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# Copyright (c) 2021, VRAI Labs and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License") as published by the Apache Software Foundation.
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
# obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

from re import sub
from time import time
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Union

from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa import RSAPublicKey
from httpx import AsyncClient
from jwt import decode, encode
from jwt.algorithms import RSAAlgorithm
from supertokens_python.recipe.thirdparty.api.implementation import (
from supertokens_python.recipe.thirdparty.constants import APPLE_REDIRECT_HANDLER
from supertokens_python.recipe.thirdparty.provider import Provider
from supertokens_python.recipe.thirdparty.types import (
from supertokens_python.supertokens import Supertokens

    from supertokens_python.framework.request import BaseRequest

class Apple(Provider):
    def __init__(
        client_id: str,
        client_key_id: str,
        client_private_key: str,
        client_team_id: str,
        scope: Union[None, List[str]] = None,
        authorisation_redirect: Union[
            None, Dict[str, Union[Callable[[BaseRequest], str], str]]
        ] = None,
        is_default: bool = False,
        super().__init__("apple", is_default)
        self.APPLE_PUBLIC_KEY_URL = ""
        self.APPLE_PUBLIC_KEYS: List[RSAPublicKey] = []
        self.APPLE_KEY_CACHE_EXP = 60 * 60 * 24
        self.apple_last_fetch = 0
        default_scopes = ["email"]

        if scope is None:
            scope = default_scopes
        self.client_id = client_id
        self.client_key_id = client_key_id
        self.client_private_key = client_private_key
        self.client_team_id = client_team_id
        self.scopes = list(set(scope))
        self.access_token_api_url = ""
        self.authorisation_redirect_url = ""
        self.authorisation_redirect_params = {}
        if authorisation_redirect is not None:
            self.authorisation_redirect_params = authorisation_redirect

    def __get_client_secret(self) -> str:
        payload = {
            "iss": self.client_team_id,
            "iat": time(),
            "exp": time() + (86400 * 180),  # 6 months
            "aud": "",
            "sub": get_actual_client_id_from_development_client_id(self.client_id),
        headers = {"kid": self.client_key_id}
        return encode(
            sub(r"\\n", "\n", self.client_private_key),
        )  # type: ignore

    async def get_profile_info(
        self, auth_code_response: Dict[str, Any], user_context: Dict[str, Any]
    ) -> UserInfo:
        # - Verify the JWS E256 signature using the server’s public key
        # - Verify the nonce for the authentication
        # - Verify that the iss field contains
        # - Verify that the aud field is the developer’s client_id
        # - Verify that the time is earlier than the exp value of the token
        await self._verify_apple_id_token(auth_code_response["id_token"])
        payload: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = decode(
            jwt=auth_code_response["id_token"], options={"verify_signature": False}
        if payload is None:
            raise Exception(
                "no user info found from user's id token received from apple"
        if "email" not in payload or payload["email"] is None:
            raise Exception(
                "no user info found from user's id token received from apple"

        user_id = payload["sub"]
        email = payload["email"]
        is_email_verified = (
            payload["email_verified"] if "email_verified" in payload else False
        return UserInfo(user_id, UserInfoEmail(email, is_email_verified))

    def get_authorisation_redirect_api_info(
        self, user_context: Dict[str, Any]
    ) -> AuthorisationRedirectAPI:
        params = {
            "scope": " ".join(self.scopes),
            "response_type": "code",
            "response_mode": "form_post",
            "client_id": self.client_id,
        return AuthorisationRedirectAPI(self.authorisation_redirect_url, params)

    def get_access_token_api_info(
        redirect_uri: str,
        auth_code_from_request: str,
        user_context: Dict[str, Any],
    ) -> AccessTokenAPI:
        params = {
            "client_id": self.client_id,
            "client_secret": self.__get_client_secret(),
            "grant_type": "authorization_code",
            "code": auth_code_from_request,
            "redirect_uri": redirect_uri,
        return AccessTokenAPI(self.access_token_api_url, params)

    def get_redirect_uri(self, user_context: Dict[str, Any]) -> Union[None, str]:
        app_info = Supertokens.get_instance().app_info
        redirect_uri = app_info.api_domain.get_as_string_dangerous()
        redirect_uri += app_info.api_base_path.get_as_string_dangerous()
        redirect_uri += APPLE_REDIRECT_HANDLER
        return redirect_uri

