched_recipe = None if request_rid is not None: for recipe in Supertokens.get_instance().recipe_modules: log_debug_message( "middleware: Checking recipe ID for match: %s", recipe.get_recipe_id(), ) if recipe.get_recipe_id() == request_rid: matched_recipe = recipe break if matched_recipe is not None: request_id = matched_recipe.return_api_id_if_can_handle_request( path, method ) else: for recipe in Supertokens.get_instance().recipe_modules: log_debug_message( "middleware: Checking recipe ID for match: %s", recipe.get_recipe_id(), ) request_id = recipe.return_api_id_if_can_handle_request(path, method) if request_id is not None: matched_recipe = recipe break if matched_recipe is not None: log_debug_message( "middleware: Matched with recipe ID: %s", matched_recipe.get_recipe_id() ) else: log_debug_message("middleware: Not handling because no recipe matched") if matched_recipe is not None and request_id is None: log_debug_message( "middleware: Not handling because recipe doesn't handle request path or method. Request path: %s, request method: %s", path.get_as_string_dangerous(), method, ) if request_id is not None and matched_recipe is not None: log_debug_message( "middleware: Request being handled by recipe. ID is: %s", request_id ) api_resp = await matched_recipe.handle_api_request( request_id, request, path, method, response ) if api_resp is None: log_debug_message("middleware: Not handled because API returned None") else: log_debug_message("middleware: Ended") return api_resp return None async def handle_supertokens_error( self, request: BaseRequest, err: Exception, response: BaseResponse ): log_debug_message("errorHandler: Started") log_debug_message( "errorHandler: Error is from SuperTokens recipe. Message: %s", str(err) ) if isinstance(err, GeneralError): raise err if isinstance(err, BadInputError): log_debug_message("errorHandler: Sending 400 status code response") return send_non_200_response_with_message(str(err), 400, response) for recipe in self.recipe_modules: log_debug_message( "errorHandler: Checking recipe for match: %s", recipe.get_recipe_id() ) if recipe.is_error_from_this_recipe_based_on_instance(err) and isinstance( err, SuperTokensError ): log_debug_message( "errorHandler: Matched with recipeID: %s", recipe.get_recipe_id() ) return await recipe.handle_error(request, err, response) raise err def get_request_from_user_context( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, user_context: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Optional[BaseRequest]: if user_context is None: return None if "_default" not in user_context: return None if not isinstance(user_context["_default"], dict): return None return user_context.get("_default", {}).get("request")
Static methods
def get_instance() ‑> Supertokens
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@staticmethod def get_instance() -> Supertokens: if Supertokens.__instance is not None: return Supertokens.__instance raise_general_exception( "Initialisation not done. Did you forget to call the SuperTokens.init function?" )
def init(app_info: InputAppInfo, framework: "Literal['fastapi', 'flask', 'django']", supertokens_config: SupertokensConfig, recipe_list: List[Callable[[AppInfo], RecipeModule]], mode: "Union[Literal['asgi', 'wsgi'], None]", telemetry: Union[bool, None])
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@staticmethod def init( app_info: InputAppInfo, framework: Literal["fastapi", "flask", "django"], supertokens_config: SupertokensConfig, recipe_list: List[Callable[[AppInfo], RecipeModule]], mode: Union[Literal["asgi", "wsgi"], None], telemetry: Union[bool, None], ): if Supertokens.__instance is None: Supertokens.__instance = Supertokens( app_info, framework, supertokens_config, recipe_list, mode, telemetry ) PostSTInitCallbacks.run_post_init_callbacks()
def reset()
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@staticmethod def reset(): if ("SUPERTOKENS_ENV" not in environ) or ( environ["SUPERTOKENS_ENV"] != "testing" ): raise_general_exception("calling testing function in non testing env") Querier.reset() Supertokens.__instance = None
async def create_user_id_mapping(self, supertokens_user_id: str, external_user_id: str, external_user_id_info: Optional[str] = None, force: Optional[bool] = None) ‑> Union[CreateUserIdMappingOkResult, UnknownSupertokensUserIDError, UserIdMappingAlreadyExistsError]
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async def create_user_id_mapping( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, supertokens_user_id: str, external_user_id: str, external_user_id_info: Optional[str] = None, force: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[ CreateUserIdMappingOkResult, UnknownSupertokensUserIDError, UserIdMappingAlreadyExistsError, ]: querier = Querier.get_instance(None) cdi_version = await querier.get_api_version() if is_version_gte(cdi_version, "2.15"): body: Dict[str, Any] = { "superTokensUserId": supertokens_user_id, "externalUserId": external_user_id, "externalUserIdInfo": external_user_id_info, } if force: body["force"] = force res = await querier.send_post_request( NormalisedURLPath("/recipe/userid/map"), body ) if res["status"] == "OK": return CreateUserIdMappingOkResult() if res["status"] == "UNKNOWN_SUPERTOKENS_USER_ID_ERROR": return UnknownSupertokensUserIDError() if res["status"] == "USER_ID_MAPPING_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR": return UserIdMappingAlreadyExistsError( does_super_tokens_user_id_exist=res["doesSuperTokensUserIdExist"], does_external_user_id_exist=res["does_external_user_id_exist"], ) raise_general_exception("Unknown response") raise_general_exception("Please upgrade the SuperTokens core to >= 3.15.0")
