Module supertokens_python.recipe.thirdpartyemailpassword.interfaces
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from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Union, List
from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
from typing_extensions import Literal
from supertokens_python.recipe.emailpassword.interfaces import CreateResetPasswordResult, ResetPasswordUsingTokenResult, \
UpdateEmailOrPasswordResult, SignInResult, SignUpResult, EmailExistsGetResponse, \
GeneratePasswordResetTokenPostResponse, PasswordResetPostResponse, APIOptions as EmailPasswordApiOptions
from supertokens_python.recipe.emailpassword.types import FormField
from supertokens_python.recipe.thirdparty.interfaces import SignInUpResult, APIOptions as ThirdPartyApiOptions, \
from supertokens_python.recipe.thirdparty.provider import Provider
from supertokens_python.recipe.thirdpartyemailpassword.types import User, UsersResponse
class RecipeInterface(ABC):
def __init__(self):
async def get_user_by_id(self, user_id: str) -> Union[User, None]:
async def get_users_by_email(self, email: str) -> List[User]:
async def get_user_by_thirdparty_info(self, third_party_id: str, third_party_user_id: str) -> Union[User, None]:
async def sign_in_up(self, third_party_id: str, third_party_user_id: str, email: str,
email_verified: bool) -> SignInUpResult:
async def sign_in(self, email: str, password: str) -> SignInResult:
async def sign_up(self, email: str, password: str) -> SignUpResult:
async def get_users_oldest_first(self, limit: int = None, next_pagination: str = None) -> UsersResponse:
async def get_users_newest_first(self, limit: int = None, next_pagination: str = None) -> UsersResponse:
async def get_user_count(self) -> int:
async def create_reset_password_token(self, user_id: str) -> CreateResetPasswordResult:
async def reset_password_using_token(self, token: str, new_password: str) -> ResetPasswordUsingTokenResult:
async def update_email_or_password(self, user_id: str, email: str = None,
password: str = None) -> UpdateEmailOrPasswordResult:
class SignInUpPostResponse(ABC):
def __init__(self, recipe_type: Literal['emailpassword', 'thirdparty'],
status: Literal[
user: Union[User, None] = None,
created_new_user: Union[bool, None] = None, auth_code_response: any = None,
error: Union[str, None] = None):
self.type = recipe_type
self.status = status
self.is_ok = False
self.is_no_email_given_by_provider = False
self.is_wrong_credentials_error = False
self.is_email_already_exists_error = False
self.user = user
self.created_new_user = created_new_user
self.error = error
self.auth_code_response = auth_code_response
def to_json(self):
class SignInUpPostThirdPartyOkResponse(SignInUpPostResponse):
def __init__(self, user: User, created_new_user: bool,
auth_code_response: any):
super().__init__('thirdparty', 'OK', user, created_new_user, auth_code_response)
self.is_ok = True
def to_json(self):
return {
'status': self.status,
'user': {
'id': self.user.user_id,
'timeJoined': self.user.time_joined,
'thirdParty': {
'userId': self.user.third_party_info.user_id
'createdNewUser': self.created_new_user
class SignInUpPostThirdPartyNoEmailGivenByProviderResponse(
def __init__(self):
super().__init__('thirdparty', 'NO_EMAIL_GIVEN_BY_PROVIDER')
self.is_no_email_given_by_provider = True
def to_json(self):
return {
'status': self.status
class SignInUpPostEmailPasswordOkResponse(SignInUpPostResponse):
def __init__(self, user: User, created_new_user: bool):
super().__init__('emailpassword', 'OK', user, created_new_user)
self.is_ok = True
def to_json(self):
return {
'status': self.status,
'user': {
'id': self.user.user_id,
'timeJoined': self.user.time_joined
'createdNewUser': self.created_new_user
class SignInUpPostEmailPasswordWrongCredentialsErrorResponse(
def __init__(self):
super().__init__('emailpassword', 'WRONG_CREDENTIALS_ERROR')
self.is_wrong_credentials_error = True
def to_json(self):
return {
'status': self.status
class SignUpPostEmailPasswordEmailAlreadyExistsErrorResponse(
def __init__(self):
super().__init__('emailpassword', 'EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR')
self.is_email_already_exists_error = True