    async def _fetch_apple_public_keys(self) -> List[RSAPublicKey]:
        # Check to see if the public key is unset or is stale before returning
        if (self.apple_last_fetch + self.APPLE_KEY_CACHE_EXP) < int(time()) or len(
        ) == 0:
            async with AsyncClient() as client:
                response = await client.get(self.APPLE_PUBLIC_KEY_URL)  # type:ignore
                key_payload = response.json()
                for key in key_payload["keys"]:
                    self.APPLE_PUBLIC_KEYS.append(RSAAlgorithm.from_jwk(key))  # type: ignore
                self.apple_last_fetch = int(time())

        return self.APPLE_PUBLIC_KEYS

    async def _verify_apple_id_token(self, token: str) -> None:
        public_keys = await self._fetch_apple_public_keys()
        err = Exception("Id token verification failed")
        for key in public_keys:
                decode(jwt=token, key=key, audience=[get_actual_client_id_from_development_client_id(self.client_id)], algorithms=["RS256"])  # type: ignore
            except Exception as e:
                err = e
        raise err

    def get_client_id(self, user_context: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
        return self.client_id


class Apple (client_id: str, client_key_id: str, client_private_key: str, client_team_id: str, scope: Union[None, List[str]] = None, authorisation_redirect: Union[None, Dict[str, Union[Callable[[BaseRequest], str], str]]] = None, is_default: bool = False)

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

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class Apple(Provider):
    def __init__(
        client_id: str,
        client_key_id: str,
        client_private_key: str,
        client_team_id: str,
        scope: Union[None, List[str]] = None,
        authorisation_redirect: Union[
            None, Dict[str, Union[Callable[[BaseRequest], str], str]]
        ] = None,
        is_default: bool = False,
        super().__init__("apple", is_default)
        self.APPLE_PUBLIC_KEY_URL = ""
        self.APPLE_PUBLIC_KEYS: List[RSAPublicKey] = []
        self.APPLE_KEY_CACHE_EXP = 60 * 60 * 24
        self.apple_last_fetch = 0
        default_scopes = ["email"]

        if scope is None:
            scope = default_scopes
        self.client_id = client_id
        self.client_key_id = client_key_id
        self.client_private_key = client_private_key
        self.client_team_id = client_team_id
        self.scopes = list(set(scope))
        self.access_token_api_url = ""
        self.authorisation_redirect_url = ""
        self.authorisation_redirect_params = {}
        if authorisation_redirect is not None:
            self.authorisation_redirect_params = authorisation_redirect

    def __get_client_secret(self) -> str:
        payload = {
            "iss": self.client_team_id,
            "iat": time(),
            "exp": time() + (86400 * 180),  # 6 months
            "aud": "",
            "sub": get_actual_client_id_from_development_client_id(self.client_id),
        headers = {"kid": self.client_key_id}
        return encode(
            sub(r"\\n", "\n", self.client_private_key),
        )  # type: ignore

    async def get_profile_info(
        self, auth_code_response: Dict[str, Any], user_context: Dict[str, Any]
    ) -> UserInfo:
        # - Verify the JWS E256 signature using the server’s public key
        # - Verify the nonce for the authentication
        # - Verify that the iss field contains
        # - Verify that the aud field is the developer’s client_id
        # - Verify that the time is earlier than the exp value of the token
        await self._verify_apple_id_token(auth_code_response["id_token"])
        payload: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = decode(
            jwt=auth_code_response["id_token"], options={"verify_signature": False}
        if payload is None:
            raise Exception(
                "no user info found from user's id token received from apple"
        if "email" not in payload or payload["email"] is None:
            raise Exception(
                "no user info found from user's id token received from apple"

        user_id = payload["sub"]
        email = payload["email"]
        is_email_verified = (
            payload["email_verified"] if "email_verified" in payload else False
        return UserInfo(user_id, UserInfoEmail(email, is_email_verified))

    def get_authorisation_redirect_api_info(
        self, user_context: Dict[str, Any]
    ) -> AuthorisationRedirectAPI:
        params = {
            "scope": " ".join(self.scopes),
            "response_type": "code",
            "response_mode": "form_post",
            "client_id": self.client_id,
        return AuthorisationRedirectAPI(self.authorisation_redirect_url, params)

    def get_access_token_api_info(
        redirect_uri: str,
        auth_code_from_request: str,
        user_context: Dict[str, Any],
    ) -> AccessTokenAPI:
        params = {
            "client_id": self.client_id,
            "client_secret": self.__get_client_secret(),
            "grant_type": "authorization_code",
            "code": auth_code_from_request,
            "redirect_uri": redirect_uri,
        return AccessTokenAPI(self.access_token_api_url, params)