async def delete_user(self, user_id: str) ‑> None
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async def delete_user(self, user_id: str) -> None: # pylint: disable=no-self-use querier = Querier.get_instance(None) cdi_version = await querier.get_api_version() if is_version_gte(cdi_version, "2.10"): await querier.send_post_request( NormalisedURLPath(USER_DELETE), {"userId": user_id} ) return None raise_general_exception("Please upgrade the SuperTokens core to >= 3.7.0")
async def delete_user_id_mapping(self, user_id: str, user_id_type: Optional[UserIDTypes] = None, force: Optional[bool] = None) ‑> DeleteUserIdMappingOkResult
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async def delete_user_id_mapping( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, user_id: str, user_id_type: Optional[UserIDTypes] = None, force: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> DeleteUserIdMappingOkResult: querier = Querier.get_instance(None) cdi_version = await querier.get_api_version() if is_version_gte(cdi_version, "2.15"): body: Dict[str, Any] = { "userId": user_id, "userIdType": user_id_type, } if force: body["force"] = force res = await querier.send_post_request( NormalisedURLPath("/recipe/userid/map/remove"), body ) if res["status"] == "OK": return DeleteUserIdMappingOkResult( did_mapping_exist=res["didMappingExist"] ) raise_general_exception("Unknown response") raise_general_exception("Please upgrade the SuperTokens core to >= 3.15.0")
def get_all_cors_headers(self) ‑> List[str]
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def get_all_cors_headers(self) -> List[str]: headers_set: Set[str] = set() headers_set.add(RID_KEY_HEADER) headers_set.add(FDI_KEY_HEADER) for recipe in self.recipe_modules: headers = recipe.get_all_cors_headers() for header in headers: headers_set.add(header) return list(headers_set)
def get_request_from_user_context(self, user_context: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) ‑> Optional[BaseRequest]
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def get_request_from_user_context( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, user_context: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Optional[BaseRequest]: if user_context is None: return None if "_default" not in user_context: return None if not isinstance(user_context["_default"], dict): return None return user_context.get("_default", {}).get("request")
async def get_user_count(self, include_recipe_ids: Union[None, List[str]]) ‑> int
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async def get_user_count( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, include_recipe_ids: Union[None, List[str]] ) -> int: querier = Querier.get_instance(None) include_recipe_ids_str = None if include_recipe_ids is not None: include_recipe_ids_str = ",".join(include_recipe_ids) response = await querier.send_get_request( NormalisedURLPath(USER_COUNT), {"includeRecipeIds": include_recipe_ids_str} ) return int(response["count"])
async def get_user_id_mapping(self, user_id: str, user_id_type: Optional[UserIDTypes] = None) ‑> Union[GetUserIdMappingOkResult, UnknownMappingError]
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async def get_user_id_mapping( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, user_id: str, user_id_type: Optional[UserIDTypes] = None, ) -> Union[GetUserIdMappingOkResult, UnknownMappingError]: querier = Querier.get_instance(None) cdi_version = await querier.get_api_version() if is_version_gte(cdi_version, "2.15"): body = { "userId": user_id, } if user_id_type: body["userIdType"] = user_id_type res = await querier.send_get_request( NormalisedURLPath("/recipe/userid/map"), body, ) if res["status"] == "OK": return GetUserIdMappingOkResult( supertokens_user_id=res["superTokensUserId"], external_user_id=res["externalUserId"], external_user_info=res.get("externalUserIdInfo"), ) if res["status"] == "UNKNOWN_MAPPING_ERROR": return UnknownMappingError() raise_general_exception("Unknown response") raise_general_exception("Please upgrade the SuperTokens core to >= 3.15.0")
async def get_users(self, time_joined_order: "Literal['ASC', 'DESC']", limit: Union[int, None], pagination_token: Union[str, None], include_recipe_ids: Union[None, List[str]], query: Union[Dict[str, str], None] = None) ‑> UsersResponse
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async def get_users( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, time_joined_order: Literal["ASC", "DESC"], limit: Union[int, None], pagination_token: Union[str, None], include_recipe_ids: Union[None, List[str]], query: Union[Dict[str, str], None] = None, ) -> UsersResponse: querier = Querier.get_instance(None) params = {"timeJoinedOrder": time_joined_order} if limit is not None: params = {"limit": limit, **params} if pagination_token is not None: params = {"paginationToken": pagination_token, **params} include_recipe_ids_str = None if include_recipe_ids is not None: include_recipe_ids_str = ",".join(include_recipe_ids) params = {"includeRecipeIds": include_recipe_ids_str, **params} if query is not None: params = {**params, **query} response = await querier.send_get_request(NormalisedURLPath(USERS), params) next_pagination_token = None if "nextPaginationToken" in response: next_pagination_token = response["nextPaginationToken"] users_list = response["users"] users: List[User] = [] for user in users_list: recipe_id = user["recipeId"] user_obj = user["user"] third_party = None if "thirdParty" in user_obj: third_party = ThirdPartyInfo( user_obj["thirdParty"]["userId"], user_obj["thirdParty"]["id"] ) email = None if "email" in user_obj: email = user_obj["email"] phone_number = None if "phoneNumber" in user_obj: phone_number = user_obj["phoneNumber"] users.append( User( recipe_id, user_obj["id"], user_obj["timeJoined"], email, phone_number, third_party, ) ) return UsersResponse(users, next_pagination_token)