def to_json(self):
return {
'status': self.status
class SignInUpAPIInput:
def __init__(self, recipe_type: Literal['emailpassword', 'thirdparty'],
options: Union[EmailPasswordApiOptions, ThirdPartyApiOptions], provider: Union[Provider, None] = None,
code: Union[str, None] = None, redirect_uri: Union[str, None] = None, is_sign_in: bool = False,
form_fields: Union[List[FormField], None] = None):
self.type = recipe_type
self.options = options
self.provider = provider
self.code = code
self.redirect_uri = redirect_uri
self.is_sign_in = is_sign_in
self.form_fields = form_fields
class APIInterface(ABC):
def __init__(self):
self.disable_sign_in_up_post = False
self.disable_authorisation_url_get = False
self.disable_email_exists_get = False
self.disable_generate_password_reset_token_post = False
self.disable_password_reset_post = False
async def authorisation_url_get(self, provider: Provider,
api_options: ThirdPartyApiOptions) -> AuthorisationUrlGetResponse:
async def sign_in_up_post(self, api_options: SignInUpAPIInput) -> SignInUpPostResponse:
async def email_exists_get(self, email: str, api_options: EmailPasswordApiOptions) -> EmailExistsGetResponse:
async def generate_password_reset_token_post(self, form_fields: List[FormField],
api_options: EmailPasswordApiOptions) -> GeneratePasswordResetTokenPostResponse:
async def password_reset_post(self, token: str, form_fields: List[FormField],
api_options: EmailPasswordApiOptions) -> PasswordResetPostResponse:
class APIInterface
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.
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class APIInterface(ABC): def __init__(self): self.disable_sign_in_up_post = False self.disable_authorisation_url_get = False self.disable_email_exists_get = False self.disable_generate_password_reset_token_post = False self.disable_password_reset_post = False @abstractmethod async def authorisation_url_get(self, provider: Provider, api_options: ThirdPartyApiOptions) -> AuthorisationUrlGetResponse: pass @abstractmethod async def sign_in_up_post(self, api_options: SignInUpAPIInput) -> SignInUpPostResponse: pass @abstractmethod async def email_exists_get(self, email: str, api_options: EmailPasswordApiOptions) -> EmailExistsGetResponse: pass @abstractmethod async def generate_password_reset_token_post(self, form_fields: List[FormField], api_options: EmailPasswordApiOptions) -> GeneratePasswordResetTokenPostResponse: pass @abstractmethod async def password_reset_post(self, token: str, form_fields: List[FormField], api_options: EmailPasswordApiOptions) -> PasswordResetPostResponse: pass
- abc.ABC
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@abstractmethod async def authorisation_url_get(self, provider: Provider, api_options: ThirdPartyApiOptions) -> AuthorisationUrlGetResponse: pass
async def email_exists_get(self, email: str, api_options: APIOptions) ‑> EmailExistsGetResponse
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@abstractmethod async def email_exists_get(self, email: str, api_options: EmailPasswordApiOptions) -> EmailExistsGetResponse: pass
async def generate_password_reset_token_post(self, form_fields: List[FormField], api_options: APIOptions) ‑> GeneratePasswordResetTokenPostResponse
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@abstractmethod async def generate_password_reset_token_post(self, form_fields: List[FormField], api_options: EmailPasswordApiOptions) -> GeneratePasswordResetTokenPostResponse: pass
async def password_reset_post(self, token: str, form_fields: List[FormField], api_options: APIOptions) ‑> PasswordResetPostResponse
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@abstractmethod async def password_reset_post(self, token: str, form_fields: List[FormField], api_options: EmailPasswordApiOptions) -> PasswordResetPostResponse: pass
async def sign_in_up_post(self, api_options: SignInUpAPIInput) ‑> SignInUpPostResponse
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@abstractmethod async def sign_in_up_post(self, api_options: SignInUpAPIInput) -> SignInUpPostResponse: pass
class RecipeInterface
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.