    def get_redirect_uri(self, user_context: Dict[str, Any]) -> Union[None, str]:
        app_info = Supertokens.get_instance().app_info
        redirect_uri = app_info.api_domain.get_as_string_dangerous()
        redirect_uri += app_info.api_base_path.get_as_string_dangerous()
        redirect_uri += APPLE_REDIRECT_HANDLER
        return redirect_uri

    async def _fetch_apple_public_keys(self) -> List[RSAPublicKey]:
        # Check to see if the public key is unset or is stale before returning
        if (self.apple_last_fetch + self.APPLE_KEY_CACHE_EXP) < int(time()) or len(
        ) == 0:
            async with AsyncClient() as client:
                response = await client.get(self.APPLE_PUBLIC_KEY_URL)  # type:ignore
                key_payload = response.json()
                for key in key_payload["keys"]:
                    self.APPLE_PUBLIC_KEYS.append(RSAAlgorithm.from_jwk(key))  # type: ignore
                self.apple_last_fetch = int(time())

        return self.APPLE_PUBLIC_KEYS

    async def _verify_apple_id_token(self, token: str) -> None:
        public_keys = await self._fetch_apple_public_keys()
        err = Exception("Id token verification failed")
        for key in public_keys:
                decode(jwt=token, key=key, audience=[get_actual_client_id_from_development_client_id(self.client_id)], algorithms=["RS256"])  # type: ignore
            except Exception as e:
                err = e
        raise err

    def get_client_id(self, user_context: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
        return self.client_id



def get_access_token_api_info(self, redirect_uri: str, auth_code_from_request: str, user_context: Dict[str, Any]) ‑> AccessTokenAPI
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def get_access_token_api_info(
    redirect_uri: str,
    auth_code_from_request: str,
    user_context: Dict[str, Any],
) -> AccessTokenAPI:
    params = {
        "client_id": self.client_id,
        "client_secret": self.__get_client_secret(),
        "grant_type": "authorization_code",
        "code": auth_code_from_request,
        "redirect_uri": redirect_uri,
    return AccessTokenAPI(self.access_token_api_url, params)
def get_authorisation_redirect_api_info(self, user_context: Dict[str, Any]) ‑> AuthorisationRedirectAPI
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def get_authorisation_redirect_api_info(
    self, user_context: Dict[str, Any]
) -> AuthorisationRedirectAPI:
    params = {
        "scope": " ".join(self.scopes),
        "response_type": "code",
        "response_mode": "form_post",
        "client_id": self.client_id,
    return AuthorisationRedirectAPI(self.authorisation_redirect_url, params)
def get_client_id(self, user_context: Dict[str, Any]) ‑> str
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def get_client_id(self, user_context: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
    return self.client_id
async def get_profile_info(self, auth_code_response: Dict[str, Any], user_context: Dict[str, Any]) ‑> UserInfo
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async def get_profile_info(
    self, auth_code_response: Dict[str, Any], user_context: Dict[str, Any]
) -> UserInfo:
    # - Verify the JWS E256 signature using the server’s public key
    # - Verify the nonce for the authentication
    # - Verify that the iss field contains
    # - Verify that the aud field is the developer’s client_id
    # - Verify that the time is earlier than the exp value of the token
    await self._verify_apple_id_token(auth_code_response["id_token"])
    payload: Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] = decode(
        jwt=auth_code_response["id_token"], options={"verify_signature": False}
    if payload is None:
        raise Exception(
            "no user info found from user's id token received from apple"
    if "email" not in payload or payload["email"] is None:
        raise Exception(
            "no user info found from user's id token received from apple"

    user_id = payload["sub"]
    email = payload["email"]
    is_email_verified = (
        payload["email_verified"] if "email_verified" in payload else False
    return UserInfo(user_id, UserInfoEmail(email, is_email_verified))
def get_redirect_uri(self, user_context: Dict[str, Any]) ‑> Optional[None]
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def get_redirect_uri(self, user_context: Dict[str, Any]) -> Union[None, str]:
    app_info = Supertokens.get_instance().app_info
    redirect_uri = app_info.api_domain.get_as_string_dangerous()
    redirect_uri += app_info.api_base_path.get_as_string_dangerous()
    redirect_uri += APPLE_REDIRECT_HANDLER
    return redirect_uri