async def handle_supertokens_error(self, request: BaseRequest, err: Exception, response: BaseResponse)
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async def handle_supertokens_error( self, request: BaseRequest, err: Exception, response: BaseResponse ): log_debug_message("errorHandler: Started") log_debug_message( "errorHandler: Error is from SuperTokens recipe. Message: %s", str(err) ) if isinstance(err, GeneralError): raise err if isinstance(err, BadInputError): log_debug_message("errorHandler: Sending 400 status code response") return send_non_200_response_with_message(str(err), 400, response) for recipe in self.recipe_modules: log_debug_message( "errorHandler: Checking recipe for match: %s", recipe.get_recipe_id() ) if recipe.is_error_from_this_recipe_based_on_instance(err) and isinstance( err, SuperTokensError ): log_debug_message( "errorHandler: Matched with recipeID: %s", recipe.get_recipe_id() ) return await recipe.handle_error(request, err, response) raise err
async def middleware(self, request: BaseRequest, response: BaseResponse) ‑> Union[BaseResponse, None]
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async def middleware( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, request: BaseRequest, response: BaseResponse ) -> Union[BaseResponse, None]: log_debug_message("middleware: Started") path = Supertokens.get_instance().app_info.api_gateway_path.append( NormalisedURLPath(request.get_path()) ) method = normalise_http_method(request.method()) if not path.startswith(Supertokens.get_instance().app_info.api_base_path): log_debug_message( "middleware: Not handling because request path did not start with api base path. Request path: %s", path.get_as_string_dangerous(), ) return None request_rid = get_rid_from_header(request) log_debug_message( "middleware: requestRID is: %s", get_maybe_none_as_str(request_rid) ) if request_rid is not None and request_rid == "anti-csrf": # see # request_rid = None request_id = None matched_recipe = None if request_rid is not None: for recipe in Supertokens.get_instance().recipe_modules: log_debug_message( "middleware: Checking recipe ID for match: %s", recipe.get_recipe_id(), ) if recipe.get_recipe_id() == request_rid: matched_recipe = recipe break if matched_recipe is not None: request_id = matched_recipe.return_api_id_if_can_handle_request( path, method ) else: for recipe in Supertokens.get_instance().recipe_modules: log_debug_message( "middleware: Checking recipe ID for match: %s", recipe.get_recipe_id(), ) request_id = recipe.return_api_id_if_can_handle_request(path, method) if request_id is not None: matched_recipe = recipe break if matched_recipe is not None: log_debug_message( "middleware: Matched with recipe ID: %s", matched_recipe.get_recipe_id() ) else: log_debug_message("middleware: Not handling because no recipe matched") if matched_recipe is not None and request_id is None: log_debug_message( "middleware: Not handling because recipe doesn't handle request path or method. Request path: %s, request method: %s", path.get_as_string_dangerous(), method, ) if request_id is not None and matched_recipe is not None: log_debug_message( "middleware: Request being handled by recipe. ID is: %s", request_id ) api_resp = await matched_recipe.handle_api_request( request_id, request, path, method, response ) if api_resp is None: log_debug_message("middleware: Not handled because API returned None") else: log_debug_message("middleware: Ended") return api_resp return None
async def update_or_delete_user_id_mapping_info(self, user_id: str, user_id_type: Optional[UserIDTypes] = None, external_user_id_info: Optional[str] = None) ‑> Union[UpdateOrDeleteUserIdMappingInfoOkResult, UnknownMappingError]
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async def update_or_delete_user_id_mapping_info( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, user_id: str, user_id_type: Optional[UserIDTypes] = None, external_user_id_info: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Union[UpdateOrDeleteUserIdMappingInfoOkResult, UnknownMappingError]: querier = Querier.get_instance(None) cdi_version = await querier.get_api_version() if is_version_gte(cdi_version, "2.15"): res = await querier.send_post_request( NormalisedURLPath("/recipe/userid/external-user-id-info"), { "userId": user_id, "userIdType": user_id_type, "externalUserIdInfo": external_user_id_info, }, ) if res["status"] == "OK": return UpdateOrDeleteUserIdMappingInfoOkResult() if res["status"] == "UNKNOWN_MAPPING_ERROR": return UnknownMappingError() raise_general_exception("Unknown response") raise_general_exception("Please upgrade the SuperTokens core to >= 3.15.0")
class SupertokensConfig (connection_uri: str, api_key: Union[str, None] = None)
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class SupertokensConfig: def __init__( self, connection_uri: str, api_key: Union[str, None] = None ): # We keep this = None here because this is directly used by the user. self.connection_uri = connection_uri self.api_key = api_key