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class RecipeInterface(ABC): def __init__(self): pass @abstractmethod async def get_user_by_id(self, user_id: str) -> Union[User, None]: pass @abstractmethod async def get_users_by_email(self, email: str) -> List[User]: pass @abstractmethod async def get_user_by_thirdparty_info(self, third_party_id: str, third_party_user_id: str) -> Union[User, None]: pass @abstractmethod async def sign_in_up(self, third_party_id: str, third_party_user_id: str, email: str, email_verified: bool) -> SignInUpResult: pass @abstractmethod async def sign_in(self, email: str, password: str) -> SignInResult: pass @abstractmethod async def sign_up(self, email: str, password: str) -> SignUpResult: pass @abstractmethod async def get_users_oldest_first(self, limit: int = None, next_pagination: str = None) -> UsersResponse: pass @abstractmethod async def get_users_newest_first(self, limit: int = None, next_pagination: str = None) -> UsersResponse: pass @abstractmethod async def get_user_count(self) -> int: pass @abstractmethod async def create_reset_password_token(self, user_id: str) -> CreateResetPasswordResult: pass @abstractmethod async def reset_password_using_token(self, token: str, new_password: str) -> ResetPasswordUsingTokenResult: pass @abstractmethod async def update_email_or_password(self, user_id: str, email: str = None, password: str = None) -> UpdateEmailOrPasswordResult: pass
- abc.ABC
async def create_reset_password_token(self, user_id: str) ‑> CreateResetPasswordResult
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@abstractmethod async def create_reset_password_token(self, user_id: str) -> CreateResetPasswordResult: pass
async def get_user_by_id(self, user_id: str) ‑> Optional[User]
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@abstractmethod async def get_user_by_id(self, user_id: str) -> Union[User, None]: pass
async def get_user_by_thirdparty_info(self, third_party_id: str, third_party_user_id: str) ‑> Optional[User]
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@abstractmethod async def get_user_by_thirdparty_info(self, third_party_id: str, third_party_user_id: str) -> Union[User, None]: pass
async def get_user_count(self) ‑> int
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@abstractmethod async def get_user_count(self) -> int: pass
async def get_users_by_email(self, email: str) ‑> List[User]
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@abstractmethod async def get_users_by_email(self, email: str) -> List[User]: pass
async def get_users_newest_first(self, limit: int = None, next_pagination: str = None) ‑> UsersResponse
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@abstractmethod async def get_users_newest_first(self, limit: int = None, next_pagination: str = None) -> UsersResponse: pass
async def get_users_oldest_first(self, limit: int = None, next_pagination: str = None) ‑> UsersResponse
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@abstractmethod async def get_users_oldest_first(self, limit: int = None, next_pagination: str = None) -> UsersResponse: pass
async def reset_password_using_token(self, token: str, new_password: str) ‑> ResetPasswordUsingTokenResult
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@abstractmethod async def reset_password_using_token(self, token: str, new_password: str) -> ResetPasswordUsingTokenResult: pass
async def sign_in(self, email: str, password: str) ‑> SignInResult
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@abstractmethod async def sign_in(self, email: str, password: str) -> SignInResult: pass
async def sign_in_up(self, third_party_id: str, third_party_user_id: str, email: str, email_verified: bool) ‑> SignInUpResult
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@abstractmethod async def sign_in_up(self, third_party_id: str, third_party_user_id: str, email: str, email_verified: bool) -> SignInUpResult: pass
async def sign_up(self, email: str, password: str) ‑> SignUpResult
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@abstractmethod async def sign_up(self, email: str, password: str) -> SignUpResult: pass
async def update_email_or_password(self, user_id: str, email: str = None, password: str = None) ‑> UpdateEmailOrPasswordResult
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@abstractmethod async def update_email_or_password(self, user_id: str, email: str = None, password: str = None) -> UpdateEmailOrPasswordResult: pass
class SignInUpAPIInput (recipe_type: Literal['emailpassword', 'thirdparty'], options: Union[APIOptions, APIOptions], provider: Optional[Provider] = None, code: Optional[str] = None, redirect_uri: Optional[str] = None, is_sign_in: bool = False, form_fields: Optional[List[FormField]] = None)
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class SignInUpAPIInput: def __init__(self, recipe_type: Literal['emailpassword', 'thirdparty'], options: Union[EmailPasswordApiOptions, ThirdPartyApiOptions], provider: Union[Provider, None] = None, code: Union[str, None] = None, redirect_uri: Union[str, None] = None, is_sign_in: bool = False, form_fields: Union[List[FormField], None] = None): self.type = recipe_type self.options = options self.provider = provider self.code = code self.redirect_uri = redirect_uri self.is_sign_in = is_sign_in self.form_fields = form_fields
class SignInUpPostEmailPasswordOkResponse (user: User, created_new_user: bool)
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.
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class SignInUpPostEmailPasswordOkResponse(SignInUpPostResponse): def __init__(self, user: User, created_new_user: bool): super().__init__('emailpassword', 'OK', user, created_new_user) self.is_ok = True def to_json(self): return { 'status': self.status, 'user': { 'id': self.user.user_id, 'email':, 'timeJoined': self.user.time_joined }, 'createdNewUser': self.created_new_user }
- SignInUpPostResponse
- abc.ABC
def to_json(self)
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def to_json(self): return { 'status': self.status, 'user': { 'id': self.user.user_id, 'email':, 'timeJoined': self.user.time_joined }, 'createdNewUser': self.created_new_user }
class SignInUpPostEmailPasswordWrongCredentialsErrorResponse
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.
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class SignInUpPostEmailPasswordWrongCredentialsErrorResponse( SignInUpPostResponse): def __init__(self): super().__init__('emailpassword', 'WRONG_CREDENTIALS_ERROR') self.is_wrong_credentials_error = True def to_json(self): return { 'status': self.status }
- SignInUpPostResponse
- abc.ABC
def to_json(self)
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def to_json(self): return { 'status': self.status }
class SignInUpPostResponse (recipe_type: Literal['emailpassword', 'thirdparty'], status: Literal['OK', 'NO_EMAIL_GIVEN_BY_PROVIDER', 'WRONG_CREDENTIALS_ERROR', 'EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR'], user: Optional[User] = None, created_new_user: Optional[bool] = None, auth_code_response:
= None, error: Optional[str] = None) -
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.
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class SignInUpPostResponse(ABC): def __init__(self, recipe_type: Literal['emailpassword', 'thirdparty'], status: Literal[ 'OK', 'NO_EMAIL_GIVEN_BY_PROVIDER', 'WRONG_CREDENTIALS_ERROR', 'EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR'], user: Union[User, None] = None, created_new_user: Union[bool, None] = None, auth_code_response: any = None, error: Union[str, None] = None): self.type = recipe_type self.status = status self.is_ok = False self.is_no_email_given_by_provider = False self.is_wrong_credentials_error = False self.is_email_already_exists_error = False self.user = user self.created_new_user = created_new_user self.error = error self.auth_code_response = auth_code_response @abstractmethod def to_json(self): pass
- abc.ABC
- SignInUpPostEmailPasswordOkResponse
- SignInUpPostEmailPasswordWrongCredentialsErrorResponse
- SignInUpPostThirdPartyNoEmailGivenByProviderResponse
- SignInUpPostThirdPartyOkResponse
- SignUpPostEmailPasswordEmailAlreadyExistsErrorResponse
def to_json(self)
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@abstractmethod def to_json(self): pass
class SignInUpPostThirdPartyNoEmailGivenByProviderResponse
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.
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class SignInUpPostThirdPartyNoEmailGivenByProviderResponse( SignInUpPostResponse): def __init__(self): super().__init__('thirdparty', 'NO_EMAIL_GIVEN_BY_PROVIDER') self.is_no_email_given_by_provider = True def to_json(self): return { 'status': self.status }
- SignInUpPostResponse
- abc.ABC
def to_json(self)
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def to_json(self): return { 'status': self.status }
class SignInUpPostThirdPartyOkResponse (user: User, created_new_user: bool, auth_code_response:
) -
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.
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class SignInUpPostThirdPartyOkResponse(SignInUpPostResponse): def __init__(self, user: User, created_new_user: bool, auth_code_response: any): super().__init__('thirdparty', 'OK', user, created_new_user, auth_code_response) self.is_ok = True def to_json(self): return { 'status': self.status, 'user': { 'id': self.user.user_id, 'email':, 'timeJoined': self.user.time_joined, 'thirdParty': { 'id':, 'userId': self.user.third_party_info.user_id } }, 'createdNewUser': self.created_new_user }
- SignInUpPostResponse
- abc.ABC
def to_json(self)
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def to_json(self): return { 'status': self.status, 'user': { 'id': self.user.user_id, 'email':, 'timeJoined': self.user.time_joined, 'thirdParty': { 'id':, 'userId': self.user.third_party_info.user_id } }, 'createdNewUser': self.created_new_user }
class SignUpPostEmailPasswordEmailAlreadyExistsErrorResponse
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.
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class SignUpPostEmailPasswordEmailAlreadyExistsErrorResponse( SignInUpPostResponse): def __init__(self): super().__init__('emailpassword', 'EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR') self.is_email_already_exists_error = True def to_json(self): return { 'status': self.status }
- SignInUpPostResponse
- abc.ABC
def to_json(self)
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def to_json(self): return { 'status': self.status }